Unseen 9/11 video found in a closet shows moment when World Trade Center collapsed

Newly discovered footage shows an unseen view of the moment the World Trade Center collapsed after being struck by two passenger jets on September 11, 2001. Kei Sugimoto, who was living in the East Village in 2001, said he started filming on a Sony VX2000 just after he saw the second aircraft hit the towers.


#september11 #wtc #terrorism

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world , Unseen 9/11 video found in a closet shows moment when World Trade Center collapsed , #Unseen #video #closet #shows #moment #World #Trade #Center #collapsed
, new york post,ny post,nypost,news,us news,breaking news,world news,latest news,story,stories,top stories,september 11,september 11 2001,september 11 attacks,september 11 unseen footage,unseen september 11 video,9/11 footage,9/11 attack,9/11 reaction,september 11 video,terrorism,world trade center,world trade center collapse,world trade center attack 2001,world trade center attack,history,historical,Kei Sugimoto

42 pemikiran pada “Unseen 9/11 video found in a closet shows moment when World Trade Center collapsed”

  1. I don’t understand why is this video different then all the others. The other videos i’ve seen are way worse than this one. This is just another video of one of the saddest days in America.

  2. 0:16 It makes me sad to see the south tower collapsed with its observation deck and also for the firefighters and police officers who were in the lobby helping without knowing that the tower was collapsing

  3. Minoru Yamasaki Japan – American architect that accomplished highest honors
    Though just a temporary pavilion at the 1939 World's Fair in New York City, the idea of a neutral location where world business leaders could come together to exchange ideas and products inspired the plan for a permanent World Trade Center in lower Manhattan.
    It was collaboration of the world for the world to trade & have relations.

  4. I was a full grown adult by the time I realized the FULL magnitude of this attack. As a child (I’m now 27) we were only taught about the twin towers. I had no idea of the pentagon, the other surrounding buildings by the towers, the 4th plane. Even though it’s been like 23/24 years now I was in pure shock to discover just how horrible this day was.

  5. There have only ever been three buildings that have collapsed due to fire melting their steel structures in the whole of history.

    And it all happened on the same day. The twin towers and then building 7 next to them. All just so happened to be owned by the same person.

  6. You can believe it or not. but the official findings are the following "Debris from the collapse of WTC 1, which was 370 feet to the south, ignited fires on at least 10 floors in the building at its south and west faces. However, only the fires on some of the lower floors—7 through 9 and 11 through 13—burned out of control. These lower-floor fires—which spread and grew because the water supply to the automatic sprinkler system for these floors had failed—were similar to building fires experienced in other tall buildings. The primary and backup water supply to the sprinkler systems for the lower floors relied on the city's water supply, whose lines were damaged by the collapse of WTC 1 and WTC 2. These uncontrolled lower-floor fires eventually spread to the northeast part of WTC 7, where the building's collapse began."

    the take away, is other buildings caught on fire, but didn't have water supply damage that 7 did.. "were similar to building fires experienced in other tall buildings"

  7. I’m in awe of these comments. This was not a controlled demolition. I thought most people viewed the horrific tragedy on live tv as I did while I was at work. It took my friends 30 days to get out of the city and drive south. I’m thankful that none of my friends from NYC were injured or killed on this day. And to be 100% truthful, my resident worked on the water mains for the city and he did his job perfectly or else this tragedy would have been much worse!

  8. There were NO CONTROLLED DETONATIONS involved. There were NO conspiracies here. There is NO WAY our political establishment, which has proven to be the most honest group of people in history, would allow a "terrorist attack" to occur on US soil which would plunge the nation into 20 years of endless wars in the Middle East and make the two-term Executive administration in question politically bulletproof. Speaking of "bulletproof," there is NO WAY any political conspiracy could be involved with an assassination attempt on a former US President 23 years later!

  9. Having white text over the video footage is annoying and distracting. Should have been a few secs long black frame with the text to convey a better message then having to read it as the 1st tower falls.

  10. My herat sanks everytime i see the footage of WTC falling.. One of my life's wish was to visit WTC. I am so sad, they are gone. NY is no more NY without WTC. There will always be a void.

  11. Meanwhile the group inside watching and filming are laughing!!! They saw the building collapse- they all gathered like nothing!! Second building- they sat back laughing— as though they’re privileged to be where they are- no empathy nor words for the people inside!!! Disgusting!!!

  12. I'll never forget that day. I was working 4 blocks away when the first tower was hit, everyone rushed outside because we knew by the sound of the jet it was a huge plane and then staring at the smoke and flames we could see another plane approaching from a long distance away and along with my coworkers we watched it get closer, and closer until we seen it fly right in the middle of the second tower. nobody spoke for like 2 or 3 minutes we just stood there in shock, not realizing we just witnessed one of the most historic events in human history. to this day when i hear the engine of a large jet it makes me uneasy.

  13. It tipped over?! So why did the rest of the building go down? Honestly look at it makes no sense that half of the building started falling over. If it went straight down it would make sense the rest of it falling.

  14. This angers me every time I see it. Why we had to go to war on terrorism. Today, democrats opened the border in the south and terrorist entered the country and was arrested if you all read the news. Do you all want your next leader to have open borders? If not, go out and vote for the republican that will shut it down. Doesn't matter of you hate the person. It's only if they can get the job done


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