
W40K: Inquisitor – Martyr | Open World Trailer


NeocoreGames has launched a new monthly video series, called Inquisitorial Log to gradually unveil the most important features of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr. The third trailer in our feature video series is all about the open world environment.

W40K Inquisitor – Martyr is going to be an innovative Action-RPG developed by NeocoreGames.

world , W40K: Inquisitor – Martyr | Open World Trailer , #W40K #Inquisitor #Martyr #Open #World #Trailer
, warhammer,w40k,warhammer 40000,inquisitor,inquisitor martyr,martyr,techdemo,neocoregames,video game,arpg,action rpg,rpg,feature video,features,trailer,open world,open,world

40 pemikiran pada “W40K: Inquisitor – Martyr | Open World Trailer”

  1. just add movement+shoot it feels like a 90s table top game without that ! this the sole reason for less sales ……

  2. I want Warhammer to look like GTA or Fallout game, I want to walk on the Imperium street and observe the people living there and tall building. Can be able to talk to the NPCs there, ask them rumors and stories and stuff. And other features like selling, buying stuff, join factions, easter eggs, eat and drink :v dang I really want to have a nice conversation with The Sisters of Battle. :3 can be able to join their faction as a male space marine, gain fame, help them in their daily missions ( or battles ) yayyyyyy. yep that's my little dream :p

  3. 3 more days till Official release! Picked it up on Steam today for the pre-order 10% discount 😉 We'll all be purging the "taint" very soon! m/

  4. So its good, it has promise and potential, but yeah… needs work. I feel like every weapon under the sun is horribly weak, I'm kiting way too much, but it is alpha. Diablo 2 meets 40k? High hopes.

  5. So, is it not a “open world” game in the traditional sense? Because it seems like a map with little “missions/levels” with no real overworld, or actually being open world. But tbh I haven’t looked to deeply into the game, that’s just my opinion based off this one trailer.

  6. "Random generating world" ok definitely going to wait for review after the shit show that is NMS, I can't trust this.

  7. i will founder buy that game because it looks promising and one day there has to be a decent warhammer themed game haha but the mention of seasons kind of made me cringe… pls dont change things ( while calling it "balancing" ) just for the sake of changing once the game is finished like D3 does. D3 changes the same items, sets over and over so people have to "update" their shit. so instead of giving new content they just change old over and over to give illusion of "new" experience. id rather have a game finished and thats the game. no permanent tweaking until game dies.

  8. Always favored WH Fantasy; never really cared for 40K. But… exceptions may be made. This looks great. It goes without saying that a Witch Hunter game must now be released.

  9. The first thing they say is "open world"…… God help us. "Open world", "randomly generated" and "prefabricated" remind me of a game that can out not to long ago that "No Man" wants to play anymore. I have no hype at all for this game, since so far any random joe with $5 has been able to buy the license from GW like some cheep prostitute. For the most part the 40k name has been constantly dragged through the mud with companies just using it to ring me and other fans dry. They are going to have to prove that this game is good, cause I'm done preordering games ESPECIALLY 40k games.

  10. PLEASE!!! Take your time and make sure that you check EVERYTHING. If you think you can make this in a sertain time you should take at least two or three months of extra fixing time.

  11. Just convince Star Citizen to transfer those 130million funded to this game and it might become true – since I doubt SC will become great.

  12. I just hope the "open world" is actually open world, instead of just clicking places on maps and being sent to the missions. I want to be able to explore hive cities and death worlds at my own pace.
    Thus far, i doubt this will happen.

  13. How is random generation still a good thing?
    This is 2017, we dont buy it anymore.

    Scripteed events are way better and immersive.

  14. wow iam hype for it !! they shown more than no man sky did in thier trailer. No man sky was a disaster. hope this will be the game of they year for me

  15. Please don't be shit, Please don't be shit, Please don't be shit, Please don't be shit, Please don't be shit.

  16. Please don't screw this up! I'll definitley buy this but first I'll wait for reviews! Please make this good guys… ;


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