
Trump Sues Mary Trump and New York Times


The Former US President Donald Trump and his niece, Mary Trump square off in court.
The case is a balance test between the public’s interest in presidential tax returns and the personal nature of a decades old privacy agreement. Donald Trump squared off against his niece in court on Thursday, aiming to advance a lawsuit that says she and The New York Times conspired against him with an insidious plot to obtain and publicize his financial records.
A 2001 family estate agreement lies at the heart of the case. Donald Trump says it contains a confidentiality clause that prohibits all family members, including Mary Trump, who wrote the book, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man,” from divulging its details.
Donald Trump doesn’t dispute that she was entitled to possess them herself, but he says Mary Trump violated the 20 year old contract when she smuggled records out of her attorney’s office. He seeks $100 million in damages.
The suit also names as defendants Times journalists Susanne Craig, David Barstow and Russell Buettner, who collectively won a Pulitzer Prize in 2019 for explanatory reporting for an investigation into Trump’s finances. The Times has called the lawsuit an attempt to silence independent news organizations. David McCraw, an attorney for the Times, argued on Thursday that the newspapers’ reporters were doing their jobs: the constitutionally protected task of “ordinary newsgathering,” the facts of which even Donald Trump does not dispute.
“What is most important about that article and to these proceedings, is that it was true,” McCraw said in court.
New York State Supreme Court Justice Robert R. Reed probed the meaning of the word “ordinary,” as Donald Trump’s attorneys argued that the exchange here was beyond the pale. Mary Trump is represented by Anne Champion of the firm Gibson Dunn.
Champion said it was within Mary Trump’s rights to terminate the agreement, as it doesn’t specify an end date. She called the agreement nonsensical and cited the decision by a state judge in 2020 that allowed the book to be published against opposition from Robert Trump, the former president’s younger brother, related to the same family contract. Champion argued that Donald Trump would have violated the terms “many times over” with his own public comments about the estate’s worth and why Mary and her brother had been excluded from their grandfather’s will.
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