
TRUE World & Iceborne Monster Difficulty Tier List – Best Hardest Monsters Ranking – Monster Hunter!


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48 pemikiran pada “TRUE World & Iceborne Monster Difficulty Tier List – Best Hardest Monsters Ranking – Monster Hunter!”

  1. I saw the wilds trailer and realized… i never beat iceborn (i was REALLY pissed they delayed iceborn pc launch 6 months and stopped playing) so im back now playing and as you said: just workingon the last few quests of world to get to iceborn. Maining gunlance. my old tried and true of charged blade just seems too daunting. man its so much fun. love your content

  2. A thing i like is how MH difficulty is very subjective as it all depends on what weapon you use and how much you prepared for a specific fight by the items, skills, etc. you bring with you.

    It's the same for souls likes but just the extra things you can do in MH to really change a fight feels good.

  3. Val haz being above MR Kulve let alone A tier is nuts lmao. That fight is an absolute joke, crazy how savage deviljo is behind ruiner nirgigante is nuts this list is crazy

  4. Only thing I disagree with is Lunastra, she's tough, but when you find the gimmick to leap spam, jerky, windproof, block, items, mantles, etc. she's not on Fatalis level anymore and doesn't hit anywhere near as hard, even without the blue flames.

  5. Lunastra couldn’t be better placed. When I first played World, I got stuck on Lunastra and stopped playing for maybe six months because I was just sure she was unbeatable by me. Then, I beat her and didn’t face anything nearly as oppressive until Raging Brachydios.

  6. Am I the only one who noticed that he didn’t talk about base Bazelgease. Also, he didn’t talk about the crossover monsters.🤷🏻‍♂️

  7. I’m surprised that barioth is so low especially since you put him below anajath. I’ve always thought of him as a diet tigrex. I love glavenus he’s my favorite monster but putting him in the same tier as teostra feels like a little much but since he’s my favorite hunt/monster we’ll just say it’s cause of his tail rizz.

  8. Savage devilhoe being under nergigante is insane
    Also kirin is higher and silver rathalos
    I find nergi to be one of the easier fights in the game thanks to its telegraphing

  9. One of my friends asked me which monster I dreaded most. Without hesitation, I put Lunastra at the top. So many things can go wrong so fast.

  10. Is it weird that I cook Lunastra, Ruiner El Gigante and Alatreon daily but take all the cart when fighting Fatalis?

  11. If you feel confident after beating fatalis, try fighting AT Velkhana, she will put you back in your place real quick.

  12. 12:00 brute tigrex huh? imagine being a longsword main and having to punishing every, single, attack he has to offer just because you have you have evade window 3(cuz evade window 3 works on foresight slash), imo brute tigrex is just a practice dummy for honing counters on longsword

  13. I disagree with Uragaan, particularly when you fight him. I still find ways to cart to him regularly because it's so easy to get carted from his massive slam attacks since they're generally following him essentially stunlocking you with a combination of roars and tremors. So unless you specifically run earplugs and tremor resist, you're going to likely cart to him a few times as a melee when you are introduced to him. Much harder than Anjanath, even with his weirdly small hitboxes.

  14. putting ruiner nergigante and alatreon on the same tier seems laughable in my opinion, but i never realy figured out how to properly fight alatreon, i seem to always lack the damage to stop beeing judged.

  15. Sorry not sorry, but Savage Jho easily takes the hardest non-elder dragon level hunt. ESPECIALLY in any somewhat confined area, the damned deviled relish can move his toe and cause you damage. I truly hate that he's one of my favorites because damn is he not rage-bait. 🤣🤣

  16. Odogaron is one of my favorite monsters in the game, but I've never found him particularly difficult (my friend says different, but, eh?), so when you get to Kirin and he's not there yet, I'm wondering if you forgot him lol. You honor the blood puppy greatly. Too much I think, but I'll take it.

  17. It's also fun to realize how much weapons affect your gameplay style (atleast to me), coz with Guard based Gunlance, Diablos and Deviljho becomes much easier for me, whereas when I use IG, Azure Rathalos or Legiana or Blackveil just become easy targets to hit.

  18. I would like to say, it would be nice if the devs would give World and update, one to have the opportunity to change kulve taroth in and out of Arch-tempered, it would be very appreciative to have. Anyone agrees?

  19. While I was really not expecting lunastra to be so high up, I absolutely couldn't agree more. Her nova is INFINITELY more of a challenge than teostras.

  20. I played Rise and now i'm testing World, bruh gunlance is so disapointing where is my Jet lance !

  21. As a person who has returned to Iceborne after a couple years, I have solo’d every monster without Fatalis gear except for Safi’ Jiiva (full energy, because draining the energy is too easy to solo him in those conditions) and Extreme Behemoth as a hammer purist. I have recently been trying to beat solo those two without Fatalis gear. I am using the full Alatreon set and hammer to do it. I can say without a doubt that Extreme Behemoth at least as a hammer purist without Fatalis gear, is the hardest fight in the game. Primarily due to the 4 player scaling and the crazy amount of dumb mechanics he has. Ancient Leshen was a long drag, but when you figure out the best areas on the map to use the environment against him, the drag is really the only issue with him. Safi’ Jiiva full energy is probably one of the hardest in terms of getting the right RNG, because at least the single player scaling keeps him mostly fair. The 20 minute timer is the only major annoyance with full energy runs without Fatalis gear. Wish me luck on my final challenges hunters!

  22. I was. Super surprised about Lunastra. You can flash her to make her Super Nova making ver most powerful attack pretty tame. I'd even put her lower (maybe a little at least) than Teostra.

  23. Story Tobi-Kadachi was my only wall in Low Rank base world. Had no trouble with Anjanath or Diablos, for instance, but Tobi took me two tries. Kept getting chain stunned and paralyzed, and it was so fast and agile I had a hard time hitting it back. Probably didn’t help that that was the mission I decided I wanted to learn to play charge blade.

  24. Frostfang is an absolute menace for lance until you learn the tell for its freeze so I'd put that in B. Meanwhile the Tigrexs and regular Zinogre are C tier; they can't touch me at all.

  25. I hate Blackveil Vaal so much because after enough attempts I literally had to go out and grind before I would even bother attempting to fight because I literally didn’t have enough items to fight him. Eventually I just said F it and made an entire set with max effluvium resistance so I could fight him somewhat comfortably.

  26. I'm inclined to agree with the tier list overall, but I think Lunastra and base Odogaron are too high. I would put Lunastra in A or B tier, because once you know what to do about her Supernova, there's not much she can do to you. Odogaron should be on the same tier as Paolumu. Yes, he's quick, but that's about it. He's kind of easy. If you dodge as soon as you see him start to move, 9 times out of 10 you will be okay. But other than that, it's a very solid list.

    EDIT: The more I think about this, the more certain I become that a singular Monster Difficulty Tier List doesn't quite work — as I realized that there are some monsters I would place higher and lower for certain weapons. A Monster Difficulty Tier List should probably be done on a per-weapon basis. I consider Lunastra and Odogaron easy because I play a weapon that is quite mobile. But if I had to wait more than a second for the weapon to sheathe, things might be different.


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