Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 9, 2024

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49 pemikiran pada “Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 9, 2024”

  1. B.B. is the chosen one by the Jewish "Rebben" religious leader to take as much land as possible and then remove the unholy creatures so there will be enough land for all the "chosen " to return back to the holy Land and "dwell in the house of the Lord forever" .
    That is B.B.s job .
    He will not stop.
    He will not stop.
    The religious "Rebben" ( highest Jewish God man) has chosen B.B. to do this ….

  2. I would like to thank our VP for all the innocent black men who still sit in prison cuz her office rail roaded them then after they where exonerated she opposed there release. Great example of American it equals Jim Crow. And in 21st it's not just for colored foaks it's for everyone who speaks out

  3. Bach's comps for cello are heavenly gifts to Humanity! A free public performance by a pro musician that knows their stuff is such a treat! Why is it grounds for detainment??? This world is indeed ruled by the wicked.

  4. WHERE IS THE FAIR OR HONEST REPORTING THAT HAD ME WATCHING YOUR CHANNEL AND PROMOTING IT ? KAMALA ???? WILLIE'S HOE FOR PRESIDENT ???? YOU CAN'T BE SERTIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Brave move from the Nagasaki's Mayor, I would not invite a G cidal spoilt brat to my table either. That is what having integrity and principles mean, the US and other western countries do not know what those are. I am sure the ceremony went just fine without them all. PEACE AND FREE WATERMELON

  6. So Microsoft is going to use it's 'cloud' servers to assist ICE in rounding up immigrants?
    Sounds alot like when IBM helped the NAZIs round up jews and tabulate "incarcerations".
    Big Tech. Always on the dystopian side of history. In fiction or reality.

  7. Israel is the problem and Israel is not committed to peace. Even if Israel exchanges prisoners, they will re-arrest them and more after they get their hostages.
    Israel doesn’t release bodies of deceased Palestinian hostages until they complete their sentences. I have never heard of such outrageous regimes. They make Nazis appear as aid workers.

  8. Instead of saying he "He claimed" why don't you do your homework and actually do some investigating journalism to confirm the validity of such statements. I guess you guys don't have the budget to send a real journalist out into the field to do some honest field work. Good job on echoing in the echo chamber.

  9. I don't have any desire to see kamala Harris, tRump or Elon after watching the carnage they condone in Gaza. Thank you for covering Gaza, but it needs much more attention. Our countries support of Israel is disgraceful and disgusting. It's pure facial fascism.

  10. There is a joke in our country. Muslim fighter pilots ask their Russian instructor why we don't get a briefing on forced landings and only how to take off..? The guide tells him not to worry, and there is no need, the Israeli pilots will already take you down

    And that's what's happening even today, the Muslims shoot like last time from Iran 350 missiles and 99 percent were shot down and only 2/3 hit civilians

    Well, it costs Iran 105 million, each missile only costs 300,000. The damage is also huge for a country like Iran, which in any case even today all the rockets and missiles will be destroyed in the air as is the case with Iran and Hezbollah and Hamas. Thousands of rockets, most of which were destroyed in the air and what was not destroyed fell in the open without causing any damage.

    And the second thing is that the Iranians take into account that Israel will respond and they will be left with burning oil wells and damages that will take them generations to restore. That's why today they think 10 times before they attack Israel directly, what's more, they see that the Americans on Israel's side have something to be careful of, and this also tells Hezbollah that the people of Lebanon, including Beirut, the point is that there is nothing to fear and nothing to fear if they really want to commit suicide like the martyrs of Israel Ready for any situation and wherever they are hiding Israel will find them Israel knows who they are and what their plan is only the pressure of Biden and Kamala Harris prevented Israel from eliminating them already without the American pressure they would have been eliminated a long time ago


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