Top U.S. & World Headlines — January 18, 2024

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25 pemikiran pada “Top U.S. & World Headlines — January 18, 2024”

  1. I think we should ultimately take a little more the lead on world issues, not complaining or criticizing anything with this statement, just saying with the real threats of war/conflict ( and such as climate collapse?) could we use more of our fundamental catalog of knowledge and say/do more to do new steps? To make it short here for now: Communication can be stronger than violent conflict. It has to be, cause only improvement makes things better, violent conflict declines our chances for survival on this planet. // And far jump into the field of issues just for some examples: The heavy conflict in Palestine: is an often missing piece of education that Jewish migrants in Palestine started establishing a new nation in Palestine? Jewish people have lived there thousand years ago – many people on this planet have lived elsewhere thousand years ago. But your journalism and documentation is still of the very best in these devastating times we're I as humans as I think. Uncounted thanks. // More pieces from the fields: In order to make improvements we need to do > Proactive < steps that build things that do improve things. If we look at all we, everybody, the world 'leaders' etc, are doing right now – and if we divide all this into two boxes – Re-Actions and Pro-Actions – then my personal strong conclusion is: We do almost only Re-Act – that is like expecting or waiting for somebody else to do the things. That is the same as being dictated by events and other people. It is. Mathematically, technically, even economically, and mentally. That is a central point I want to make here with very much seriousness. I have a very big collection of Pro-Action outlays for the table, but many people have far more, but I leave this to the side for here for the sake of the length of this. – – I definitely say the almost missing size of Pro-Action to make improvements and open chance to have Constructive win over Destructive, ultimately, globally, is the biggest worry from my side of looking: -> >> If the evolving events, war and natural catastrophe, bring us to the now close-up point where we are pressured to only run in Re-Action, ( the war in Palestine is a significant example of the deadly re-action-to-reaction-to-reaction draft dynamic that humans are falling for even when they are lucky enough to physically be third parties) – with no serious space for pro-action anymore (which is this moment – early 2024 – we still have) – – – then we as human on this planet – are done. << (That's a fundamental fact.) Can we do something with a priority focus on Pro-Action and everybody who maybe is in that direction already? – ?

  2. Thank you for your continued dedication to speaking for the voices going unheard. I don’t agree the way you guys frame the boarder situation. It does not seem genuine. The fact is that there is a power vacuum at the boarder. The US and Mexico have not properly stepped in to facilitate the process so the cartels have. You cannot cross without paying the cartel. They are making millions if not billions on human trafficking and forcing people to mule drugs across. This situation needs to be addressed. I am pro immigration but the only people benefiting from the status quo are the cartels who control the boarder towns. I wonder if all the money they are making from the trafficking of humans and drugs is funding and connected to the Ecuadorian situation. It’s terrible and this problem is on our home soil. Not to mention all the destabilizing the US has done in this region for the last two centuries. This crisis doesn’t need to be polarized more than it has been.

  3. What is the sense of having a meeting on the crisis of global warming if it is going to be led by former oil executives. This is why I say that our nation, which is the leading super power, needs to be restructured across the board so that our public policy reflects human interests and the will of the people.

  4. That was a really stupid thing for Haley to say. She can't be too bright. Most of the founding fathers were slave holders, and the original constitution had a 3/5 clause referring to property rights and how a slave should be considered 3/5 of a person. We intentionally killed the indigenous population so that we could have their land and expand to the west, and we referred to them as savages. One of the main reasons for the Revolutionary War besides the fact that the British refused the colonialists to expand to the West was that the British Empire had begun to denounce the institution of slavery, and the Colonialists viewed institutionalized slavery as necessary for their economic growth especially in regards to their number one crop of cotton at that time.

  5. The U.S. and Israel are lying to the entire world. There will never be a ceasefire or a peace agreement. Smoke and mirrors, again. Israel continues
    to "mow the lawn" until every Palestinian is dead. Biden and his cronies are no better. For decades the U.S. has punished Cuba because it will
    not bow to the will of America. JFK and later presidents tried everything from violence to sanctions to weaken Cuba. Now, Biden wants to
    send millions of dollars to Israel so it can continue its genocidal agenda. NO U.S. FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL!

  6. Who are the American government to call anyone terrorists. They support the biggest terrorists in the World in Israel, Israel who at this very moment targets children and babies. America who started a war on Iraq on false accusations. America should remain silent. The World now see America for what it is, a greedy Zionist government who supports its Zionist frien. Israel.

  7. What about the Israeli Canal that has been planned to go through Gaza. A Canal that would compete with Suez. I have not heard anything about this planned construction from the mainstream media.


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