
Top 10 Rudest Gestures Around The World


Top 10 Rudest Gestures Around The World
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Where I’m from, standing in front of a camera and doing Top 10 videos is seen as incredibly rude – my family doesn’t even talk to me any more … I’m just kidding of course – but there are common things that you probably do in your day to day life that someone else in the world would consider the height of rudeness. If you ever hope to travel the world some day – you’re gonna wanna pay close attention to this list if you wanna stay out of trouble. My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Rudest Gestures Around The World.


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world , Top 10 Rudest Gestures Around The World , #Top #Rudest #Gestures #World
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42 pemikiran pada “Top 10 Rudest Gestures Around The World”

  1. As a Filipino, it is false to finish your meal… we considered is as God's grace and appreciation so that our stomachs will be stuffed again after a hard days work or at home doing household chores…

    A meal that hasn't been finished eating or less is considered rude even in restaurants and small eateries…

  2. Finish food not RUDE! In my country and its good because if you not finish thats mean you waste food

  3. ⛏⛏⛏⛏⛏⛏🧱⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓🔪🚬😰🈹😀😀🈹🈹🈹🈵🈵😄😄🈹🈵🌰

  4. Greek here, we do not consider thumbs up rude.
    What is rude however is showing the palm of your hand at someone's face, that's pretty much our middle finger.

  5. I’m from Russia but indeed of being happy when I don’t finish the food I get into trouble but that might be cuz I’m from the European side of Russia like near moscow

  6. i am scrolling through the comments and now wondering now which of these things are legit and which are just vague interpretations. i am from Venezuela and yes, the ring hand gesture (👌🏻) can be used to refer to something vulgar, but it can also be read as “ok” or “good”. it all depends on the context.
    i wouldn’t say it is considered as vulgar as giving the middle finger, yet you can respond a 🖕🏻with a 👌🏻 and end up winning that small battle of gestures. it is like in rock, paper, scissors; in most cases, 👌🏻 eats 🖕🏻

  7. fact about Japan:
    No trash cans. Very few trash cans. Because of an attack that happened once.
    Also, Japan seems to be the opposite in one way- gotta finish ALL of your food or it’s seen as rude. Also, gotta thank EVERYONE who had something to do with your food-

  8. One you could have possibly added to the list would be a Mountza, which is an open palm gesture that is seen in Greece and is pretty much the Greek rude finger

  9. im from the middle east but uh i don't find the thumbs up gesture rude and neither do my friends or family

  10. I live in Hong Kong and many of these are real. I still don't like strict traditions, ofc who likes them

  11. I complement a painting in restaurant, the owner takes it down thinking i wanted to buy it. So yeah I see how in some cultures complementing an item makes them think you want it as yours.

  12. I'd been to Russia before atleast 4 times to visit my family, but doing a thumbs up isnt offensive lmao
    Same with the flowers

  13. On condiments, alot of people where I'm from (west Texas) view it offensive if you ask for A1 Sauce for your steak. You're saying the steak was done and too dry. Tbf, I know plenty of people who don't care.

  14. The condiment one, I have the perfect viewpoint for.
    The chef worked very hard to get the taste just right. However, using condiments is just adjusting for your individual taste buds. That's how I see it. It's like buying a backpack and then putting a pin on it. You aren't trying to redesign the backpack. You're just adding a bit of you to it.

  15. In Turkey talking to people in hands in your pocket is disrespectful because they think that you dont take them seriously thats why its offensive


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