
Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 26, 2024


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, Democracy Now,Amy Goodman,News,Politics,democracynow,Independent Media,Breaking News,World News

44 pemikiran pada “Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 26, 2024”

  1. I'm curious about Julian Assange and his Views on PALESTINE and ZIONIST ISRAEL!!😡😡😡…SO FAR he hasn't said much..😡

  2. These journalists know that they are in a war zone and therefore risk their lives being there! I have been in a war zone and I know this firsthand!

  3. Every time this channel quotes human losses reported by Hamas it is only furthering the Lies and supporting Hamas!

  4. American is not a democratic or sovereign state it wishes to project to the world, it has and continues to be a dictators, run by approved lobbyists grps. Their the pot that calls the kettle black. Shame

  5. Someone please Stop this criminal nation israel from murdering innocent civilians and then say it was self defense lie

  6. We didn't need Bowman. He was weak, ineffective, and a sellout. He did nothing for anyone and if he had done something, had he truly opposed Israel and opposed corporate rule, he would have had the support he needed to stay in office. He is a textbook case of why, if you want to call yourself a progressive, you need to actually be a progressive.

  7. Weakleaks _ If it never Would ever had existed ?
    What Could be happened to American hero dream with.
    TO salve the World from evil Would be remaining their untoutched rethoric, Soon, justifying Whether they had intended to.
    THE Trudt was the mainly reason to Change the mindset about face thousands of Viewers around of the World, Whose have had the opportunity to read , listenning to in total disagreement the NAKED POWER with imposed onto Adsavantages Countries.

  8. Why is it that we can never have a rational explanation from Biden for not pardoning Julian. Julian revealed that our government was doing criminal acts against journalist and that we were torturing those captured.

  9. Some people refer to journalists as heroes. That is almost always misguided. In the case of Julian Assange it's the only word that comes to mind. Those who attempted to destroy this hero of the people need to be held accountable now. We can't just be happy Assange is free. We need to free journalism itself.

  10. I’m sure that if anyone else tells the truth about America washing money threw war and other crimes they will also be charged by the DOJ !

  11. They out Bowman ,no wonder America is going down the drain F the democrats and AIPAC .BOWMAN OR NO VOTE.
    We know the own people in both party ,so we won't be voting for
    Trump either but for any third party.

  12. Wow, where are all the women in that video footage of the journalists, and the press? No women anywhere to be seen. It's almost like women are second-class citizens and property in Islam and are forced to stay in their homes. Shameful and disgusting

  13. Perhaps Julian Assange will find a tiny little hole to crawl into in Australian. Australia has more garbage and trouble to deal with. Julian should focus on the garbage and criminal activity in Australia. Shame on Australians. Yes such fine people.

  14. The girl is clearly being starved on purpose. We can all see clearly in front of our eyes why she is being starved. She doesn't look anything like the people there. It's insane you would use that video and then the close up on her feet it's so disgusting Amy you're awful.

  15. Disgraceful is a nation that act as a partner in crime, impunity to bullying a small nation as Palestine from which a powerless peoples have been subjected to the complicit practices of evil blasphemy and demonic practices as Israel and the U.S have done.
    if we compare the story of Jesus Christ on this present times. We can easily have a homogenous relationship on what was then Cesar of Rome and Israel, who betrayed mankind as they are the murders of the messiah

  16. lol Bobert is an “election denier”. Ok I guess there’s nothing to the gov burying the laptop story that showed Biden’s overseas money laundering operation. No problem with R poll watchers being sent home and carloads of paper ballots being counted overnight in their absence.

  17. Listening to Amy Goodman is like a breath of fresh air. Revealing the world as other people live it.

  18. Assange is visibly aged and probably has PTSD due to cruel treatment. Think about it. What was his intention? Monetary gain? No. He was revealing war crimes. Ask why U.S. will not join the World Criminal Court.

  19. Gaza is not the most dangerous place for journalist. There are many muslim countries journalists cant even go so to say a war zone they are allowed in is the most dangerous is absurd

  20. 60% of current wars are muslims fighting muslims. In Sudan 18 million displaced 100,000 dead 3 million food insecure, darfur 3 million displaced, yemen 700,000 dead hundreds of thousands children dead syria over 500,000 dead over 100,000 children killed. Millions of muslims have been killed by muslims in the last 10 years. The war in Gaza is the smallest war in central asia, adrica and rhe middle east

  21. Ford foundation is an advocate of war Amy..the same people you make a living off of so who are you to pose as someone "informing" people about the merchants of death…this is all propaganda just like the Trump real do gooders work for merchants of death..people look up who is paying the people broadcasting any information..put an old lady on the news and it's more palletable I suppose but doesn't say much about everyone with a microphone

  22. Just take it easy for now Julian, take good care of yourself first and good luck to you and your family in the future. ❤️🍺🥳

  23. To wait to ban AIPAC, we need to vote for who speaks our "language" that's not bought by AIPAC!!! 99%of Rs and Ds are sold despicables 😤 In November, vote for Jill Stein💚 who will be tried to be beaten up by AIPAC. Show money doesn't buy peace and humanity. She scares tRump and biden so much that she's excluded in the debate and so is Cornel West 🤬. Wake up America‼️


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