
Unlock Rosalina in Super Mario 3D World – Guide & Walkthrough (Wii U)


Want to unlock Rosalina, the 5th playable character, in Super Mario 3D World? This video will show you how to unlock her!

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, super mario 3d world,rosalina,unlock rosalina,secret,easter egg,play as rosalina,sm3dw,sm3ds secrets,unlockable character

37 pemikiran pada “Unlock Rosalina in Super Mario 3D World – Guide & Walkthrough (Wii U)”

  1. Why is Rosalina so slow when walking? I've always wondered why I had trouble with her when playing all five characters on Champion's Road.

  2. Thank you. You guys have the best guides. You get straight to the point with the shortest video times. Others spend a lot of time with there video intros, a lot of gabbing, and request likes and subscribes. Sometimes not even getting to the point. 😜

  3. Oh my goodness…I was 99.9% sure that you had to beat the whole star world to get Rosalina (i was stuck on world 7) but that 0.01% of me said "wow u noob"

  4. Kinda sucks that you have to technically beat the story just to get Rosalina. :/ but then again there's those extra levels after than you can play has her from now on.

  5. Normal Rosalina is the best character evar.

    Miss that Fireball tornado

    How to break this game 101:Normal Rosalina

  6. People keep saying that it's this level that Rosalina is on but I had her befor I even got to starworld. Of course I completely forgot where I got her from, but I know I had her befor this, all I can remember about when I found Rosalina is that it was in a level with snow, and that she was way off to the side of it like she wasn't even in my peripheral vision I had to go looking for her, I also remember her being next to a long yellow mystery box that was floating. If anyone knows what I'm talking about I'd really like to know cause it just bugs me that I don't know how I got here befor everyone else.

  7. "It's really easy" yay "just go to the start and they'll build you a ship beat levels 1-2 and there you go" yay!!! "You gotta defeat bowser" Fuck!

  8. So Rosalina has a mechanic that all the other characters should have had from the beginning but you need to beat the game first. Damn it Nintendo. Good for going back for all the green stars I suppose. It would be nice to get Daisy in there.

  9. thank you so much I had that game before but I lost it and I bout a new one and I forgot how to get Rosalina so thanks a lot


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