
Top U.S. & World Headlines β€” June 24, 2024


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27 pemikiran pada “Top U.S. & World Headlines β€” June 24, 2024”

  1. I hate Rupert Murdoch but I think journos should have the right to hack phones for a news story, especially when we're talking about politicians and billionaires.

  2. 'Never Again' is already happening Again

    Is there any doubt left that there are only two different factions of Zayo NOT-Z:

    Those who are denying the existence of Palestinian and those who are insisting to make Palestinians nonexistence.

    Rest in Power Aaron Bushnell I will never forget you and your last words of " Free Palestine "

  3. Netanyahu already has control over Rafa! All are at risk of dying, sad to say. WestBank is already in the bag. Next is Lebanon because they are so poor and weak in all aspects of security and defence. Billionaires control the world. No mercy for the poor! Trump and Netanyahu are in cahoots and US will become an autocracy!? Democracy will then be no more and Trump will become the last President of democracy, sad to say. Could be stopped, but unlikely.

  4. Israel has facial recognition on every Palestinian and uses GPS location on every Palestinian with a phone. Don’t ever say these murders are accident. Israelis boast about this capability…

  5. Do the Israelis have no their own children, do they not love them? Why their hearts don't melt with by watching these dying children in each minute by their own hands infront of their eyes? Do these IDF soldiers not remember of their own innocent son or daughter when they aim at them? What kind of the Israelis are? What kind of the human being Israelis are, who are utterly devoid of humanity,,,

  6. Families being used to support this war. What's going on is so wrong. We turned a blind eye to Bush and Chaney invasion. The knows we are lost morally. Blessings😒

  7. End the occupation of America. No more AIPAC and its ilk. No more "Billionaire Rule", no more legalized bribery.
    AND NO MORE "United States of Israel."

  8. Bibi says that the IDF is the most moral army please tell me how???? How can anyone with a heart do what they do, putting a wounded man on top of the hood as a human shield? Wow they really have morals huh Bibi?

  9. Probably a hit, God is Watching, Christ is Real, Consequences, there's plenty of room Down Stairs! Blessings.

  10. The Palestinians strapped to vehicles as human shields had a very long history. There are a bunch of stories from just the β€˜00s about it, but the tactic can actually be traced all the way back to the British putting down the Palestinian revolt in β€˜36, and they reportedly adapted it from using the same tactic in Ireland (source: Rashid Khalidi, 100 Years War on Palestine)

    Colonialism and its history is wild, and Colonialism is very much alive today

    The 99th &100th Anniv's of the 1925 Scopes Trial is this July 10!:
    Know anyone who might want to be a speaker or post a statment on replacing K-12 Sci schoolbooks nationwide?
    This must be done for the same reason we removed Confederate Statues;
    They MISLEAD by Omitting Facts!
    *VISITing Confed Statues
    *READing K-12 TextBooks
    An incorrect worldview of what "natural order" really is, it understands some degree of poverty as necessary, even healthy, and comes from that mysterious place where our words come from before we can find them to speak even internally to ourselves, let alone with vocal cords externally. If put into an fMRI scanner and asked for your thoughts on what evolution means, the same parts of the brain as for the word "Competition" will light up, as if synonymous with the word "Evolution," also Survival of the fittest; Separating the wheat from the chaff, and; Optimization by Competition. Education, Health care, Climate change,, how all of these are seen and understood are affected because these things are seen through a wrongly & out of focus lense where the natural order of nature is based on competition and optimizes: neither of which is true – as every formerly free swimming mitochondrial organelle in every cell of your body can well attest!

  12. That last story really affected me. A Palestinian woman flees her war torn country, then comes to the USA, then a xenophobic wanna be murder tries to drown her daughter!? Our country was founded on people leaving oppression, just ask the Pilgrims and Puritains. I feel so awful and disgusted. I hope she does prison time for her attempted murder with the "hate crimes" added on top. barf.

  13. Donating a hundred million dollars to trump and 25million to RFK jr. Is trying to buy the election for the criminal corrupt donnie trump πŸ‘ΏπŸ€‘πŸ‘ŽπŸ’―πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβ€ΌοΈπŸ™πŸΎ


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