Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 7, 2024

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32 pemikiran pada “Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 7, 2024”

  1. Now this election is interesting..octo7th is fastly approaching..Netanyahu better get on the ball..8wks out..Netanyahu will have to stop the hez from destroying israel,get the hostages away from the harn, hope the hou will stop..find more leaders..get ready for the anniversary..that's alot in 8wks..Netanyahu won't swap out prisoners until he damages them all..8wks out..


  3. "Another primary means of dumbing down America is through mass media. If the public is busily preoccupied with the superficial garbage spoon-fed to the masses every single day via television, movies, music, internet, video games that all act just as effective as the most potent drug dulling the senses and the brain, again an enormous control over the population is achieved and maintained. With so much entertainment as the modern day opiate to the masses to divert people’s attention, these weapons of mass distraction easily render people oblivious to see what is really happening in the world. Compound that with the lowest common denominator appealing to the most prurient interests such as pornography, crass materialism (using mind control techniques to manipulate consumers into spending money on false promises of sex, status and happiness), entertainment that dually serves as propaganda along with the mesmerizing effects captivated by sports that also draw enormous amounts of money, and the oligarchs have us right where they want us – numbed and dumbed.

    Even the flicker rates of televisions, videos, computers and cinema by design are all programmed to contain hidden properties that physically resonate and alter the human brain’s alpha wave state to induce a hypnotic, mesmerizing, trancelike state of mind. This literally drugs and distorts the cognitive processes of the mass audience being subliminally fed input that modify and shape values, moral and ethical messages and multiple autosuggestions that carry powerful binding effects on people’s unconscious minds and future behavior. This too is another form of calculated brainwashing, mind control as well as behavior control that the media as vehicles of propaganda and disinformation constantly utilize. The constant 24/7 sensory bombardment that media puts on humans is one highly effective means of control over both culture and population." – Article"The Dumbing Down of America – By Design".

  4. Democrats ecstatic holding up signs hours after the announcement it just shows how fake these people are and that they follow blindly just because they believe there actually democrats and for whatever reason they believe there the best it’s just weird and sad they have no independent thinkers just sheep red and blue sheep

  5. O Israel, O Israel how oft would U have garhered you as a hen gathers her chicks and you would not.

    Israel is riding the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse, Dehumanization. This is beyond sad . It is Malice run amok

  6. Ah man, Cori Bush will no longer be in Congress and representing the constituents in her district because of AIPAC…. such a shame we lost a progressive warrior and fighter for justice and equality for all. BAN AIPAC AND REPEAL CITIZENS UNITED!


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