
What Countries Would Look Like After WW3


The next world war will be an all-out battle involving every country and depending on who comes out on top, the world you know could look extremely different. Check out today’s insane video that imagines what the world would look like after the next major war shifts the power dynamics and country borders across the globe.


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43 pemikiran pada “What Countries Would Look Like After WW3”

  1. The 1st scenario has a problem. After 2 years of War in Ukraine, NATO was left with no Armed Forces and without conventional weapons. The only NATO country with Armed Forces that will fight for USA and Western Europe is the USA. USA military doctrine allows for 1, one, large conflict, period.

  2. Texas will take over Mexico first, but the analysis of Russia getting carved up is accurate (except for omitting the fact that Siberia will become Western Alaska).


  4. These are possible, not probable scenarios. IF you think the South Koreans want to unify with North Korea, you'd be sorely mistaken. China keeps Kim in power because they do not want North Korea to become part of China as a complete welfare state. South Koreans wouldn't be thrilled about unification and would want to keep their wealth and standard of living. South Korea could not handle the influx of what would essentially be 26 million destitute refugees. Could unification happen? After many years sure. But there are economic and political forces at play with that. It's more likely that North Korea would have a pro-democracy government installed and be a hotbed for financial investments. On the idea of Mexico and Latin America and other indebted countries joining the side of China… highly unlikely. If China is defeated they would owe NOTHING, having sided or remained neutral with the USA and NATO. Latin American countries are already trying to distance themselves from the bad deals that they made with China out of desperation. The idea that highly industrialized nations would want to absorb much less developed resource poor countries that would strain their own infrastructure to the breaking point is idiotic and myopic. Insofar as the Aussie's giving up or into China, I don't think that would happen. Aussie and New Zealands people are tough. It's like Texans and Scotts got together to have the toughest babies on the planet and put them all in the lands down under.

  5. Very likely if NATO defeats Russia, that the European part would be the new Russia and the Asian part spllited by several smaller nation or maybe one Siberia nation.

  6. US army isn't the strongest army in this planet any more and won't be. De dollarization and looming economic collapse will guarantee that it will further decline, meanwhile enjoy Chinese fentanyl.

  7. Your analysis is biased. It's hate speech. I don't buy it. Billions have died bcoz you endless hypocritical cultures. False news, democracy, freedom of speech… Rule of law etc Are all Anti-human… 😢… I don't buy your analysis

  8. We started wrong with Mexico in the first scenario, despite being neighbors Mexico would remain neutral unless they tried to invade or attack the country, and Russia would never do that, they have always helped Mexico where north américa has left them hanging, they always do that….. How do I know that? well I'm Mexican and I know the current good relations both countries have and had in the last 100+ years and US keeps threatening about invading as a dissuasion for whatever reason…
    Just look at the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Mexico never took a negative stance against Russia, just stated that conflict should stop and to start a cease of fire and peace negotiations and in this case the US always got in the way of this whispering to Ukraine and look at the current state, they just left them on the side and a lot of "help" was used for weapon trafficking.

  9. So you saying half beaten and damaged Russia (India's true old friend) and China will be able to defeat full strength India. An India which had all the time in the world to prepare for the war, while Russia and China were busy in the war? and on top of it Pakistan will occupy half of India? Seriously? Please do some homework next time.

  10. Not sure about the outcome of a Two-front war India will face against china and pakistan but I can assure you after the war, there will be no pakistan 😂

  11. Populism has led to every World War, ask Israel how moving to the right has improved their safety… they ended up with 2000 citizens kidnapped or murdered. When your leader is insulting his enemies, he is providing the enemy with the justification for building support for attacking you back. I will be voting for Biden, to continue the Calm at home, and for Russia to stay busy on its border, and away from ours.

  12. The US has the most powerful military in the world? We couldn't defeat a rag-tag military called the Taliban that defeated us after 20 years. These scenarios are laughable!!!

  13. haha you can assume that china and russia have not better tactics than NATO, China has the most advanced military and weapons with AI enabled, US cant counter china and russia's cyber attacks

  14. You are not thinking this straight and no thats not the only way the most probable way we go to ww3 is if ukraine looses the war and russia attacks poland next as their targer, but before I continue the world after ww3 would be a nuclear winter no man animal fish vegetation and bugs would be left alive except cockroaches, too many nukes= too much radiation on the planet

  15. 哈哈,美国和西方永远都是正义的化身,天天都是这些套路,多看看历史,中国是5000年来一直在桌上的玩家,美国近100年的崛起只是意外,现在工业空心化,平常打打全球小朋友就行了,跟中国这样的工业怪兽对抗,你有什么胜算,现在只有媒体话语权是最强大的,仅此而已了。

  16. Not sure how you feel that NATO can be bested by Xi and rasPutin. Both have too many problems. Both are incompetent autocrats

  17. It's bs from the beginning. NATO would not declare war on Russia for using tactical nukes on Ukraine. Nobody cares about Ukraine, or NATO would have attacked Russia by now. There is an agreement of sorts that an all-out war between NATO and Russia/China must never happen, and nobody is going to risk the future of the entire planet over a country like Ukraine.

  18. Right off the bat you're showing your bias and ostrich approach to the world. Even 5 months ago, Russia had already WON the war with Ukraine. In the past year, not a single foot of land has been gained by Ukraine but much has still been lost by them. Further, the "heavy sanctions" imposed on Russia have done more to hurt the economies of the US and Europe than Russia. China taking eastern Russia puts the CCP off the coast of Alaska. That's not a good step toward "lasting peace".

    I notice that there's no reference to Hamas starting a war with Israel.

  19. it's kinda biased placing China and Russia as "world threats" when USA is the one bombing, attacking and couping other countries haha.

  20. War needs weapons & money, those who have money wins. Oil & food plays the main role in wars. Look at the financial situations of Nato, EU and US, all are in dire straits. Print money to buy weapons, fuel & food in war against China, Iran, Russia and North Korea? 😅

  21. Excuse me, "how do you know that NATO has better weapons and tactics"??? Did CNN told you that? Or was it Hollywood???

  22. In your first scenario where Russia drops a nuke on Ukraine, article 4 of NATO cannot be applied, because Ukraine is not a NATO member. WTF is wrong with you….

  23. You mean NATO couldnt afford war against Russia and China, you seem to forget that NATO is actually USA and second largest army in NATO .. Turkey, and i dont think Turkey would go to war for USA. Other NATO members, without USA, would be overrun in a month.


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