
Watch This Before You See Jurassic World: Dominion


Welcome… to Jurassic Park… again.

The gates to Jurassic World are opening up one more time with “Jurassic World: Dominion,” the trilogy-capping final movie in the reboot/sequel series from Colin Trevorrow, Steven Spielberg, J.A. Bayona, and company. This time, you’re going to see exactly what happens when dinosaurs walk the Earth.

Picking up after the events of “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,” “Jurassic World: Dominion” will unite the sequel series’ cast with the heroes of the original series, resulting in a movie that’s nothing less than “Jurassic Park VI.” Want to know what you’re in for this time around? Then watch this before you see “Jurassic World: Dominion.”

#JurassicPark #JurassicWorld #Dominion

Ancient history | 0:00
A new era | 1:37
A blended cast | 3:09
Franklin and Zia | 4:56
“Here we go again” | 6:25
New arrivals | 7:37
When dinosaurs walk the earth… | 8:51
A time jump | 10:17
The big bad? | 11:19
New dinos | 12:28
Trevorrow’s return | 13:56
Clues from an unused script? | 15:08
A new short film | 16:35
Dinosaurs running rampant? | 17:48
Feathered dinos? | 19:00
Animatronic experts | 20:13
Where is the film set? | 21:03
Connections to Camp Cretaceous? | 22:10
The final Jurassic film? | 23:21

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49 pemikiran pada “Watch This Before You See Jurassic World: Dominion”

  1. We accidentally called the Battle at Big Rock dinosaur a Triceratops, but it is actually a Nasutoceratops. We apologize for this discrepancy.

  2. overall a good movie but the Liberal BS was a bit old and highly predictable….more so absolutely boring to the point one has to skip many a dialogue of doom and gloom….but as i said, overall not a bad movie

  3. Its gotta have that inter-racial love aspect to be really hip, and a lot of affirmative action casting for me to like it.

  4. Spoiler alert: If you haven't watched the movie yet, don't read my comment.

    I really really liked all of the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies, but Dominion sucked so hard. There was hardly a plot, all of the character developments were rushed, and really the only appeal was the return of Sam Neil and Laura Dern, which I did like. But all of the introducing new characters and having to reestablish old ones was really rushed and not done very well.

    Also, the plot isn't good either. It starts out with them trying to figure out how humans are going to survive with dinosaurs and then it goes on this whole thing about a giant company and giant locusts and having to solve that problem and Maisie's story, which has very little if any connection to the problem of dinosaurs co-existing with humans. I mean that would have been a fine storyline if the movie hadn't been established as we need to figure out how humans can co-exist with dinosaurs at the end of Fallen Kingdom. Dominion ends with ok well now we have to figure out how to co-exist with dinosaurs just like Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. It basically went full circle with no real conclusion.

    I think Dominion had so much potential to be a great movie, but yeah it didn't turn out so great. I mean I love all of the actors and I really did like the nostalgia of Sam Neil and Laura Dern returning and the development of Maisie's story, but other than that, it's not a good movie.

  5. No interest. I am weary of the never ending sequels of Jurassic Park and the disastrous Star Wars franchise. Hollywood needs to stop being child predators and put down the cocaine , and come up with original ideas.

  6. i'm sorry, but the main premise o' this installment would NEVER happen. there are simply too many hicks with guns and spoiled brat trophy hunters to permit dinosaurs to grow in the wild to any significant number. between new 'cures' for impotence made from ground up Triceratop horns, or milking the gall bladders o' Stegosaurus' for increased male stamina; or whaling ships that would quickly convert to hunting down Mesosaurus calves; or making necklaces out o' Velociraptor teeth while posing for a tik-tok photo trying desperately to look macho holding a converted .50 cal with mounted scope big enough to see clearly craters on the moon in one hand and the head in the other, etc, etc……that said, i'm still going to go see this latest chapter…

  7. "Hey look, a sequel to the other movies about science's excesses and how they might destroy the world through the creation of dinosaurs. Shame the movie didn't have a sub plot about a secondary character's sexual orientation."

    Do you guys ever listen to yourselves? How would that NOT be a shoehorned sub plot? I have to think even gay folks would be scratching their heads over its inclusion. How about not being for "the current thing" for 5 minutes and just let the movie be about the intrigue of dinosaurs ruling the planet again?

  8. They coulda made it more. Lighting was off, it was too dark literally. Sound editing off big time. And a waste of stars and storyline. Worst of the 6…hope they got more plans in the worx

  9. I gave up 1/2 a days pay to leave and line up to see the first midnight showing premiere. I wasn’t disappointed but my boss wasn’t happy. He thought I was nuts.

  10. i like this line " … a world where dinosaur interaction is unlikely but possible, the same way we watch out for bears or sharks. We hunt animals, we traffic them, we heard them, we breed them, we invade their territory and pay the price, but we don't go to war with them" feels like that dinosaurs are nothing special, its just like any predators in the wild, just much more big and dangerous. This vision is also good for the movie's plot since if we're considering the timeline, we need to see how far the dinosaur has taken over in the ecosystem, how far have they gone, and how realistic will the movie be in depicting this. I haven't watch the film, now I'm looking forward to it!!!!

  11. I saw the movie. It was alright. A Bond film might have shark hazards in it, but a Bond story is not about the hazards. Likewise, JW wasn't about dinosaurs, it just had lots of dinosaur hazards. It felt like a mix of genres. I applaud the writers for trying to do something different. But I left the movie feeling 'meh'.

  12. Looper signal boosting woke BS. No one cares about anyones sexual preference in a dinosaur movie. No wonder I’m not subscribed to looper.

  13. Amazing…lesbians yet again are cut from a film yet heterosexual run the film. Why rule it out if it's a normal part of life. It was so minor as far as her character goes why not leave the fact in that she is a lesbian. It doesn't harm her relationship with her male character, if anything It adds to it.

  14. I think it's not a bad movie just that it's to late to fix the acting but I did like the action Scene but most of it was just me yawning

  15. 7:11 … the “Hands Up” gesture was okay when Pratt was training Blue but it was totally over played in Dominion. In fact, a number of things were overplayed. For example… grasshoppers flying through the air while they are on fire. STUPID! Come on Spielberg… you are better than that

  16. Why should Dominion "develop her character further"? To be part of the Hollywood woke crowd? If they do, I'm boycotting it.

  17. Worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst worst movie सबसे खराब फिल्म


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