Top U.S. & World Headlines — July 31, 2024

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21 pemikiran pada “Top U.S. & World Headlines — July 31, 2024”

  1. If God did exist and hold the USA accountable for all the wicked wrongs and worldwide crimes they have committed from the start of the creation of the USA, the USA will attempt to place sanction on God and get the UK and Israel to follow them

  2. How the Western media helped build the case for genocide in Gaza

    From obscuring the West’s role in starving Gaza to sensationalised accounts of mass rape by Hamas, journalists are playing the role of propagandists, not reporters

    Take for example the recent killing of 11 school children in the Golan Heights :-

    Jonathon Cook one of the worlds leading journalists on all matters Middle East : BBC Coverage of the attack on a football pitch in the Golan Heights has been INTENTIONALLY MISLEADING . The BBC 's evening news entirely ignored the fact that those killed by the blast are 12 Syrians ,NOT ISRAELI citizens and that for decades the Syrian population has been forced to live UNWILLINGLY under an Israeli military occupation.

    Once again we have credible evidence that the missile involved was Israeli not Hezbollah but evidence ignored by the BBC and Western media without any supporting evidence of the Israeli claim and Isreal then invades Iranian airspace in pursuit of MANUFACTURED VENGEANCE.

    On the same day of the Druze killings in Gaza Israel bomb a school playground killing more than 30 children and injuring nearly 100 by-standers saying ,as they always do, when innocence's are killed


    Agains Western media swallow this nonsnese

    The ICC issue arrest warrants against Netanyahu for war crimes and probable GENOCIDE .

    The US respond by extending an invitation to address the US congress .

    Here's a Rebuttal of everything Netanyahu's Speech to US congress for which he received

    There were no Rapes : Babies were not incinerated : Babies were not torn from their mothers bellies : there were no BEHEADING OF INFANTS OR BABES ,Biden could not have seen photographs because it did not happen HE LIED!!!! as did Netanyahu . , All the claimed atrocities of October 7th that received rapturous applause followed by a "STANDING OVATION" to manufacture an image of "BARBARIANS AGAINST THE CIVILISED by Netanyahu in his address to the US congress were lies . None of the 100's of bodies incinerated beyond recognition included in the total of dead , many of them Palestinian as well as Jews were rendered unrecognisable by the IDF including two young girl twins .

    And young Liel Hetzroni girl whose body was burned so badly that it took forensic archeologists more than six weeks to identify her.” “All that remains of 12 year old Liel Hetzroni was ash and bone fragments.

    Hamas did not incinerate it's own : THAT WAS THE LEFT TO THE IDF

    October 7th was a manufactured massacre to justify GENOCIDE .

    No Longer Can the West Claim the MORAL HIGH GROUND

    "The horror and human suffering in Gaza have destroyed the claim of Western democracies to behave better than dictatorships and authoritarian regimes. By rejecting a ceasefire and supplying weapons to Israel ,the US,UK and their allies are seen by the rest of the world as participants in the merciless war that has killed more than 40,000 Palestinians 80% of them Old Men, Women, Children and Babies with perhaps another 3,000 babies along with near 10,000 others beneath the rubble who laid their mortally injured waiting for a rescue that never came under he rubble of a country where more than 80% of the homes have been destroyed or rendered uninhabitable.Additionally perhaps another 1000,000 Palestinians at least severely injured with many children with injuries that includes one or both legs severed ."

    60 "Standing Ovations given by the Lawmakers of the US to Netanyahu for a propaganda speech to denigrate the Palestinians as a species of mankind of which Joseph Gobbels would have been proud, shows just how truly immoral the leaders of Western Democracies have become .

    Instead of invitations applause and STANDING OVATIONS fo alleged War-Criminals and architects of GENOCIDE its time for Western politicians to come forward who accept that the State of Israel has been for 75 years a brutal racist genocidal ILLEGAL ENTITY and to say to Israeli Zionists what Sir Alan Duncan a former Conservative Foreign Office minister has said to Israel recently :-

    "Get out of Palestine , It's not your country "

  3. No idea whether there's a Jayzuss coming back to earth or not; anything's possible, I guess. But who else thinks that if he showed up tomorrow, his first order of business would involve kicking Netanyahu's bulbous, bloodthirsty behind all the way down the Temple Mount stairs?

  4. Prediction: Trump's followers will sabotage the electoral college to force the election into the Republican controlled House or the Republican controlled Supreme Court. It'll start with State officials refusing to tally votes or casting doubt on results regardless of reality. That assertion will be the basis to bypass the electoral college count. Be ready. ✌️😎🇺🇸


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