
Well.. Season Of Discovery Just Got Exciting News. | World Of Warcraft


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Well season of discovery just got some news to change it forever! Phase 2is looking so bright and we just got so many changes to the pvp event, classes, open world, questing and more! PLUS A major discussion about raid logs and ranking healers and dps! Let’s go!!!!!

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00:00 – Check it Out!
01:55 – HUGE News Coming Soon!
02:30 – Gnomergan Difficulty Real Talk.
04:25 – New Exclusive Mount
05:17 – First DPS Raid Logs!
10:00 – Healer Raid Logs!
12:10 – Brand New Patch Notes!
16:29 – Community Section!
19:27 – Check Out The Streams!

world , Well.. Season Of Discovery Just Got Exciting News. | World Of Warcraft , #Well. #Season #Discovery #Exciting #News #World #Warcraft
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23 pemikiran pada “Well.. Season Of Discovery Just Got Exciting News. | World Of Warcraft”

  1. Let raids be casual friendly and maybe add a harder mode with tuned up stats that drops recolors of the normal drops(just cosmetic not stronger gear) for the tryhards to show off.

  2. If Blizard make another BFD ,u will start losing ppl …. I mean even Gnomer isnt that hard be real ,take few runs collect some gear and u will clear it …People now want evrything and now and after few days they are complaning about how boring things are ,and they have nothing left to do..Rly?!?!? Best thing is normal and hc , normal for this cry baby's and hc for ppl who dont leave raid grp after 1 wipe.Or just dont nerf it!! P.S. I heard resto druid have new rune ? 😀

  3. I understand that everyone wants to be rewarded for their effort.

    However, if they keep making the game easier, then there would be no need to actually try to do your best

  4. I am happy our little Dad guild cleared Gnomer on the first lock out. It was hard we had no priests or paladins, thus no dispel or remove disease. We had to use Faps and Jungle remedies.

  5. the star surge nerf was needed but WAY too much and the star fire addition just make's the spec feel clunky and horrible! I have max WSG rep, nice gear and enjoy playing druid! it's my favourite class to play and have done for years, mainly played as a feral tank in classic, started SoD as feral and then when i got SP gear i changed to Balance and loved it… but i have stopped playing it completely… it feels clunky and horrible to play after the ''hot fix'' and Feral tanking isn't even an option at the moment because they have been royally neglected, now i'm going to have to rep farm WSG again and gear another toon… big ask really.

    all they had to do with Star Surge was increase the CD to 10-12 seconds and reduce the dmg by like 20%, let's face it, warlocks are critting for crazy amounts, shadow priests with shadow word :death are critting for crazy amounts, but a spec that hasn't been shown any love for yeeeears finally gets on top and instead of doing what they did in phase 1 with hunters and implementing a gradual nerf… they just slapped druids with a nerf hammer and went about their business! playing my priest now… and you watch i bet they get nerfed next… a lot of people are gonna walk away from SoD if this kind of thing keeps happening, sadly :*(

  6. As someone that has played melee hunter from HC as a challenge and into Phase one of sod, the biggest thing that has made it most viable is the melee specialist rune. Reducing a hard hitting spell like raptor strike by a whole 3 second and a 30% chance to completely reset the spell is strong, I would advocate on them reduceing raptor strike by only 2 seconds and keeping an eye on melee hunters as everyone gets gear. Melee hunter weakest point is scaleing, since strength and agility only give 1 attack power in comparison of other classes.

  7. SoD is a lot of fun so if I had any complaints for devs it would be that PvP is too "bursty"; healing is almost impossible in the majority of situations due to the insane burst from one or two people who synergize decently together. Maybe increasing stamina and healing in PvP might help a lot but it seems like most classes need a good amount of PvP balancing, poor ret pallies in pvp and pve haha. Also STV event could use more layers or something I love chaos but there is kind of too many people and the lag is rough most the time. ☮

  8. Want to play high melee damage in WoW SoD ? Take the guy with the bow… Stupid, it should be a niche not overall #1 DPS.

  9. If i wanted retail raid,i was gona play on retail . pvp event sux,raid sux,world pvp sux ,havent tried BGs yet so i cant say anything about them !

  10. well i am fine with them nerfing gnome to the ground.
    Already cleared it twice, my guild cleared the last boss with 9 people as well yesterday.
    My sense of achievement is done.. couldn't care less right now.
    Wait for 5 more days, and nerf it as soo as the normal 3-day reset comes…
    Let the dad guilds clear it as well… SOD is about FUN , NOT competition or difficult raids.
    If someone wants truly hard raids, he may as well go to retail or FFXIV.


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