
Warhammer Renaissance or Dead on Arrival!? Old World is here…


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36 pemikiran pada “Warhammer Renaissance or Dead on Arrival!? Old World is here…”

  1. Correction: Dave erroneously stated that the army books were not being released at the same time as the arcane journals. This is incorrect. You will note they are not featured in the video. We misread embargo information, and made a mistake. These books are available on launch. These errors are easy to make with a 2 day turnaround from getting products to releasing videos. Apologies. You still need 3 books to play with Elisse Duchard though 😉

  2. I've been hyped for this since the announcement a few years ago. I didn't get to play WHFBs as by the time I had adult money AoS had been out for a few years. This is my best chance to get into the game and experience something I missed out on. WHFB was an amazing game that I find entertaining to watch so I know I'm going to love playing. Yes the core factions were a disappointment and I came to the same conclusion Dave did about the selection the moment I saw them as Vampire Counts and Skaven, the two factions I was really looking forward to, were shafted to PDFs. I, however, do have a prediction: if the Old World does good, then in about three years time, we may see some of the legacy factions return with full rule support. If this is true, then in 6 years time, the game should have returned to how it was before End Times with all the factions being fully supported. However, this all depends on Old World continuing to draw profit into year 2 as the first few months will not be a good indicator at the success of the game due to the large amount of hype surrounding the game.
    However, thank you Dave for telling us that the new Army Supplements are missing the most important parts, the army stats. I'm going to be building a Tomb King army and only planned on getting the supplement not the big book of "evil" factions and would have been rather annoyed when I discovered the ruse.

  3. I bought my Orcs and Goblins 20 years ago (they went to the curb a while ago) – im not going to buy them again. 3D printing new orcs n gobbo's now.

  4. I got the Home Improvement reference, but I think you meant Wilson, not Al. Al was Tim's partner on the show. Wilson was the next-door neighbor. An enjoyable throwback, nonetheless.

  5. Nice work team.
    Its not the model, it's the paint job that makes it.
    The old stuff was a bit chunky compared to those produced today, but with a good paint job can still look outstanding.
    I have the original Fellowship of the Ring (including Bill the pony) by Citadel from the same era, purchased in 1991 in London.
    They are great.
    Happy Modelling

  6. In my opinion, this game is dead on arrival. The fact that a majority of any new models that we may get are going to be overpriced forge world models and just the lack of support in terms of what I've seen and the fact that many of their most interesting factions are put in the legacy. It just shows that this game is just to say. Hey, we still have fantasy. It's just sitting in the corner barely being helped or done anything with after lunch. Kinda what they did to plastic horus heresy.

  7. I think I’m just sad about the armies missing. I’ve loved Skaven since I was a kid, and even in AoS they’ve been heavily neglected, so to see them completely missing is very disappointing. Maybe not surprising, but disappointing.

  8. Bro , it's just another DLC for 9.99 for each unit rules.
    Are they kidding me with this, so glad I am not planning on playing. Just going OPR or any other game.

  9. Cities of sigmar = empire haha so you could use some minitures for 2 types of game. Also only reason I'd play old word is due to miniture count and size as age of sigmar is too skirmish focused or looking

  10. For the Tomb Kings… The core infantry sprue is actually an undead sprue form 1998.

    The chariots, cav and upgrade sprues are from 2002….

    I can buy superior plastic Tomb King models for CHEAPER from Mantic's Empire of Dust range. Go figure.

    The only real boon with these kits is you can build some generic undead skeletons that perhaps you can't get anywhere else i.e plastic archer skeletons, chariots and light cav: not sure you can get that in plastic anywhere else?

  11. Jesus christ, i'm not a warhammer old world fan but you guys know that this shit is why the old world ended? little bishes that complain about the most tiny things, if you want something to be a thing, support it, don't nitpick the little crap, especially on a relaunch, bless you.

  12. NGL was really hyped for TOW but this release has been really uninspiring, the new stuff is cool and even some of the old stuff is fine but some of it should have been replaced before the release (the resin stuff is also understandable but also not ideal).
    The day 1 DLC and the fact they didn't make the rules as easy to access as possible was a miss step IMO, free core rules with books for collectors would have been a better move for a game that has a dubious future. The unsupported armies are disappointing too (why Skaven 😭), it seems like an easy win to have an army that can be used with multiple rulesets.
    I hope this gets the support it needs to grow into what it should be but for now this aint it for me.

  13. Making a reference to an iconic character from a popular 90’s show (and getting it wrong, he’s actually Wilson),
    Also stating that the old stuff from the 90’s isn’t for him.. 🤔

    In all seriousness, the whole release and pre-order waitlist is to maximise profits as always, it’s not about releasing a good product or game anymore, and hasn’t been since the 90’s to early 00’s.

    Prove me wrong. 😉

  14. Are we looking at it backwards? TOW gives us new releases and a rules set to use for factions NOT in AOS. You want your skaven in TOW? buy the new range and use it in TOW boom. Want tombkings? Here they are back in the shop after being absent for ages. Keep the rules in 3 main books that have heaps of nostalgia law and can be long time keepsakes. Instead of seeing this as what's NOT in TOW, it's about filling the gaps of what's not in AOS.

  15. I'm from the UK and the price is insanely high for some of the old crappy models and new ones too, completely put me off tbh, I was only marginally interested though. And I agree with you, I dislike the old models a lot, I like new cool sculpts TK looks goofy asf, and then again, you see the price and you're like…yh no thanks, I get people are nostalgic for them but I do think there is a blindness to how much of a rip off all this is.

  16. I don’t really know who this product is intended for as the old players still have their old models and the new players won’t want old ugly sculpts and everyone else either isn’t interested or they have an old army that is no longer supported like the fan favourite skaven (I kept mine on square bases for no reason…)

  17. Number of new players to older players with army's is quite wide with most people being newer now a days and most of the box is all old minitures. Bit lazy

  18. The problem we'll one of the problems was GW kept bowing down to the meta gamers and Competition gamers who had made the game so toxic (not all are like this I like to point out but back then oh it was toxic. When I started WHFB in 4th Ed everyone had fun. You could field anything you fancied as long you were within your points. But over time the Meta fans hit and the game stopped being fun – I don't care statistically how bad a unit is, if I like the unit and know how to use it I will field it weather it's shit or not lol.

  19. I was sincerely hyped for the old world, I love the lore of that game, but it was bad news after bad news too few new models , factions disappearing. there being resin and metal models. Clearly GW had no intentions of it being successful as if to prove their point in ending the game once before. They shot themselves in the foot, If they had truly wanted for the game to work they would have made a whole new range of mini (even more when only doing 2 factions on launch), allowed AOS models to be used, keep the same base system so not to force the players to have to chose. I don't understand GW from time to time, they could make a lot of money but fail to do so by being petty.

  20. I remember the days before the bloat in 4th ed you didn't need masses of units for an army 😂. Still play 4th Ed my personal fave edition.

  21. "Oh, they are so old. Why do they exist? Copyright 1993."
    Very confusing. Dave seems to be saying this like these are…not good things. (Eldar player)

  22. Wow a guy that does not like WHFBs reviews WHFB products. I wonder what his opinion is going to be? Seriously man go back to Age of Shitmar and 40k (or is it 70k now? who the fuck cares…)

  23. I play Oldhammer.. never stopped. I 3d print most of my miniatures these days and I just upgraded to an Elegoo 12k Saturn 3 ultra printer to go along with my Mono X 6k so my costs are low, my options are plentiful and I can print a whole unit in 90 mins for a couple of dollars (literally) and there are exceptional scrumptious sculpts. I don't need GW if they are not servicing my needs. Be like me, go your own way by rewarding good products and ignoring everything else.

  24. I can't believe how much they charge for such old models. I don't mind old sculpts, I find them kind of endearing actually, but I'd expect a more reasonable price if half the box is older than me.

    On an unrelated note, that shield freehand looks awesome!

  25. Fantasy ended because GW hit a wall with 8th edition where the units kept getting bigger and in turn made the cost continue to increase making it harder to get new people involved. Hard to support a company that tells you to keep buying and painting more of the same unit.

  26. Honestly, I think the 'old style' is superior. The main issue with the new miniatures is that they were designed blown up on a large computer screen, where artists can go ham on things like tiny details and intricate aspects and so on, which counter intuitively… is bad for a mini.

    Because Minis are going to be presented on a table where at the closest your looking at them from a foot away, more likely 3 feet. So all those teeny tiny details, GONE, just faded into a mush of over designed messyness, even with a good paintjob.

    The old stuff were done by hand, and thus you have a more over the top 'heroic scale', and usually when texture is added, its big chunky textures that take very well to painting. Older models are always much easier to paint because of this, half the time the model is practically assisting you in the painting process.

  27. Love the value and for the age of the scalps, perfect for people that collected armies from 20+ years ago.
    Reminds me of a time where if you didn’t like the scalp you would do some kit bashing and light conversions.
    I look forward to getting the tomb kings to compliment my old original 5th and 6th ed Bretonnians.


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