
Tucker Carlson’s Thoughts on World War 3


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world , Tucker Carlson’s Thoughts on World War 3 , #Tucker #Carlsons #Thoughts #World #War
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48 pemikiran pada “Tucker Carlson’s Thoughts on World War 3”

  1. Are we going into WW3??? I believe we are already there, the fire is lit, it just hasn’t engulfed yet. The West is just fighting it through proxies at the moment. I think right now Ukraine is using Western weapons to see what weapons are successful or failures. I also think the United States, Russia, or China won’t be targeted by each other, proxies will do it. This will be an attempt to keep nuclear weapons off the battlefield" Hope I’m wrong, but just a hunch that are seeing the beginning battles that will carefully spread by each side.

  2. There’s a good argument to be made that we are already in it. It just isn’t a traditional war like the others were. The battle field and the weapons are different this time.

  3. The rulers have their deep bunkers. They hate the rest of us. Yet, they never seem to realize that their guards and staff, who will live in those bunkers and take care of the elites, don't need the elites themselves once civilization is gone (paychecks are gone). What value does a politician or corporate type have in post-apocalyptica?

  4. We're already in WW3…it just has not been declared, yet…a lot of parallels to WW2: hostile country invading/annexing neighbor, using various proxy countries/groups to commit violent military actions.

  5. Maaaan I wish I was friends with Tucker. The shit we’d talk about, the amount of laughs and just good vibes. Great guy

  6. I gotta say he's right on all front only that impulsive laughing and then immediately back to somber is anti human movement and did he say artistic or autistic?

  7. I’ve been noticing the people in charge are quite indeed zealous, manipulative, jealous, envious, greedy and willing to blow everything up to say I told you so. Trump 100 should be delivered to these people, but they have all the stings on their side and now they have a serious problem with Russia. Well, that’s a doozy

  8. I hate Biden but this is kinda like when Trump was egging on North Korea to drop bombs and said he will bring fire, death and brimstone. They went back and forth with real threats and armies on standby… everyone forgets about that. Although Russia actually does have nuclear weapons it has to be said, BOTH US presidents have done NOTHING to ease tensions or stave off war. Except Trump signing the plans and evacuation orders for Afghanistan and then Biden being dumb and not realizing it wont work like the plans says it will AND still does it.

    You guys put 2 morons at the helm of the one of the most advanced nations in the world and now you have a suprised Pikachu face when it all turns to shit, just hilarious to watch..

  9. He 100% right on this. This whole situation is all demonic, as it anti human. We are living in the days on the Geat apostasy, people do not see what's being unfolding

  10. if you think they’ll use nuclear weapons ur an idiot they’d use their we’d use ours and we’d both be dead 😂

  11. I think the minute the government tries to start a full scale nuclear war the people of each country would and should stand up to stop it we don’t want any of that pissing contest we just wanna live our lives and raise our kids

  12. For the 1 Nation in Modern Times that was built around the Bible & 10 Commandments to be turning against God is what's going to Destroy the U.S. & is a sign of the Return of Jesus Christ sooner than later. Is this a good thing? We are fighting Evil on a daily basis,fighting Evil in the world Governments on a daily basis is a sign & Nations Turning against the Jews is the largest Sign.
    Don't Lose Your Faith & Praise God in everything you do.

  13. The purpose of evil is to corrupt that which is God, and love. What's more anti-God than getting his creations to kill themselves, and not because things are so bad, but because we were tricked. The end result to life is death, but life again after death, in a cycle presents new issues unforseen. Imagine evil, and it exists of course. Remember you have to imagine evil, but you always know what is good. Search deep, you know already.

  14. We making it out of Facebook groups and takin it to front page news hell yeah Shawn got tucker Carlson.

  15. I’m Conservstive and this guy used to annoy the crap out of me. I thought he was a fake republican. Like an east coast republican like William F Buckley. And so smug in his bow ties. But he changed after Covid.

  16. I'm from Canada and I know in a year and a 1/2 we're gonna have change.I'm not sure if you guys are gonna have a change in the fall, I don't think sleepy.Joe should be the most powerful man in the world.But tucker is insane as well, If you cannot have a drink.
    A beer and a shot a whiskey.Then I don't trust you

  17. There are literal demons here, I've seen one. There's angels as well, saw one of them too. Where this is all going, I can't tell, but the angel told me "everything is going to be okay."

  18. It's always spiritual. Spirit is the invisible rudder that guides us. What's up with Tucker Carlson's crazy laugh man? I think he's on the verge of losing his mind with everything that's happening.

  19. People keep saying WWWIII. It will be Armageddon. The end of satans reign. Jesus is coming back and a World War will be wished for compared to what’s coming.


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