Ukraine’s Invasion Of Russia Risks WORLD WAR 3, Russia Could use Nuclear Weapons In Retaliation

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Ukraine’s Invasion Of Russia Risks WORLD WAR 3, Russia Could use Nuclear Weapons In Retaliation

world , Ukraine’s Invasion Of Russia Risks WORLD WAR 3, Russia Could use Nuclear Weapons In Retaliation , #Ukraines #Invasion #Russia #Risks #WORLD #WAR #Russia #Nuclear #Weapons #Retaliation
, tim pool,timpool,timcast,timcastnews,timcast news,ww3,world war 3,russia,ukraine

23 pemikiran pada “Ukraine’s Invasion Of Russia Risks WORLD WAR 3, Russia Could use Nuclear Weapons In Retaliation”

  1. Here's my thought. If Ukraine goes no farther that Kursk, I think they use it as a bartering chip. They say to Russia, "If you cease fire, pull all your troops out of Ukraine, we will leave Kursk and go back to our own territory. And that will be the end of it. If not, we will continue on until you do." However, if they continue on without the ultimatum then Russia escalates. I don't believe they'll use nukes quite yet, but I think it would bring NATO more into the fight. Just my opinion.

  2. You need to get some nerve drugs calming your mind down you can’t do nothing about Russia i going to lose no matter who wins, it might take several years where you are scared because you don’t understand the world, but if Trump wins he might stop sending free stuff to everyone also Ukraine, but then my country will just offer Trump 100 billion dollar deal for weapons to Ukraine and America first will say yes and brag about how good he is and who knows Norway has 1.7 trillion dollars in there we have to many money to spend, there GDP makes USA look like a poor country and they have little debt, and in the Scandinavian countries 100% of gdp in debt is not a little debt like USA seems to think but idiots behavior, why do you give away stuff with super debt? Sweden has their own military industrial complex and we are investing heavily in build a military industrial complex in Ukraine, I’m sry but we are going to make Russia lose no matter how much it costs and how long it takes, you have balance of trade deficits every single year we have 8 % GDP in surplus balance of trade, so we can afford to make Russia lose , so be scared 😂 you are saying Putin is worse then Hitler 😂

  3. lol not even Hitler 12,000 tons nerve gas and Saddam Husain did not use WMD against a enemy who could retaliate, since ww1 the first time WMD was used it has been the consensus that WMD does not change the outcome of a war if the enemy can retaliate. lol they would have no chance against NATO, and you can’t attack Taiwan now it would be suicidal read about the topic, 2 aircraft carriers groups are much more powerful than all of Chinese navy, omg doomsday Tim, Russia is much more vulnerable to nuclear war because there are only few and big targets in Russia, NATO and Ukraine has more targets than Russia has delivery capability to and they only get one shot, 90 million mostly White Russians would probably die the minorities will be the ones taking over the ruins of Russia because they will not be targeted, and people in the farms and small towns all the powerful people will die or be hunted if they don’t because Russia can’t hit NATO enough, one of the biggest advantages with the USA having bases all over the world and super carriers in the ocean and 50 allies most in NATO is that not even haft can be hit by Russia and all of there’s can get 10 per target making anti ballistic missiles irrelevant, if Russia doesn’t use more than one shot per target they risk anti ballistic missiles destroyed it. Russia committing national suicide Putin want to die and kill his daughters and family yes yes you know what 😂

  4. If Putin was on his heels, the Russians would have pulled troops from the Donbass in large numbers to deal with it. They did not. No heels. Very embarrassing though, someone high up in the Russian military is going to get the boot.

  5. @Timcast you’re wrong here’s why. Latvia is apart of NATO. Russia invades Latvia that’s a act of war against all of NATO. that’s not gonna stop Ukraine, that’s gonna embolden Ukraine.

    you can’t earnestly expect Ukraine just to sit back and do nothing as it’s enemy crosses their borders repeatedly.

    killing their people.

    it’s russia that’s pushing the world war 3 issue. Russia’s invasion

  6. Tim this is both credit and criticism. You personally do not have the mindset required to understand the use of nuclear weapons or War more broadly. And all that means is you're generally well-adjusted individual. The Russians retired their nuclear artillery in the 60s first off. Second, unless the ukrainians tried a blitz towards Moscow they are safe from nuclear retaliation. Even friendly Nations like India Iran and China would turn their backs if they're supposed superpower and Ally resorted to nukes against a non-nuclear neighboring country that they couldn't beat in a ground war. Now the situation would have to change drastically for that to even be remotely considered. If anything I believe it means we're in the closing months of the Ukraine war because they had done nothing but lose territory and this is the ukrainians acquiring a bargaining chip that they can use for peace talks Southern Russia doesn't hold all the cards.

  7. Tell us Tim; Who's interest was Victoria Nuland and team Epstein looking out for when they carried out the coup in 2014 and installed four Jewish guys in a 99% Orthodox Christian country? Then they outlawed the Orthodox church.

    Volodymyr Zelenskyy


    Prime Minister – Denys Shmyhal

    Minister of Defense – Oleksii Reznikov

    Head of Office – Andrii Yermak

  8. Russia will not use nukes because it's depending on China and nukes are not got for trading XD They cannot do anything without Beijing permission and China is awaiting in line to take back their historical territories back🤣

  9. Yeh this was NATO, reports of British and Polish troops have been reported by Russians as being captured outside of Kursk! This was a NATO invasion and Russia is claiming that the invading Brits were killing civilians as they were trying to escape. No bueno!


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