
UN Chief warns that the world ‘cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza’


“The risk for the conflict in the Middle East to widen is real and must be avoided.”

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that Israel’s war on Gaza and its near-daily clashes with Hezbollah in Lebanon risk triggering a catastrophe “beyond imagination.”

He added that the world “cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza.”

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world , UN Chief warns that the world ‘cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza’ , #Chief #warns #world #afford #Lebanon #Gaza
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29 pemikiran pada “UN Chief warns that the world ‘cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza’”

  1. If so, then stop Hezbolah's meddling in the Hamas/Iran-Israel war. Israel has the right to defend itself.

  2. Two people are fighting.

    A. There are people who just ignore and watch.
    B. They criticize the two countries for stopping the fight, but the countries involved in the fight do not listen.
    C. The countries involved in the fight do not want to stop the fight.
    D. A country with weak military power goes to another country to request military weapons.
    E. The countries that received the request for military weapons tell the fighting country to continue the fight by interfering in the fight of another country, even though it is not their own.
    Instead of stopping the fight, the countries that support military power and supply military weapons that instigate the fight unite around the United States.
    F. The countries that have united use the war of the countries that provide military support to organize the united countries and give small benefits to the countries that help the military and economic interests of the united countries and induce the unity. The United States, which took the lead in the unity, has taken the largest military and economic benefits in the world's trade market and united the countries that provided military power and weapons to the United States. The United States, the instigator, provides a small amount of benefit so that the allied nations can continue to maintain unity.
    G The allied nations centered around the United States continue to use war, military tension, and economic sanctions as coercive means to dominate the world.
    H. The United States and the allied nations instigate wars among the nations of the world and create an atmosphere of military tension in order to take advantage of the world economy.
    I. Among the nations of the world, those that cooperate with the allied nations in economic and military domination of the world are made to live as weak nations in a world dominating structure that greatly benefits the allied nations, so that they receive only a small amount of benefit.
    J. The allied nations take control of the world militarily and economically.
    K. The people of the opposing nations that resist the United States and the allied nations fall victim to the war, military threats, and economic sanctions of the United States and the allied nations, and their economies collapse.
    L. The people of the two fighting parties die in the war, and their economies become impossible to recover in an instant.
    M. The United States, which initiated the allied nations, They monopolize the economy by forming a global military and economic domination structure and reaping huge profits from the global trade market.
    The world economic structure will be established in the order of the countries that unite with the United States and the countries that cooperate with the united countries.

    There are two central figures who are sending people around the world to death.
    Biden is the instigator who is sending people around the world to death, and Netinyahu is the contractor who is committing mass murder of people around the world.

  3. You are a United Snakes Zionist mouth piece. You can't call a spade a spade. What don't you call out isRealHell and United Snakes in public?

  4. Defund and shut down Israel NOW! Biden is complicit! Impeach Biden NOW! Put Sens Sanders and Whitehouse in the White House in 2024

  5. Maybe the criminal terrorist organization you are in charge of should have thought about this before you called for the worldwide annihilation of Jews and Christians, the establishment of a worldwide Islamic caliphate, and the destruction of The United States and United Kingdom. I wonder how long this comment will be here. All of my other comments on this subject have been deleted. Some people just can’t stand the truth.

  6. Tell Isreal to Free Palestinian 😭✍️ or else we are used to your hypocrisy Free Palestinian 😭

  7. So, be good little jews and don't defend yourselves when they come wipe you from not just your ancestral home, but completely from history.

  8. Great man. You honor your role with honesty, trasparency and determination.
    Guteress, you are a good leader.

  9. Why is it so difficult for the UN chief to tell Hezbollah to stop the indiscriminate rocket fire to Israel?

  10. Now lebonen is thinking Palestine export almost 10 million people all over the world.if we war we also can export refugees.because they can't afford mass population 😂

  11. 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉


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