TRINKET TIERLIST | Dandy’s World Roblox

Placing all of the Trinkets in one of 6 Tiers; F, D, C, B, A and S.

0:00 Intro
0:41 F Tier
3:53 D Tier
7:00 C Tier
11:42 B Tier
13:19 A Tier
15:04 S Tier
18:27 Outro

Music (In Order):


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22 pemikiran pada “TRINKET TIERLIST | Dandy’s World Roblox”

  1. 10:15 I think Ribbon Spool is just a trinket mainly catered towards Razzle & Dazzle. Afterall, Dazzle is a slow runner but a fast extractor on even floors so I think it helps them. Otherwise, I don't see much usage out of it for other toons.

  2. Thinking Cap is actually quite useful for Shrimpo in my opinion. Other than that, yes i completely agree that all the trinkets in F tier are useless. I don’t use any of them except for Thinking Cap if playing as Shrimpo

  3. Is anyone else thinking the game is a bit distractor sided? With trinkets like veemote, participation award and magnifying glass you can kind of cheese away your biggest weakness. If you do your skill checks well you can complete a machine much faster than you could before, other toons will be better at it but you can do a decent job. And with the right trinkets your walking speed can be faster than twisteds running speed. It's not a major issue, kinda minor, but it does feel a bit lopsided. But I'd like others opinions!

  4. Thinking cap can be useful for someone that isnt very skilled at/struggles with skillchecks, so unlike the others in F tier it can actually be useful sometimes, IMO its just a bit higher than F, at the lowest of D

  5. I’d say with how little thermos affects stamina regeneration that the Pop Pack with a -10% on it would do about the same effect, especially since a bottle of pop is pretty strong filling up your entire stamina back to full that it is better than feather duster and speedometer in my opinion, but I don’t use the trinket nor own it myself so I don’t have experience.

    Also to put pink bow in a slightly different way, a lot of the time you won’t be able to just outwalk things like 4 star or higher movement speed characters, and being able to run far faster and gain distance easier is a much better way of escaping than trying to rely on conserving stamina when you can’t be able to get away

  6. My only suggestions for the Trinket replacements:

    Manual on C (It's only good when you just started the game but as you make progress you lose sight of this Trinket)

    Speedshoes on S (It's useful for toons that are 2 star movement & Combo this with Dog Plush makes you speed more effective for distractors to have safer distance against Pebble)

    Spare bulb on D (It has good use for it but it's not very effective unless that kind of skill card called "Sprark plug" tbh, it's rare to see someone using this but I don't see the point of using since this only can be useful in late. Plus with Electrician, much worse because this item only come handy on Blackout)

    Alarm is on F (I do not see the point of using this either since this just gets outclassed by Speedshoes, Pink Bow & etc.)

    Thermos on B (this comes in clutch upon finding safer spot & lose sight of their aggro, this can come in handy for Toons that have 2 & 4 stamina. Which allows them to refill enough stamina just in case if spam aggro)

  7. In my opinion, not dissing yours, I use Pop Pack on the regular due to to free tapes it gives every floor for using the pop, and the 10% less stam regen isn't that bad when I have instant stamina or just find a speed candy. I'd put it in one tier higher than you did, though I do agree that it's not great.

  8. In my opinion i think thinking cap should be higher. One of the characters i like to play the most is flutter and when there’s goob’s that will destract, i cant do machines well with 2 star extraction and skill check as the skill check is very hard to get great job on but with thinking cap it is way easier and helps me do machines, just saying but I respect your opinion.


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