Top U.S. & World Headlines — March 4, 2024

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48 pemikiran pada “Top U.S. & World Headlines — March 4, 2024”

  1. The same people arrogantly regime changed all over middle east countries by saying this president must go, that president must go. they bagging Israel government to stop genocide for one week but they get rejected each time. shame on all of you in DC.

  2. They are only agreeing to Temporary Ceasefire so they can Re-arm 👿 They have brought old tanks out of storage due to heavy losses!!!!! BIDEN & SUNAK HAVE THE BLOOD OF 14,000 CHILDREN ON THEIR HANDS 👺👿👺

  3. I hope that more and more Americans start to realize that Dems imbue the same degree of callousness towards humanity, support for war, and contempt for the American public. Domestic politics must not be framed as left vs. right, this is about right vs. wrong. The longer Biden administration allows/encourages Netanyahu to massacre besieged Palestinian populations the more clear it becomes that Dem's murderous intervention in Ukraine, Syria, Lybia, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, etc. are not mere blips, but rather true representation of thier imperial intent and disdain for humanity.

  4. Women/female humans are individuals who were born with a reproductive structure designed to produce the larger of the two gametes human produce. According to the USNIH, at least 99.982 percent of babies are born with unambiguous reproductive structures. Thus, if a female says she is not part of the sex binary, she doesn't understand biology (ignorance is toxic unless she is intellectually disabled) or lying (lying is toxic). Why would she be lying? Based on testimony, most women who describe themselves as nonbinary do so because they believe being a woman is defined by having a feeling or by her behavior. A consistent woman feeling does not exist. To tell an adolescent she must feel a certain way to identify as a woman is toxic misogyny. She doesn't have to feel any specific way. She just needs a female reproductive structure. To tell an adolescent a lack of a required woman feeling results in a spiritual elimination of her female reproductive structure is a ludicrous lie and toxic misogyny. To tell an adolescent with a female reproductive structure that she must behave in a certain way, i.e., stereotypically feminine, is toxic misogyny and often homophobic.

  5. Proud are you America of your overlord israel . Leaders of democracy and human rights , are you America. Leaders ! Baloney. You poor bastards are enslaved, and you don't even know it .

  6. Jail British Charles for misuse of King's court bench the embassy in North America was forced to breaches against overseas middle East areas
    1000 yrs in jail for each groups of people children is one teens then youth and then adult's and elders and the last disabled people

  7. I try to save the lives of unborn children, to me all life is sacred but I am troubled when educated people use the expression non-binary. When you Madam use that expression you give creedence to the most un-scientific concept ever foisted on humanity. It's sad that this young man was beaten to death by girls but what an imposition we had put on them. He was a boy in a dress, he had acheived puberty and he was in the girls' washroom! Real sins, real crimes, are crimes against nature and trans-gendering is the arch-crime against nature. We adults seem to oppose the crime of pedophillia and yet we are suggesting that the child who has not yet found themselves can alter their gender with the assistance of adults, Teachers are supposed to use certain pronouns and keep the deviant child's secret, at the last it is us who are mentally ill.

    – PaulTeich-©️10/31/2023.
    Are you the kind from a rural area?
    Are you the kind that doesn’t work?
    Are you the kind that wears clothes that don’t match?
    Are you the kind that argues with everyone all the time?
    Are you the kind that breaks laws and tries to get away with it?
    Are you the kind that throws people out of your country or religion if they are not orthodox?
    Are you the kind that smack their lips and goes AHHHHHHH after every sip of a drink?
    Are you the kind that drives by the lame limping by?
    Are you the kind that threatens people with dangerous language?
    Are you the kind that gets ousted for evil and lawbreaking?
    Are you the kind that is indifferent?
    Are you the kind who thinks they should decide who should live and who should die?
    Are you the kind that handles relationships with threats, yelling, and intimidation?
    Are you the kind that rules with an iron fist or would a philosopher statesman be better?
    Are you the kind that does not include everyone and did not learn from your mother how to play in the sandbox with the other kids?
    Are you the kind that lies?
    Who set you loose?
    Maybe someone should net that YAHU!
    What kind of net should we use on Netanyahu?
    May peace, love and poetry, save the world.
    Look what Trump did to Pence.

  9. The US vice president comments
    , come After Gazza has been destroyed
    And there is nothing to return to
    While Israel sells illegal settlements in the Westbank
    I think Biden Harris should have watched Star Wars
    Princess Amadala
    Said we cannot standby while the Congress debates, the war in session and forms committees
    People are dying now
    That was a sociopolitical essay on the state of earth at that time
    It reminds me
    What Hagel said
    What we weren’t from history is that we don’t learn anything from history

  10. Paulteich©️01/09/24
    Dear Palestine
    We are all Palestinians
    The world is letting us know what the one percent has in store for us
    They are letting us know that if the poor protest, or don’t repeat the official narrative,
    And the purveyors of the vial maxim may feel like cutting the grass trimming the lawn, or trimming the hedges
    That is what is happening to Palestine
    That is what is happening to Gaza
    That is what is happening to people
    That is what is going to be happening to people
    And we are being warned by our elected officials
    And lucky for them
    We have been busy scratching out our survival. We have been busy working 100 hours a week.
    They have kept us busy those politicians with bread and circuses
    They are in different
    We are next next
    We are all Palestinians
    We are next

    Weaponization of religion is hypocrisy
    The Abrahamic religions Were created for the oppressed to protect them from the oppressors, and so like unions in America, the oppressed could gain power through numbers and end slavery occupation, and apartheid

    Our governments trying to use religion to weapon ice orthodoxy, so that if you don’t follow the official narrative of the state, you will not only be killed, but you will be sent to hell
    You would think killed would be enough, wouldn’t you?

    Religion became weaponized and added to government, so that if you were illegal, you would not only go to jail, but you would be sent to hell for eternal torment

  11. Cornell west for president

    When Aristotle and James Madison were given the same question about democracy and we don’t live in a democracy
    we live in an inverse totalitarian regime according to Sheldon Wallen, Chris Hedges Noam Chomsky
    And Cornell west
    Madison thought that we should limit democracy
    that we should not have an excess of democracy because then
    The poor, who were many would take their voting rights
    And have an agrarian reform
    And Landon money would have to be shared with them, and the rich don’t like that
    Aristotle, when questioned about democracy thought we should have an excess of democracy
    That if the poor were treated with too much indignation
    They would rise up, and that would be very bad for the rich
    Cornell west goes with Aristotle the inventor of democracy and they feel that we should have an excess of democracy
    That everyone should have a vote
    And no one should be left out
    For instance, there’s no street people in Germany
    In America, they close mental homes and other facilities and leave people out on the street
    If you ever watched Mel Brooks, history of the world, part two
    The Roman senators are questioned
    should we continue to build lavish palaces for the rich
    Or should we aspire to do something better and feed and house the poor?
    The Roman senators answer is the same as the American senators answer today
    Which was fuck the poor
    Cornell west is not a fuck the poor kind of guy
    He is a hate the sin love the sinner kind of guy
    He does not want to chip away at poverty
    He wants to abolish it
    He does not want to chip away at hunger. He wants to abolish it
    He does not want to chip away at Street people
    He wants to abolish it

    He doesn’t want the new deal of FDR to be further chipped away at
    He wants to replace it and add to it
    He wants to replace glass Steagall and stop Banks from going under
    He’s against war
    He’s for choice
    He wants to replace roe versus wade
    My industry has never been unionized
    I’m 60 I make $15 less an hour than I did 25 years ago
    I’ve never had a benefit
    I’m ill
    I’ve been ripped off in legal cases where I was forced to accept a plea, bargain or settlement
    He is for we, the people
    he is against big corporations that rip us off
    He has integrity. He has faith, and he is the top intellectual on planet earth today.
    If you want to say that Noam, Chomsky is the top intellectual on planet earth today you can
    Then Cornell west, is the top black intellectual, or the planet today
    He is a philosophy professor
    What happened to the philosophy kings who would save the world?
    Cornell is against the kings
    He doesn’t think anyone was put here to rule anyone
    But if anyone has an understanding of how to save us, it’s him
    The top intellectual in the area of philosophy on planet earth today
    And I am from planet earth
    That’s why I’m for Cornell
    You might like my book that has trump, and uncle Sam tugofwarring the Earth over the pit of hell with Covid bats flying out
    That’s what politics today makes me feel like
    That’s why I’m voting for Cornell West

  12. Proof that Democrats in the Democrat party are actually full of crap. Look what they’ve done. If Trump did this you’d be freaking out but yet you’re lying election Steeler is the one who did this.

  13. Anyone who votes for Genocide Joe Biden is voting for Genocide and Apartheid in this world and can't ever be trusted again for Humanity in this world and are some of the worst human beings that have ever lived in this world.

  14. Amazing you are waking up these peoples are selfish they only cares about being in power 🔋 😉 😀 👏 👍 🙌 🔋 😉 😀 👏 👍 🙌 🔋 😉 😀 👏 👍 and the peoples are second class their lives have no values 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


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