Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 14, 2024

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30 pemikiran pada “Top U.S. & World Headlines — August 14, 2024”

    "Capitalism" is the modern name for ""Mammon", which is the great "Anti-Christ", the Mosaic-Sharia-Puritan "religion" and philosophy that Jesus opposed, and which opposes Jesus and the teachings of Jesus, and it demands vast numbers of human sacrifices, via wars, executions, abortions and poverty, setting people against one another and excluding people from the requisites of life, and it once again has "adulterated" the churches, synagogues, mosques, universities, schools and other institutions and the minds of people who frequent such institutions, as it did in the 1860's and 1930's. It destroys nations, communities, families and individuals, as it spreads to destroy the human race and all life on the planet Earth. Wars and violence do not halt it, but make it worse. ¨President Roosevelt's "W.P.A. Program" halted it in the late 1930's, but it has again revived to threaten the exisence of the nation, the American people and much much more. You cannot have both the gross inequities of Capitalism ("Mammon") and the peace, goodwill among the people, universal social and economic equality, long and healthy lives, honor for human and civil rights, and the measure of happiness, hope and joy, that is requisite to a nation's, and a people's, existence.

  2. I don't think the Democrats understand. They are going to win in 2024. Not because people are going to vote for Trump. Because they are not going to reward a slightly lesser evil. Harriss.

  3. Holocaust Harris has a problem and she and the democratic party better figure it out before the named sticks.

    I can not fathom how you can participate in genocide like Gaza, even if your a psychopath you have to realize jsut horrible the US looks in all of this.

  4. If I may, please. If I may speak straight out to hisbolw. Look don't attack anybody, the last I heard nobody's even Sher who killed you're guy. it could have been anybody, and you guys are always so wond up and pissed off at everything your just looking to get in trouble I happen to know, nobody even liked that guy am I right I mean seriously another week from now you'll be enjoying your life's scaching your heads wudering who's missing think about it when was the last time he bought your family a turkey on Thanksgiving 🤗 eggzakly real talk guys you don't owe him anything enjoy another breath of life and enjoy football season coming up go RAIDERS any RAIDERS fans 😃

  5. The Palestinians are the only nation in the world that the so-called largest democracy America and its accomplices,the so-called civilized Western Democracies,completely deny the right to freedom, justice, equality, security,human rights and the recovery of brutally robbed land and condemn to eternal slavery,apartheid,ethnic cleansing,killing,all kinds of atrocities and horrific genocide for over 75 years. And there’s no end in sight to this terrible suffering. No one would endure such monstrous suffering end everyone would take up a desperate fight to regain land and freedom from the extremely cruel and heavily armed oppressor. Liberty, justice,equality,security, human rights for all,not just for the chosen ones !!!!!!!

  6. In the absence of verifiable evidence either way, such as verifiable chromosome test results, people will have their personal opinion about Iman Khelif's sex – not personal gender identity, but whether Khelif has XY or XX chromosomes. Lawsuits can stop people making public statements, but it cannot change what people think or believe to be true; lawsuits cannot change what hundreds of millions of people say every day in private conversations among each other. Lawsuits will, however, further these opinions and the resulting private conversations. Lawsuits cannot change basic human behaviour.

  7. If you cannot fire bad workers, then you move your factory oversees….
    So do you stay or do you go oversees?
    Which option makes America more productive, and better off?

  8. Monkey Pox is a sexually transmitted disease, nothing more. For example, during the 2022 "global outbreak" 97% of the people that contracted Monkey Pox were gay and bisexual men. Instead of health authorities suggesting that gay and bisexual men stop participating in orgies and other promiscuous behaviors, they attempted to obscure the issue talking about public and global health and indicating that the solution lay in vaccination, not people changing their behaviors. But in order to qualify for vaccination one has to belong to an eligible group, such as gay and bisexual men, which simply reinforces the notion that gay and bisexual men, not homosexuals and population at large, engage in immoral and irresponsible behavior as routine practice.

  9. The officer put himself in a situation where he knew if she tried to escape, he would be more legally "justified", because he will likely argue that he "was afraid she would use her vehicle as a weapon" which "justified" lethal force.

    This was, yet another, police execution

  10. [[Universal 🧀🧀🧀 News!]] [[Elections are coming! Elections are coming!]]: 🗞️📰🗞️📰 “Been that way for 30 years.” – U.S. Justice Department on the lack of Human Rights in Oklahoma County Jail, 2020 P.S. You get 2 days for every 1 you serve there bc it is so bad.

    “Makes me feel human again after this place.” – Oklahoma City Art Museum review after life in the local shelters (20+ years in the making), 2024

    “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” – Nelson Mandela 🥂🥂

    [[Community of Democracies]]
    free and fair elections
    freedom of speech & expression
    equal access to education
    rule of law
    freedom of peaceful assembly

    Enough to know the USA created hells in the 21st century I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. To Iceland w/love, I pledged my allegiance to Monaco. 💋💋❤️❤️

    I got human beings I love. Lying to them was never my thing. There is no God. Thanks to an old friend I remember the first lie I ever told 🙂 – Me aka Ron Swanson 2.0/Ron Swanson on Snoop Dogg/a nerd

    “End wars. Be loving, honest kind people to each other.” – Desmond Tutu

    “If we give up on the moral code our country believes in we’re no better than (who we are fighting).” – US Military Code

    P.P.S. The trash cans in the USA are labeled “inedible.”

  11. Do we need weapons to fight wars ? Or do we need wars to create markets for weapons?
    In 2022, the military spending worldwide amounted to 2.24 trillion U.S. dollars,
    As 9,000 people die from conflict-driven hunger every day.
    A child dies from hunger every 10 seconds.
    I reject the premise that one people's salvation must come at another's destruction

    Stop War, Stand for Peace. The World have Enough for All of us.
    “Only the dead have seen the end of war.”
    ― Plato —-

  12. I dated a Union Organizer for AFSCME, she was one of the most privileged and entitled people Ive ever met. She got paid very well to get people to sign union cards. I swear the people that never have to do a day of manual labor have it the easiest on this planet, yet still like to act like a victim.

  13. The Palestinian congressman ask why America boast about upholding international law, but turns around and does something else, to answer that. The real reason is if it's in America's best special interest to uphold international law that's fine, but if upholding international law doesn't allow for do what thou Wilt or America's best special interest to be done then it's irrelevant to uphold international law!!!

  14. The nerve of the US and israhell continuously disrespecting international law it is beyond disgusting. Then the US preaches everyone else about democracy, human rights blablabla. They deserve being repudiated by the entire world.


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