U.S. vs China – What The World Thinks

The U.S. and China will likely be the two most influential countries for the rest of the 21st century. This is how people in 40 countries around the world currently view the two nations across a variety of global issues, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

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Broadly, the U.S. is seen more positively in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia; while China is viewed significantly more favorably in the Middle East.

The United States’ “Pivot to Asia” is welcomed by most of the countries in the region, although the Malaysians and Pakistanis think it’s a bad thing because it could lead to conflict with China. 54% of Chinese think the U.S. is trying to prevent it from becoming as powerful.

Here are the favorability ratings for America among the other countries in the study. As you can see, the U.S. is most popular in the Philippines, Ghana, it’s close allies South Korea and Israel, Kenya and the rest of Africa, along with Italy. The Europeans are strongly supportive, but not overwhelmingly so. While Russia has a very negative view of the United States, fueled by the non-stop anti-U.S. propaganda coming from Putin’s Kremlin.

Zooming in, you see that the Russians turned sharply against America around the time Putin faced strong opposition at home, which is when he began building up America as an external threat.

Globally, it’s fascinating how much more positively younger generations view the U.S. now that they are all on the Internet, a communication medium which has so far been dominated by the West.

This could be behind the strong confidence most in the world have in the decision-making capabilities of one of the most Internet-savvy leaders in history, U.S. President Barack Obama.

Now, these are the global favorability ratings of China. The Pakistanis may be China’s closest ally, sharing not only a productive relationship, but also a common cross border rival, in India. Africans are also overwhelmingly supportive thanks to the money — and migrant workers — the Chinese are pouring into the continent as its largest trading partner. The Russian’s love China partially because they too share a common rival: America, the current global superpower. The West’s views are all fairly consistent in their skeptical feelings toward the Chinese, although France and the UK have a more favorable view.

Favorability views of China have changed in the past year thanks to actions like Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to India.

Economically, the world increasingly thinks the U.S. is still the leader, and this data was gathered before China’s economic troubles this summer…

But the world is also convinced that China has, or is on its way to, replacing the United States as the superpower. Of the 40 nations in this survey only Brazil, Uganda, close U.S. allies the Philippines and Japan, Vietnam, and the U.S. itself think China will never replace the U.S., although it’s remarkable how pessimistic even the Americans are.

Generally, China is viewed very negatively on its respect for the personal freedoms of its people, although countries that also don’t have the greatest human rights records have a more favorable view of China on this issue because they don’t really understand what it’s like to be truly free of government oppression either, like the Russians, Africans, Middle Easterners, and Venezuelans in this survey.

China’s global rating on this issue has actually taken a hit over the past year as pro-democracy protests that erupted in Hong Kong were forcefully put down. The Communist Party also doubled down on its Orwellian Internet censorship campaign, which we detailed in a previous video you can watch here and through the link below.

Next is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The largest trade deal in world history, that’s currently being spearheaded by the United States, is strongly supported by citizens in all countries involved. Obama’s main objective here is to strengthen America’s economic ties with China’s neighbors, as a countermeasure to the power of the Chinese economy.

world , U.S. vs China – What The World Thinks , #U.S #China #World #Thinks
, China (Country),United States Of America (Country),international relations,news,politics,foreign policy,world,earth,climate change,asia,japan,russia,europe,germany,canada,africa,brazil,brasil,mexico,england,uk,NATO,TPP,military,future,North Korea,South Korea,Korea,Vietnam,South China Sea,Vladimir Putin (Politician),Barack Obama (US President),Obama,Hillary Clinton,Bernie Sanders,USA,US,Italy,top 10,megaprojects,tdc,Xi Jinping,European Union,United Kingdom

45 pemikiran pada “U.S. vs China – What The World Thinks”

  1. Im from Texas and I think China is one of the oldest, strongest Nations and that citizens are not responsible for our governments. It is wrong to talk crap about a people who are in a desperate situation.

  2. Countries follow US because US always have their back in both domestic and international level as long as you are its ally, but China never does that. China is too scared or too selfish to protect its friends, so why would anyone trusts China???

  3. I heard all I need to know about the impartiality of this video when I heard " propaganda from Putin's Kremlin". I am from Singapore and detest US pretensions around the world. But no doubt Americans will dismiss my, and all other comments critical of the US as being paid Beijing or Kremlin trolls or bots. I have never come across a more deluded nationality

  4. Today, 20 trillion dollars GDP looks very big.

    But 100 trillion dollars GDP is the case of before 2040 for India and China in Real term.

    And 100 trillion dollar GDP in Nominal term before 2040 for Indian and China (May be) because nominal GDP can grow even without growth rate, if India's and China's currency get stronger.

  5. well done Trump, I think he really knows communist china from the years doing business with them. he's not fooled like other US presidents. destroy China while you can or they will try to control your media and politicians like they have done to Taiwan.

  6. To all the Chinese people here
    Did you see that most Indians had a favourable views of China ?

    Yet Chinese people insult us Indians just because their communist government portrays us as enemies…

    Did you Chinese people ever try to research about what Indians thought of you ?

    We’ve never had any bad relations with any country with the world
    The only countries that have bad relations with us are the ones who either choose to have it this way or were made into enemies by other nations

    So please can we cut this bull crap and be friends ?

  7. China: yay! at least WE didn't steal 1/2 our country from Mexico, and the other 1/2 from the native population. Tibet? uh, admittedly, we should have left them alone. Let's just sweep that nasty error under the rug of history.

  8. They should understand the united states has the most gold,in response meaning,if a country mints real metals of gold,silver,nickel,for what it cost to print weighs heavy on a nations economy..

  9. Chinese people are not fools. They trust the Chinese government because your media are telling lies. There are 1.4 billion people in China. Every year, 100 million people travel abroad. They know what kind of "free world" is in your mouth. The Chinese government is not as bad as it is in your media. You are really a group of brainwashed idiots, but the most terrible thing is that you don’t realize it.


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