
Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 5, 2024


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, Democracy Now,Amy Goodman,News,Politics,democracynow,Independent Media,Breaking News,World News

25 pemikiran pada “Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 5, 2024”

  1. Rise Humanity rise.
    Rise up from all of the lies.
    Rise up to clarity, let go of old ideology.
    Humanity is one big family!
    What injures you injures me.
    It is time that we become free,
    and trust our own guide from within and begin;
    to heal Humanity as a whole,
    joining each other soul to soul.

  2. How does America think it is above the international criminal court?! Actually thinking about sanctions… That's next level insane

  3. Ukraine is different from Palestine.
    1. Ukrain has its own army and airforce but Palestine has not been allowed to have army, navy, air-force by occupying regime with the help of NATO
    2. Ukrainian is an independent country but Palestine has been totally prisoned from air, land, and sea by ISISrael, they are not allowed to make any authority such as immigration office, embassies , and all basic elements of a country.
    3. Ukraine can get aids and imports anything easily as Russia has not blocked land border and air space, so any aid can easily go to Ukraine without any scanning and checking. But Palestine can’t get any aids and food without NATO and ISISrael permission, they scanned two times all aids and it takes 1 week for 1 aid truck to pass through these all processes.
    4. Whole NATO and USA are providing all kind of traditional and modern weapons to Ukraine without any condition, while these monsters countries providing same facilities to Israel against Palestinian genocide 🇵🇸. So situation is completely opposite.
    5. Ukrain has 15k victims, Palestine has 44k victims.
    6. Russia doesn’t think Ukraine is human animal, while Israel think Palestinian are human animals. And they believe that they all should be wiped out
    7. Ukraine has its own airport, airline services, but Palestine is not allowed to have their own airport and airline service because occupying power monitors everything.
    8. Ukrain has its own banking system and Russia has no influence in it. But Palestine is not allowed to have currency and banking system, and no one can directly send money to Palestine. They need to first send to Israeli banks and then Israel will decide whether this money has to give to Palestinian or not.
    9. If ukrain fights against external power then western countries call it defense but if Palestinian pick up weapon to defend their country then same western media call it terrorism
    10. Ukraine has proper army who defends it while Palestine has no army. Some victims organized to fight for freedom. 80% of Hamas fighters are orphan (their one or both parents were killed by ISISraeli occupying army BEFORE 7th OCTOBER). Now Israel made 2500 orphanes more in Gaza so we don’t know what action and step these orphanes will take in future 💪
    I hope you have understood the situation

  4. Why are we putting sanctions on the international criminal court who are just trying to stop illegal murder of civilians. I thought we were against tyrants. This is America right?

  5. Cheating and blackmailing is in their nature; not surprised that the despicable "law makers" would succumb to them.

  6. nosso grande arbítrio é não votar neles para nos representar no congresso 🤫😁. Ou apoiar o país cujo Deus não ser o Deus pai da luz

  7. It’s not hard to figure it out who is doing election violations in Mexico The WINNER 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


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