
Visiting the Most Crowded Island on Earth (I can’t forget what I saw)


Santa Cruz del Islote has an area of just one percent of a square kilometer in size where 816 people squeeze their entire lives.
The island is so full that a guy does his daily workout routine near a dog feces and chaotic life here creates new adaptations.

Since we arrived on the island, we’ve been constantly encountering people no matter where we turn.
People come out from every corner.
It’s impossible to be alone on these crowded streets.

Each house here has dozens of people living together in tiny rooms.

Ruhi: How many people live in this room?
Tall Woman: About ten.

This is an average room of an average house, you will be shocked when you see how other people live.
But these people have a much bigger problem than these houses which makes life so extremely terrible here.

Welcome to the most densely populated island on Earth.

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Camera: Bayram Taşçı
Project Assistant: Barış Kaan Baş
Editor: Öykü Tansuğ
Animation: Önder Darendeli
Video Editor: Ruhi Çenet, Önder Darendeli, Muhammet Emin Karaçak, Berkay Sabırlı
Video Editing in English: Ruhi Çenet
Project Manager: Esra Öner
Producer & Director: Ruhi Çenet

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My name is Ruhi Çenet, I’m an independent documentary maker. I go to unique places or meet unique people and investigate or analyze them with a unique approach. My motto is “curiosity is the best guide”. Join me, let’s learn something different…
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world , Visiting the Most Crowded Island on Earth (I can’t forget what I saw) , #Visiting #Crowded #Island #Earth #forget
, ruhi çenet,ruhi cenet,documentary,ruhi cenet documentary,ruhi,cenet,çenet,education,travel,flight,plane ticket,santa cruz del islote,most populated island,most densely populated island,I went to the most crowded island on earth,most crowded island on earth,most densely crowded islan,world’s most crowded island,colombia,life in santa cruz del islote,population of santa cruz del islote,caribbean,colombian,life in the most crowded island on earth

37 pemikiran pada “Visiting the Most Crowded Island on Earth (I can’t forget what I saw)”

  1. cosas de mi colombia, realmente siempre hemos tenido condiciones complicadas para un gran número de la población

  2. Vielen herzlichen Dank für diese lehrreiche Dokumentation. Ich hoffe, dass es nicht bei einer Berichterstattung bleibt, sondern den Bewohnern dieser Insel geholfen wird!!

  3. wie kann es sein, dass das Video auf deutsch ist ? how is it possible, that I that voice is german and the subtitle english here in this video ? thanks

  4. Sad that they can't respect the land and surrounding ocean by not throwing trash in it. Humans do ruin most places we inhabit if only we were more like the Native Americans who respected everything they took especially animals and from the land.

  5. Блин, неужели там на всех хватает ресурсов, раз так размножились. Но, а другой стороны, все выглядит достаточно безопасным, да и люди не экстремально бедные

  6. ich weiß nicht, irgendwie empfinde ich die hintergrundmusik zu laut und das video oft zu wackelig, sodass mir übel wurde beim zusehen … 🙁

  7. Question is : if all of them are sleeping at 4 to 10 people per room and there are no private place anywhere on the island… how do they conceive all those babies?!? There's no way to have "intimacy" with your partner….

  8. and they throw their trash everywhere….
    welp…. that island will be uninhabitable at some point and the living coral will be nonliving rock.
    This is why small island nations fail. This one is no different.
    i doubt its got 50 years life left on that island.
    Its sad honestly.
    The people came to that island a hundred years ago and they utterly destroyed it.
    Like gerbils

  9. if there is a orld war today, i bet on it, this people would never be affected because they have over a life time built a community of no malice or intention to kill one another


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