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29 pemikiran pada “UPDATED DANDY’S WORLD LORE THEORY!! (TWISTEDS + SECRETS YOU DIDN’T KNOW!!) – Roblox | Dandy’s World”

  1. I forgot to mention, another big thing about Dandy using tapes to control his twisted form is Rodger. You know how research capsules can be determined good or bad based off the film/middle part? Well, the film has a resemblance to tapes. When there's no "tape" around the capsule, Twisted Rodger will break free if you try to pick it up. Add the tapes around the capsule again, and it's a perfectly fine capsule! This can be used as both evidence and a metaphor for Dandy's situation, as without the tapes he'd be just as violent and mindless as the other twisteds possibly??.. But that's just a theory.. A dandy theory.

  2. 2:12 I actually thought about something related to this, so if Astro was the second made and is also the most expensive toon in dandy’s shop, I think we can use their ichor cost to determine the order in which each toon was made, so with this logic, we could conclude that Vee was 3rd, followed by Sprout, Shelly, and then pebble. If this implies to the normal toons as well, I think this is the order of when they were made:

    L-000: Dandy
    M-001: Astro
    M-002: Vee
    M-003: Sprout
    M-004: Shelly
    M-005: Pebble
    M-006: Glisten
    M-007: Razzle & Dazzle
    M-008: Goob
    M-009: Scraps
    M-010: Flutter
    M-011: Teagen
    M-012: Brightney
    M-013: Rodger
    M-014: Cosmo
    M-015: Tisha
    M-016: Finn
    M-017: Toodles
    M-018: Boxten
    M-019: Poppy
    M-020: Shrimpo

  3. this is so good bro? how does this not have 1m views bro, pls dont stop posting cuz ur vids are absolutely amazing!! :3 here are some random theorys:

    Okay, so i did some digging and if u join dandys world and click the green plus sign on ichor, u can see rodger will capsules, and capsules can give u 1-2 ichor (2 with rodger) which is on twisteds, and if u dont see film tape around capsules thats rodger inside, right? well what if rodger got ichor on him and thats how he turned twisted, if u see the 3rd picture with rodger in it while buying ichor, u can see 8 capsules, ichor on the ground and on rodger and he looks panicked, and on the last picture, u can see ichor filling up the picture, so what IF rodger got stuck in a capsule? what if dandy had a plan to turn rodger into a twisted and place capsules around and rodger collecting all of them, but its up to you 🙂

    TEAGAN THEORY: so teagan also probably knew that dandy was manipulating toons, if u take a look at teagan and astro talking, teagans says: ''Astro, are you still talking with… Him?'' and if u go to the wiki and click ''him'' it goes to dandy, and if u look at teagan and rodger talking u can see ''RODGER: Teagan I must say how do you keep your fluffy boa so clean?'' and then teagan says ''Ah! I make sure no Ichor gets on it of course!'' and if u look at twisted teagan, her boa is gone, but thats not all, u can also see ichor on teagans mouth and she also looks angry, so what if dandy also tricked teagan, so she could be mad at dandy, teagan might of lost/dropped her boa because she was trying to run away from dandy screaming and u can see ichor on her mouth, dandy probably threw ichor on teagans mouth so she couldnt scream, this is the same with shrimpo and sprout, in her research description, it says ''teagan has let her greed get over her'' so what if she kept inviting toons to her teapartys and secretly putting ichor in toons tea, she could have been working with dandy, like i said, she could have been betrayed by dandy and thats why she looks mad, finn and teagan are also the only toons with ichor in their heads, meaning that they got ichor in their heads and passed out, buts thats all i have for now, pls like my comment cuz this took me 2 hours to do LOL, what do u think?

  4. Good point you made with R&D and glisten, It is a strange detail that the only two twisteds that are restrained are also the only two who won’t attack unless you upset them. Just something to keep in mind.

  5. Good point you made with R&D and glisten, It is a strange detail that the only two twisteds that are restrained are also the only two who won’t attack unless you upset them. Just something to keep in mind.

  6. What if its getting the poppy playtime treatment and Arthur is Astro?? Then the one who's last name was similar to Vee's could be the one who was turned into Vee.
    I dont think they just "make" the toons from zero, there must be something they do for that!!

  7. Also in those pictures of the mains there are letters in numbers “L-001” and “M-002, M-003, M-004, and M-005” (pebble might be the first M) L= Lethal since Dandy is a lethal twisted and he was corrupted with ichor first, M= Main since Pebble, Astro, Vee, Sprout, and Shelly are all main toons. U may be wondering, why isnt Dandy a main? It’s because he isn’t, the reason why i say he isnt is because a lethal twisted instant kills u and the mains do it by one heart. :]

  8. Theory: What if we are the twisteds? I know, it sounds like i should be locked in an insane asylum. But hear me out, as you go further more mains spawn. As you can see in the back, that is because people with mains tend to get farther and what if dandy has drained our sanity? Im not sure but what if every floor, every step, every machine, every item you but makes you insane? You need all of these for some mastery. Dandy wants you trapped longer, insane longer, as you know theres a broken ele. What if the twisteds spawn from there? Im not sure how to backup the broken ele theory but thats all the lore i thought of

  9. As in the posters where you showed 13 or 12 pointed suns/stars here is also a 13 pointed star in mesmerizer (ik it doesn't make sense since mesmerizer and dandy's world don't connect) well you see 13 pointed suns/stars mean immortality and dandy being immortal makes sense since he made all the toons become a twisted and he himself cannot die but for the 12 pointer sun/stars mean creation, balance, and harmony in nature because dandy is a nature toon it might make sense

  10. Maybe he values the tapes as they are most likely of the show, where times were simpler, he views the tapes as his very memories which would work with the line where he said that the tapes aren't yours, he views them as his memories.

  11. something that is odd is that dandy gets mad whenever you dont give him tapes.
    Assuming with the ichor is blood of gods stuff, tapes can also be used to heal hearts. Maybe to become god, dandy could have the tapes to constantly be healing himself no matter what, considering that you need to extract ichor, so dandy doesnt get mad at that, but instead when you dont give him tapes.
    However who knows! Maybe dandy wants the tapes to see how to create toons and a twisted army! Maybe he is just mr krabs! Anyways thats about what i have to say lol

    edit: Another theory i have is that ichor is inside toons to give them, well.. toon logic. For example, glisten can teleport between two mirrors, thats not normal and thats probably toon logic. More later or something lol

  12. (joke) but why can’t the toons call 911 by using the telephone on the lobby counter, and then they will say “there a rainbow flower mass prouducing oil!(ichor). Once the police arrives, they will kidnap the rainbow flower and manipulate it as long as they want. This might be a good punishment for dandy 🧐🧐🧐


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