
Trudeau Just SHOCKED The World With Creepy Authoritarian Law, It’s Not Good


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With Canada’s new ‘online harms’ bill set to make online hate punishable up to LIFE in prison, is Trudeau C-63 bill about protecting children or about labelling any speech he personally dislikes as hateful?

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26 pemikiran pada “Trudeau Just SHOCKED The World With Creepy Authoritarian Law, It’s Not Good”

  1. Yup Russell you nailed it and glad you are covering this. Canadian here and this is the worst absolutely worst thing Trudeau has ever done. No one is safe and according to this law a person can be imprisoned if anyone thinks that a certain individual might promote hate speech even if they have done nothing..

  2. I got a plan that's way more simple; how about parents find out what their children are doing on the internet, or maybe just limit or ban their online usage. The rest of us shouldn't have to have our rights taken away due to lazy and negligible parenting.

  3. There is a massive part of the populace in North America that desires to be ruled over! Freedom brings individual responsibility this is a burden to those that would gladly trade everyone's liberty and freedom for a personal feeling of inclusion and virtue.

  4. Bloke given 2 years in jail for making anti-immigration stickers in UK. That shows the state is against us. Actual violence is normally given a suspended sentence.

  5. Don’t just look at Trudeau his understudy Crystal Freeland is batshit crazy to watch spouting the same rhetoric.

  6. Well, it looks like you do is playing from the same playbook as Mousscron the French president. Illegal to talk against medical decisions made by the establishment don’t you know up to €45,000 in fines and up to 5 years in jail for criticising anything that’s the government does in terms of medical care or medical decisions sounds legitimate what could possibly go wrong

  7. Its all a lie, its got nothing to do with children, they don't give a dam about children, its all about control.

  8. Great videos as always keep up the good work. WEF is very dangerous the are pushing global communism. The are trying to push Russia China and the USA into a war with each other. When you where in high school there was always those little cowards who would want the tuffest fighters to fight each other so they would seed words into each one of those fighters to stir them up against each other. They wanted to take down the best fighters, but they are cowards so they pitted each fighter against the other. One day soon America Russia China will figure it out and be on the same side. The real threat is the WEF they are stirring all these nations against each other as long America Russia China are the big boys on the block they cannot subjugate the world. They will try to destroy those 3 nations. America Russia China will come together when they sit down and really see the real threat is not each other but forces trying to pit them against each other.

  9. How can a government that wants to change people's opinions on pedophilia, but demanding we call pedos "minor attracted persons" on one hand, also be trying to "protect children" by this authoritarian BS?

  10. There are elderly rings……the ageing are coming for you…….👨‍🦯👩‍🦯🧑‍🦯👨‍🦼👩‍🦼🧑‍🦼🕴👩‍🦽🧑‍🦽🎅👴👵


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