
Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 27, 2024


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, Democracy Now,Amy Goodman,News,Politics,democracynow,Independent Media,Breaking News,World News

45 pemikiran pada “Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 27, 2024”

  1. Amy, thanks for your report on climate change around the world. The government has put tariffs on EVs and solar energy products to accelerate the effect. 😭😭😭

  2. Is there any doubt left that there are only two different factions of Zayo NOT-Z:  
    Those who are denying the existence of Palestinian  and those who are insisting  to make Palestinians nonexistence.  
    Rest in Power Aaron Bushnell I will never forget you and your last words of " Free Palestine "

  3. I thought only women can get pregnant. PEOPLE get pregnant, not just women. I stand corrected. Thank you, Amy Goodperson.

  4. The people has spoken, it’s a shame 23 civilians had to lose their life just because of a tax hike. Compromise.

  5. War is hell!! Infortunadamente, the spiritual war continúa. Peace unto all. His peace of soul. God bless us all!!!

  6. The left needs to stop ignoring the fact that only women can become pregnant. A man, by definition, cannot become pregnant. A pregnant woman claiming to be a man is a delusional liar that needs to called out and shamed for her dishonesty.

  7. This is the time to take care of our own nothing else who wants to keep fighting and disrupt our election and he’s gonna vote for Trump. That’s what he wants because he did the same thing with the president before why are you helping that he’s keep doesn’t listen to you, do not help him he does. He is a obstacle to the peace. Keep him in the jail. Maybe we gonna get the results then peace is gonna come the best way to do this the right way if you wanna be elected, you have to do this because letting who is not gonna do any good, he’s gonna hurt United States of America policy does the killing innocent people I know this is for, but I can feel it. I can see it in my own eye what he does is evil please listen even their own people Israeli people understand this we don’t hate Israel people we care for the people, let’s do it right better kick him out of there before more problem the same we did with in Iraq with his word

  8. Brazil is fortunate to have Lula who decriminalized possession of weed! US is still in the doldrums – Lula's the true leader of the free world, not Biden!

  9. So we completely support a narco government knowing that he's trafficking all kinds of drugs and killing his people but as soon as he's ousted out of his own government we prosecute him…. That's some shady business right there. American politics has got to change something needs to change. The way our democracy is set up right now is not sustainable.

  10. The Biden Admin definitely wanted to shut down people challenging their clot-shot drug agenda, regardless of what the Supreme Burrito says.
    (pretty good youtube poetry there, I must admit.)

  11. A coup attempt? Against a democratically elected socialist leader? Good golly gee, I wonder who could have bankrolled said coup…🤔🤔🤔

    Spoilers: It was 1000% the CIA.

  12. Are people who died from starvation, the lack of cancer treatment, lack of hemp dialysis, other chronic treatments- are these people being counted among war deaths since they would likely not have died otherwise.

  13. I like this program but why does Amy portray Ramiro Gonzales as a victim? Look up his crimes and you see the punishment is just. Amy does this for a lot of death row inmates that committed horrendous acts, that they admitted too.

  14. "Another primary means of dumbing down America is through mass media. If the public is busily preoccupied with the superficial garbage spoon-fed to the masses every single day via television, movies, music, internet, video games that all act just as effective as the most potent drug dulling the senses and the brain, again an enormous control over the population is achieved and maintained. With so much entertainment as the modern day opiate to the masses to divert people’s attention, these weapons of mass distraction easily render people oblivious to see what is really happening in the world. Compound that with the lowest common denominator appealing to the most prurient interests such as pornography, crass materialism (using mind control techniques to manipulate consumers into spending money on false promises of sex, status and happiness), entertainment that dually serves as propaganda along with the mesmerizing effects captivated by sports that also draw enormous amounts of money, and the oligarchs have us right where they want us – numbed and dumbed.

    Even the flicker rates of televisions, videos, computers and cinema by design are all programmed to contain hidden properties that physically resonate and alter the human brain’s alpha wave state to induce a hypnotic, mesmerizing, trancelike state of mind. This literally drugs and distorts the cognitive processes of the mass audience being subliminally fed input that modify and shape values, moral and ethical messages and multiple autosuggestions that carry powerful binding effects on people’s unconscious minds and future behavior. This too is another form of calculated brainwashing, mind control as well as behavior control that the media as vehicles of propaganda and disinformation constantly utilize. The constant 24/7 sensory bombardment that media puts on humans is one highly effective means of control over both culture and population." – Article"The Dumbing Down of America – By Design".

  15. 2000 2000 people are still locked up in jail for marijuana possession having someone who's running the government of Brazil taking bribes under the table for a cocaine then they are taking bribes to put people in jail who has marijuana to heal and to kill a disease that they may overcome the disease as using marijuana as a medicine of a herbal healing medicine that has CBD oil in the marijuana it should be corrected that marijuana is a herb as the tree of Life healing nations of people and let the people free who have been put in jail only because they use CBD oil in their marijuana as marijuana is not a synthetic chemical maybe cannabis would be but you must free those people in jail as the one who is in charge of the government should correct the usage of herbal medicine recognizing the benefits even better than aspirin but it shall be those ones set free as the government is corrupt that does not want you to use the CBD oil in the marijuana as a healing that you have good health as they having a different store selling cannabis that is made as being synthetic chemical that has dangerous side effects and will take down your immune system do not allow them to keep selling it as it kills people when it takes down the immune system we must test to know these things as even it is in food s that can come from China and when it kills people the people in charge in a lot of governments is getting paid even receiving your life insurance as this kills a lot of individual and then they in the government will place you in jail when you have that of marijuana that has CBD oil that can kill a disease and save your life this is that much corruption that comes against shaman healers of ancient tribes in the rainforest God bless you more power to the people my true beloved may you see my sign that you may join me that will be one in the father as well in the Son as we are in the same body uplifting one another speaking on each other behalf that we may stand against all that it is coming against all that we are of the righteous ones I love you my beloved as my sign if you get a chance to see this picture it would be the eclipse of the Sun for it is the face of the most high God within us who is one in the whole body armor of God bless you all my beloved join me that this sign will give us to be a unity and that we have perfect union oh communication with the wisdom that no weapon formed against us will not prosper power to the people 💪 my name is Philip Ross and I am running for president of the United States of America if you have anyone in America speak on my behalf that they may vote to change the difference in what is right that I may able to send you greater wisdom that you may be blessed and more abundantly and money and with wisdom that reveals that God hand is in your life 🧬

  16. God is upset with the Palestinian people for worshiping Idols Mohammed is not the son of God he was a prophet. And thats why i believe he is allowing the massacre. I thats not the reason then iam confused

  17. I Really really Really wanna anyone a show Me one pregnant boy?
    Is this too much to ask?
    The birthing persons' alumnus from la Ivey League thinkers

    Warms DadyB


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