UDES 03 Alt 3 – Tank Review – World of Tanks

The UDES 03 Alt 3 is a T9 Swedish premium medium tanks in World of Tanks with a 3 round autoloader, great accuracy and 13 degrees of depression! Here’s a full review!

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0:00 The UDES 03 Alt 3 Tank Review
0:37 The Stats: how good is it?
7:08 The Crew
8:15 The Equipment
9:16 Field Mods
10:04 Game 1
20:47 Game 2
24:57 Game 3
33:13 Conclusion

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50 pemikiran pada “UDES 03 Alt 3 – Tank Review – World of Tanks”

  1. I just bought myself the Progetto 46 this month so I can't really justify spending 45€ on yet another pixel tank but this does look like a good but balanced tank. Maybe it'll be in the xmas lootboxes later this year and I can pick it up from in there if I get lucky.

  2. So what you are telling me (while praising it) that this tank has same alpha damage, worse camo and less speed than a tier lower tank Borrasque ? Has better gun depression but ZERO armor to follow it up with ? Worse intraclip time, Worse clip time ? Dude … BE HONEST this is a piece of sh***t that DOESN'T deserve the price tag at all …

  3. Look, I'm a Swede. And I still going to say that this is absolutely not worth it. Buffing the S-Tank's so that bad mode-switch delay was not part of the gameplay of it? That would be far more impactful and fun in the game. Got bond turbos on the S-Tank line and it litterly kills me how usless the tanks are if not hulldown or sniper afk bushing. Let alone talking about clowncars etc, etc. The fact that S-tank's are so inflexible because you have to disable your vehicle exactly the moment you need to move and get the gun to aim? Awful and horrible gameplay. Takes away any ability to fight anyone. Grille 15 with gold spam is superior in almost every way. Or say literally any other tier 10 TD/Medium.

    UDES 03 Alt 3, I like the tank. I like the fact that it is worse then Char 4 in many aspects. I even thank WG for making something that seems to be balanced. Tier 8 UDES's are some of the most fun tanks in the game. Simply lacks a bit of buffs to combat the premium tier 8.5's and the powercreep in general in the game.

    UDES 03 Alt 3, however. WG could give this new tank 380mm of HEAT pen. 2400DPM. Armor made out of alimimmimimum iniciced plutonmium plates. (299mm of front fantacy armor)
    It would not make the game anymore enjoyable to play. And we know that if we make a stink about it WG is only going to keep silent, Or! nerf Char 4 and give Progetto 46 a free gun rammer… A secound time that is…

    Going to blow millions of credits on consumables and equipment. This game is for real at the last of it's days now. WG makes balanced enough premium tanks and still the game is so flawed and broken that it is going to solve nothing! The only way to correct anything is to nerf and balance things that should have happened years ago already. And we all know WG at most are going to nerf ELC EVEN 90 and the Char 4. Both being the only tanks actual f2p and avrage tankers got. Maybe limit broken things like BZ 176 and Bourrace to random battles only. (as if the main gamemode do not suffer as badly having broken premium/tier 11's running around.) And WG ofc are going to take and do as they did with Eq 2.0. Ruin our crews with Screw 2.0! Nice. Everything since Swedish tanks 2016 have been a disaster more or less. It is so fun! And let us not get started on how maps are going… Removing maps based on Z reasons etc etc. HE nerfs. Arty stun. So much fun.

    Have parked so many tanks for good. Going to horde consumables and be done trying. Litterly considering selling tier 10 tanks off if credits become a problem going forward. Such a waste of time playing tier 10's. It is all goldspam and no teamplay what so ever. Tier 5-6-7 and tier 9 is the only chance of finding players. Not stat grinders who p2w. WG nerf ISU-152. Remove the BL-10 for balance reason. Then turns around and sells a premium ISU-152K with the BL-10 gun! 14th anniversary is right now selling the BL-10 for how many credits? That being real life credits. Dollars, Euros, Rubles.

    Fun facts. Grinded for the WZ-114. I got a really awful winrate in that thing. It is a tier 9 Premium heavy worse then tech tree E75. You know what the worst aspect of WZ-114 is? Repair costs.

    Game 3. 17,400 credits to repair UDES 03 Alt 3. Add on 20,000 for food. Bad gold rounds with a tank not really better then Char 4? Let us even consider that the food consumalbe is 50% off.
    QB would have made 5 346 credits. Game 3 without a premium account would earn you nothing since 30,000 credits where from a mission payout. And mind you Game 3 QB was top on the team. Yet it was the losing team. 4000+ damage game and making premium tank credits in the 5000 region? That is a joke. Like how WZ 114 being a premium tanks loses any earning potential from simply having to pay a insane repair cost since it is a tier 9. A tier 8 premium you have to fire gold rounds to even go into the credit negatives. You have to fire gold rounds and do NO damage. And most of the losses are going to be food and gold rounds. UDES 03 Alt 3? If a FV4005 get lucky early in a battle your 100% losing credits that game. 10,000 credits food + 17,400 credits in repairs.

  4. looks ok – nothing i'd spend money on. i still like the Kampfpanzer 50 t for my favorite tier9 premium med. it all comes down to playstyle, i guess – i'm sure there are a lot of people who like to camp in the rear who will love this.

  5. QB still pushing WG version of crack. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad. The addicts – I.e anyone still playing after a year or two – will be twitching. The psychological damage is incalculable

  6. Autoloader with good camo 1000 damage in 6 seconds. Can spot with out optics. Sounds like a good ambush predator. Armor is non existing. Might be right up my alley. The camo with out exhaust is not so good as burrasque but usualy on the burrasque you dont use exhaust. Normaly you equip aiming unit or stabiliser. So udes actualy has similar camo values.

  7. There is zero reason not to put bind wants on Char, period. Tier IX is the best tier. Your Char is cheaper to run than tech tree tanks. It is scout and sniper and can pull off a ding sometimes. It has an auto loader, although not the easiest one. It has good ammo. It is fast enough. It has acceptable gun handling. What do you want more if you know how to mitigate negative sides of it? I would rather invest bond equipment in tier IX than in any other tier.

  8. Funny thing about your hull armor on this thing, even if they can't pen the hull at most angles the shells actually then ricochet up into the turret and then pen, I'm sure most people will just be shooting the turret anyway but it is funny that this is how the armor works


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