
watching tiktoks until I find the world’s worst MIL – REACTION


watching tiktoks until I find the world’s worst MIL – REACTION


Hey, TikTok fam! Get ready for a wild ride as we embark on a quest to find the *ultimate* mother-in-law horror story. I’m Charlotte Dobre, and today, we’re diving headfirst into the chaotic world of in-law drama!

Buckle up because this is going to be one rollercoaster of a journey. We’re scrolling through TikTok, laughing, cringing, and maybe shedding a tear or two as we search for the most outrageous mother-in-law moments ever caught on camera.

From meddling in wedding plans to passive-aggressive comments at family gatherings, we’ve seen it all. But can we find the holy grail of mother-in-law madness? The one who takes the cake for being the absolute worst?

Grab your popcorn, hit that subscribe button, and join me as we sift through TikTok’s treasure trove of family dysfunction. Will we find the world’s worst mother-in-law? There’s only one way to find out!

Don’t forget to leave a comment sharing your own mother-in-law horror stories, and who knows, maybe yours will make it to the top of our list! So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the hilarious chaos together. See you in the video! 🤣🎬

#MIL #AITA #MILBeef #MotherInLawDrama #monsterinlaw #motherinlaw #entitled #inlaws #reaction #charlottedobreio #react #reactionchannel #charlottedobre

Hi, I’m Charlotte Dobre. I’m an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I do reactions, commentary and occasionally I make a joke or two. I love poking fun at social media, weddings, entitled people, tiktok and OF COURSE petty people. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it’s a good time.


Edited By Now Creatives

Produced by: Jellysmack

Footage/Sounds/Effects provided by Storyblocks
End screen song:
Defunk – (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass)

world , watching tiktoks until I find the world’s worst MIL – REACTION , #watching #tiktoks #find #worlds #worst #MIL #REACTION
, mother in laws,mother in law,monster in law,mother-in-law,wedding,entitled,entitled people,bad wedding,awful,weddings,shamed,social media,wedding shaming,reddit,reddit stories,reddit wedding,mother of the bride,mother of the groom,crazy bride,marriage,couple,groom,charlotte dobre,charlotte dobre io,reaction,reacting to,mil,justnomil,r/justnomil,MIL,MIL drama

41 pemikiran pada “watching tiktoks until I find the world’s worst MIL – REACTION”

  1. My MIL had my wedding band in her safety deposit box from the day my husband bought my ring set. The day before the wedding she gets the band out and presents it to my husband, and me at the altar, with a diamond missing. Very obviously pried out.

  2. The husband who “forgot” to pick her up from the baby shower wasn’t gonna pick her up in the first place. He had it planned all along. Toss them all away 🗑️

  3. The blond girl with the cap, maybe the first wife might have not been so bad.. it might have been the MIL that made her crazy.. just saying. Carful of that situation!!

  4. Is no one going to talk about the last one? There has to be a history there, or at least on bad terms, I can’t imagine calling the police on my MIL.

    She just needed the bathroom, I don’t get it 😂

  5. I’m 35, my oldest son is 18 y/o he and his girlfriend moved out together. Unfortunately we lost everything had to move in with my son.(and his girlfriend)as a mother in law I treat my daughter in law the way I want to be treated.(period) she recently had surgery, I take her food to her room, help her get up… since we’re at their place I respect their home..I do all the cleaning and we both cook. Side note: I do all the cleaning because it’s a small apartment and I LOVE CLEANING our old house was 3 stories and I was always busy. Now I just do what I can’t to keep my self busy.

  6. My daughter spent her first overnight with her grandma when she was 1 week old.
    I was 16, stressed, and had no clue what I was doing.
    My son on the other hand, has never spent a night away from me or his grandparents as we live with them. I had him at 19 and knew more.

    I understand both sides

  7. OK, learn how to break into your own house in case you ever lose your key or forget your key house. And every apartment has an emergency entrance exit h. Up to you to find it. Everyone has one. Trust me, find Yours that way. In case you're with family, that's assholes. You can leave and get into your house still

  8. Can someone please explain to me why some women do their skincare routine/makeup on camera while telling a story? Just don't get it.

  9. My mom can take my daughter to the damn moon if she wants, but my mother-in-law??? She's not even allowed to take my daughter to the backyard 😂🤣

  10. The baby shower one, this lady has some crazy EX MIL stories. The gas-lighting husband is now her EX husband, HALLELUJAH!

  11. Once again (I posted this before): Just let the bridesmaids wear whatever they want and what suits them! It's done his way here in Germany. And yes: It maybe not so colour coordinated/designed/matching, but WTF cares!!!!

  12. My ex mother n law witnessed my ex trying to kill me in front of our son.. now says she didn’t see anything. Came and took our son (with my ex asking her to) out of them home so I couldn’t take him with me when I left.. there’s so many other things to those are a couple of the worst.

  13. The MIL who changed her flight—I don’t think she ever had a flight into Burbank. She was going to stay in Palm Springs. Why would she pay for a last minute flight into the Palm Springs airport instead of flying directly to that airport to begin with? She wouldn’t. She was always going to fly into Palm Springs.

  14. Right after I married my husband, I had a hickie on my neck. My mother-in-law shrieked at me, "WHAT IS THAT?!?!?" I looked her square in the face and said, "…a sign that your son is very happy."

    That put a stop to that.

  15. what daaa helllll …. how can you take a vulnerable baby barely out of the womb around the country tooo meeeeeeeeeet strangers …. they should be the ones making the travel if they wanted to see the baby and congratulate the new parent…. in my country babies dont go out at allllll for months in fear of getting sick …. that grandma has no consideration whatsoever for the wellbeing of her own grandchild

  16. The wife being jealous of the relationship of the ex girlfriend with the mother in law and the sister is ridiculous. Sorry. Not really sorry. Grow up. They have had a relationship with her for years before you came along. She's besties with the sister. Choose me! Choose me! 😂😂😂

  17. I’m not a hater, but I will say don’t give too much credit to the fairies that get work done not that there’s anything wrong with their own decisions in alternations, but Charlotte you are gorgeous.❤ personally, that fairy was a little too drastic for my tastes I think you’re perfect😊❤🎉

  18. There is so much MIL content. I am bless with two great MIL but I can't stand my FIL. Wish there were videos for that 🙏

  19. Don't agree, the MIL knew enough that her son was sick so she shouldn't visit she must be cognitive enough to know to call the daughter-in-law not to come pick her up or at least call her son… SOMEONE SHOULD HAVE BEEN TOLD. MIL knew what she was doing!!

  20. My husband's father has passed and his mom moved to Florida about 8 years ago. It sucks, on the one hand, because my kids have never gotten to know either of them. On the other hand, I never have to deal with the in-law BS! Lol

  21. Sweet summer child, you haven’t dealt with mother in laws and it shows. That bitch did it on purpose stop trying to stand up for her. Jeez.

  22. First MIL absolutely knew that wasn't her phone. No two month old baby of mine is going upstate anywhere without me. Airport MIL definitely did that on purpose. Baby shower family–ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! First impression MIL–nope, nope, nope. And she is so pretty!!!! I wanna be friends with her.
    13 bridesmaids?? Not the brides responsibility to make sure the that particular bridesmaid looks perfect, not her fault. That's a them problem. Last one–nope. All of these-except the husband in the first impression MIL—-ALL THE NOPES!!!!

  23. Airport MIL just gave you permission to NEVER pick her up from the airport ever again. You just have to cite “no, remember that time I waited for an hour and got the police involved?”

  24. 11:55 this husband is even worse the the mil and Sil. Kick them to the curb! He would probably just end back up with his ex right away anyway, if he not already seeing her behind your back.

  25. A lot of these problems could have been solved if these ladies weren’t being push overs for a man’s family.

  26. I lived with my in-laws for a while (long story)

    Here is the short list in no particulad order of horrible things they did at Mother-in-law's behest:

    *interviewed me for a part-time, unpaid secretarial job with a list of details startup expenses that totaled >4years our current net income. They did this on a Sunday morning while they were still in various stages of 'omg I really hope you wear pajamas to sleep' as they were very much still in bed.
    *branded me evil because I didn't tithe as much as them
    *endentured servitude/

    Some explanation…

    They make >$1,000,000/year net income. Hubs and I made <$13,000/year before I could legally work; <$28,000/year when I started working.

    They expected us to pay them $600,000 for the part of their home we lived in because they overspent on the new build. They are also bad with money so whenever they could afford their own taxes/utilities they would send us a receipt for something in order to pay for it.

    What that meant for us was this: they liquidated all of my husband's retirement and savings accounts, even his share of a house they bought for his brother to live in, so he had absolutely $0 to his name or future inheritance. We were expected to pay for rent (because we could not buy the place we lived in from them). We then paid monthly utilities to them based on a percentage of the overall bills they received (no separate meters despite them knowing before building that they would be doing this to us). We were also expected to pay for any repairs. Anything over the cost of having literally walls, floor, and ceiling was considered an "upgrade" to the build we had to pay for… not kidding, long list. I am trying hard to keep this short 😅

    So newly married couple severely in debt. I couldn't even afford to eat most of the time… their solution was to "help us" by telling us how to live, what to do, when and what to eat, when and how long I could sleep and hubs and I were expected to "yes ma'am, how high!" anytime Mother-in-law said "jump"

    Of course, there was no way I could successfully jump for mother dearest because evil married her sweet baby child!

    *she broke/stole anything of mine she liked under the guise of helping me clean/take out the trash… anything that wasn't trash that she didn't immediately love was "dirty" and had to be thrown away or boxed up – by me. This included most of my clothing, pots, pans, bedding, pillows, books, music, flowers or plants, etc. What it never meant was her or anyone else but me taking a bag of trash to the curb or picking up after my completely checked out husband…. x.x

    *it did include throwing away my original birth certificate which caused my first immigration application to be denied; and had to reapply, causing me to have something called implied status which my workplace then didn't believe and proceeded to harass me while I had to shovel out more money to reapply with lawyers who didn't wanna lawyer x.x

    *in case you are wondering; had to tell in-laws I might not be able to pay them rent/utilities for a while because of it and they told me "if you can't we will find someone who can!" but when hubs caught me in a panic and asked they said "we never said we would kick you out!" … only to eventually tell him the same thing on accident x.x

    Remember, so much debt because of them that we couldn't afford to go anywhere. There are no homeless shelters, or rent adjusted properties available to us and this was in the middle of -40°C canadian winter… knowing that my family wouldn't take me in either. =/

    They only backed off because hubs, when he did get involved, did his honest best with his disabled self to help me…. x.x so they would just try and gaslight and call me crazy because precious son is precious but evil wife is evil

    *speaking of… Mother-in-law constantly criticized my weight (I gain when I starve – who knew; so I was a far, ugly pig that needed to be replaced). No meal she shared with me came without a price tag, insults, offerings to hook up some girl in the neighborhood with my hubs so his "needs" could be met since I apparently couldn't do it… or she'd stick in foods she knew I was allergic/intolerant to…

    *Good Christians read from the Bible and pray for the holiday meals in particular (nothing against Christianity as I am, too… just these particular ones and this is paraphrasing their own words)… point is, they printed off Bible versus for us all to say… and they would do the story about Mary Magdalene getting stoned and I had to speak the lines about being a wh*re. But they had that weird logic that a devil couldn't read word for word from the Bible… so I had to or it proved them right about me.

    *motion censors and cameras were placed in our bedroom and front entrance. They knew we didn't have any money. So Mother-in-law would leave notes or write on the rare package delivered to us (had to buy work clothes online, another whole story) about how "oh we are in debt, guess the bank is open now, spend, spend, spend!" …I also reused plastic grocery bags to carry my personal belonging and whatever I happened to have for lunch to work. So she would count the bags I had going in and out. If for whatever reason it didn't match she would call my husband on his phone to come talk to her… x.x

    *they told us they would evict us(me) if I locked any doors.

    They would bring anyone, homecare worker, repair man, appraisal, whatever, whoever into our space… I could be in the shower or asleep (I worked nightshift for the extra pay and only evil sleeps during the day). Too scared to use the restroom at "home" …

    *Mother-in-law would bring her husband or eldest son with her as a "bodyguard" because I was ab**ing her apparently. If I looked at her, didn't look at her, spoke to her, didn't speak to her… didn't matter, I was "wrong"… but the one thing I never let myself do was be openly hostile or threatening even if she said I was….

    *when the bodyguard was on the phone…. she would turn on all the lights and scream into the phone in the bedroom… turn on and leave the vacuum running…. turn off my fan… take off my blankets…. even sprayed me down with lysol/pinesol/whatever cleaner she was using…. nothing was sacred. I only confirmed this last bit because my snoring/breathing was getting worse and she started getting it in my eyes, nose, and breathed it that shot me up and awake with her pointing the fan at my face and spraying lysol into it….. so she could say she was just cleaning the dirty fan to help me out .. x.x


    There is so much more… I can't even. Sorry for the length and feels if you made it this far. Thankfully hubs and I are not there and have not been for a few years now. He is off disability but I unfortunately am on it…. but we are getting by… no more debts… working on rebuilding ourselves.

    I would never wish any of this on even my worst enemies. So while I don't think I could ever look 'Pretty in petty' I have a lot of love for you all, and admire anytime you manage to save yourselves, partners, each other…. that is true kindness. Religious or not, in my eyes you are the truly blessed people. =^__^=

    And for anyone still in the struggles, or like me, couldn't get help when they needed it most…. it is okay. You are still beautiful, and valuable, too. Thank you all for being alive. Life changes. Better happens. For you, too, one survivor to another. ^_^

  27. Well, I helped my husband to pay off a lot of debt HIS MOTHER caused, only for her to tell me I'm a spoiled brat.

  28. My ex MIL hated me and always did. I was the first one (of three girls in the family) to find out I was expecting our first child. We went over to tell them they're about to be grandparents…. her reaction?? "Ohhhh no! Now? Aren't y'all rushing things? Ohhhh nooooo!" We had been married for 5 years and I was almost 30. We had 4 kids total and she never was positive about the news… EVER. By the 4th kid… I told my ex I didn't want to tell her because she always so negative about the "announcements". So when they came over that day… he told them. And she went off again as usual. But it set my ex off. He went off on her (first and only time ever)…. cussing and screaming, why the fuck are you so fucking NEGATIVE??!!" (mind you they are devout Christians) 😂😂😂. It made her cry… and it made me smile 😂

  29. This is so crazy, I’m so blessed that my MIL was scared to meet ME. She was worried she’d scare me off. She’s a terrific woman and very much a mother to me. I wish these women had the same :’(

  30. My suggestion for the bride whose Mom and Dad in law was so upset for the daughter not looking good enough in the bridesmaid outfit and raising a big stink about it, is to just tell them that either the daughter wear the dress and keep quiet about about or else she just won't be a bridesmaid at the wedding. And if they keep raising fake issues about the dress then the daughter won't be a bridesmaid at the wedding. Because she is only a bridesmaid out of respect for hubby to be and not out of any OTHER OBLIGATION TO BE BE ONE.

  31. i am so thankful to have the mother n law that i have. she is so respectful to me and does anything she can for me. she loved me right away and she has been like a best friend to me. she has even defended me when her son was in the wrong. so i feel bad for the women that don’t have the same


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