
Warfare is a tool for victory in Old World (Game Like Civ) – Wonders and Dynasties


world , Warfare is a tool for victory in Old World (Game Like Civ) – Wonders and Dynasties , #Warfare #tool #victory #World #Game #Civ #Wonders #Dynasties
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24 pemikiran pada “Warfare is a tool for victory in Old World (Game Like Civ) – Wonders and Dynasties”

  1. Hi Potato! Loving this Old World series, thank you for playing this awesome game again 😉 I just wanted to let you know that there is a « role play » slider you can toggle on in the advanced settings before the start of a game, that hides the benefits of each option during an in-game event so that you are no longer able to see what will be the outcome of every answer at your disposal… I have just launched a game with the slider on to test it and I think it is a great way to experience the game… In case you didn’t know about this, give it a try 👍

  2. I will say, Potato got pretty lucky in this war. Attacking a distracted and weakened enemy in the flank after a long time left alone to prep. The AI is usually a looot more aggressive in the mid-game, and war is brutal if you're unprepared

  3. If anyone from Mohawk or Hooded Horse is watched, please consider sponsoring Potato to do more Old World stuff. I bought the game because of him and love it so it's a good investment

  4. Old World doesn't actually have to decay into war. I've won Ambition victories multiple times (even on the hardest difficults) without ever having a war with the AI. You have to really focus on Diplomacy, intermarriage, shared religion, and spy craft to play the AI off against each other. Keep them fighting each other and you can stay out of the fray!

  5. If this was civ you probably would've continued to push into Egypt's capital and remaining city in the north without much issue.
    It's kinda cool how when they brought their forces to bear they actually managed to halt your momentum and put you on the defensive

  6. It's a bit more efficient to buy some stone every turn since it will maximize the amount of stone you buy at the cheaper price

  7. One thing I kinda forgot that I love so much about Old World is how good the AI is in combat. It plays so much more like a human player, and it makes the challenge so fun. If it sees you bringing units that do splash damage, it will absolutely stand a bunch of archers on hills far apart from each other and pepper you from a distance where you can't shoot back. If it has a chariot that routs, it will pause its entire economy for a turn and force march that chariot across the continent just so it can chain together five kills if you aren't paying attention. It's such a beautifully programmed AI.

  8. Age of Wonders 4, Old World, Against the Storm. I love to watch you play these games in between Civ 6 games. I hope they perform well on the channel because the variety is nice. You can bet I'm watching, good sir

  9. This game has good warfare, if I make a unit in Civ it usually stay alive the whole game. In old World you really need to get used to losing units

  10. Egyptian Diplomat: Excuse me, and i hope i dont come across as rude, but could you explain why you used so much effort to build a road through the desert ending just before our empire? Potato: it was a challenge brought to me before my pagan god! «Hides army»

  11. @potatomcwhiskey uploads a new Old World video, and then Steam pushes a notification Old World is on sale. I smell a conspiracy!


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