
Top 10 Events That Could End the World #Shorts


Which one of these crazy scenarios terrifies you the most? Let us know in the comments below!

Produced with love by Underknown in Toronto:

#Shorts #Whatif #top10 #RogueStar #Asteroid

world , Top 10 Events That Could End the World #Shorts , #Top #Events #World #Shorts
, what if,what happens if,scifi,science documentary,what if scenario,mysteries,hypothetical,what if cosmos,jupiter,top 10,cosmos,space,galaxy,planet,most amazing top 10,amazing top 10,most amazing top ten,tiktok,sun,moon,catastrophe,disaster,natural disaster,solar system,black hole,gamma ray,gamma ray burst,core,earth core,what if earth’s core cooled down,sun explodes,documentary,science,astronomy,hypothetical scenario,space photography,doomsday

42 pemikiran pada “Top 10 Events That Could End the World #Shorts”

  1. The moon wont crash into earth because theres a layer around us going in a circler formation stopping the moon from coming meaning it would break and the earth will be married.

  2. If you are scared of anything one of these things happening, read my comment.

    Jupiter becoming a star is quite literally impossible, even though stars are created by mass amounts of dust, gas, and other particles in the beginning process Jupiter cant produce a star, it doesn’t quite have enough mass and gravitational force to make one it would need 13 times the amount of mass in Jupiter so uh.. that’s crossed out unless if the earth lasts that long for Jupiter to collect that much.

    The Moon becoming a star is highly unlikely due to the moon inching away from the earth every year. Crossed out again.

    Our solar system gets sucked by a black hole? now tell me. How far is the nearest black hole? Because it is about 150 light years away you would live out your life and die before that happens. Crossed out unless if you live 1000+ generations

    Gamma ray is a possibility yes and I agree but news report about things hitting earth because in 2025 it wont be a gamma ray hitting the earth it will probably be a solar flare from the sun, but keep in mind this is a possibly but a likely one that could cause massive destruction but overall yes I do agree about gamma ray but I’m not sure about a big one, so… Maybe?

    A rogue star. How funny. The closet star nearest to earth is the Proxima Centuari which is about I dunno 4.24 light years away which is about 2700 human generations and even if a rogue star did come by it would have to go the same 4.24 lights years since Proxima Centauri Is the closest so unless if you’re immortal, you got nothing to worry about Crossed out.

    Too bored to say anything interesting about a rogue planet so I’ll get straight to the point, the closest solar system to our is about 4.37 light years away and before you say something like “what about a planet without a star” then it wouldn’t be a planet because the meaning of a planet is a huge collaboration of dust, rock, etc that has a gravitational force that orbits a star. crossed out

    Earth core cooling is a terrifying possibility. Because if it stops at ANY point we’re all gone and would be grilled hot like burgers at a bbq because we would be cooked by the suns intense heat. But while this is a terrifying possibility it would take billions of years to slow down even a little bit. Crossed out unless if you’re immortal

    An asteroid hits earth, now I can’t exactly say anything for this because the possibility’s are kind of endless, so many asteroids have passed by us but there was a possibility it could’ve hit earth so I can’t say anything about this one :/ so maybe

    Again same thing with planet which is the solor system one it wouldn’t because of how far it is.

    Sun “expands” you meant that the sun explodes first of all and secondly like the earth core cooling it was taking billions of years. So again unless if you live 1000+ generations you ain’t seeing that

    Really out nerded my self this time Bois.

  3. 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢

  4. The world could be a better place if everyone that wants to get out of here can get a take home synthetic opiode euthanasia drink, but since all the bleeding hearts would rather force people to suffer and won't let them leave, globalists then create wars to depopu.late you, even though you will bleed, it is more humane then letting you starve to death. That's why they used bullets in WW2, and people were not going to starve their own children so they could feed people's future children when they wouldn't leave their country and were trying to starve them to death by their invasion and manipulation of the food prices once they bought the grocery stores, or in today's market: raised the price of everything 4x so you can starve your families and feed illegal immigrants' future children when they don't feed their own children: you do. You're forced to build them free housing and are taxed to buy the building materials. They work for cash and buy your house for half price when they are able to work for less and your lose your home. They're making America homeless. I know one who came here illegally, had a family everyone else paid for on free housing, worked for cash and bought 2 investment properties and his own house when everyone else lost theirs. Bums bought your politicians with some coke so they would make you build them free housing and feed his ever multiplying family which throws them a dollar each to continue the overpopulation scheme to starve you to death for their future children and they have a bunch to give them money so they can stay in free housing and eat free food and won't have to work anymore or hardly at all. Then with more people and less productivity they raise the prices and say inflation. No one wants to talk about overpopulation and the obvious solution

    Vietnam was a depopu.lation war too

    And in WW2, when a German would have never surrendered, they surrendered by the hundreds of thousands, around 425,000. Monsters like Joseph Mengele rose to power and were doing medical experiments on children

    It was a depop.ulation war
    America dropped off its extra. They dropped men off on on D Day in parachutes instead of bombs on 5 machine gun nests. They could have shot through holes on their boats with sniper rifles, even pushed the steel boat gate on bouys and floated a movable shield through the waters and taken position behind it up the beach. They had one last meal for them and fed it to them right before they hit the water. Navy aquatics 101. When boats were taking fire the Commanders ordered to drop the gate.

    There were 7 million tons of grain one year in Ukraine, only 3 million the next. Stalin invaded and their soldiers cut legs off of people, cooked them and ate them. Then it was about the de-Stalinization of Russia.

    When there was enough food to feed the people WW2 ended.

    Don't tell them it's a depop.ulation war, let them die as heroes. Problem with that: they'll not know the real reason and become baby boomers, everyone will overpopulate again soon beyond the planets ability to feed them

    The sun got hotter, maybe another star hit it, this planet has been thawing and getting less rain

    A good chance in most places of the world someone will eat your body and loved ones bodies when they die or donate organs

    If the earth has to go every curable fever causing virus released at the same time and probablly the whole thing is done in 1 week, people would probablly go to sleep and go from exhaustion

    Bacterial cysts, malaria, a superbug, etc, I don't think any would survive

    When they keep releasing one at a time everyone gets stronger but your always getting sick. The stupid thing with Coronnna is that people didn't go peacefully, they suffocated for 13 minutes and drowned in their lungs, and it was an epic fall for 21. The people whom the flu would have killed went with that instead, but the suffocated for 13 minutes

    And take school shooters to a wharehouse and leak out the video and it will end. I had a dream of an iron X cross with a hook blade in the center, the Universe said "It hurts back." You're policy of never punishing anyone with equal pain brings torment on the innocent and never stops it. Take one to a wharehouse, who wants to do the next one?

    Half the world world take home a fentynal overdose say thanks and get to leave, you'll have enough food to feed everyone and the poorest will have 2 houses 2 cars a cow and ice cream, and oil to last the planet. Why do unnecessary depop.ulation wars? Or they will. They do late in life abortions for your extra people

    Then you can close the coffins
    Say bye to zombies

    The rats made a virus to kill the people to eat the people. Bubonic plague, corrona

    With what's coming you want everyone who doesn't want to be here to be able to get out of here

    Legalize and make available a synthetic opioid take home drink with a micro serial number, you can verify who was the purchaser if someone died and didn't buy one.

    You're about to have 1/2 of what you do now, hurry up or send your kids to war or virsuses again. People are going to bed hungry because they're forcing half the world to be here that doesn't want to be here. Why are you in a depression even with them?

    Or someone will do every curable fever causing virus all at once and wipe it all.

    Also, Ultrasounds cause heating and cavitation of tissue and neurological damage. All earbuds in 2024 will have an ultrasound chip, dump those.

    Leonardo DaVinci didn't get an Ultrasounds and he came out a genius, so also sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein

    You smoke a fetuses brain how many times and mental retardation is at an all time high?

  5. Moon cannot fall into the Earth bro 💀💀💀💀💀 cuz of the gravitational force the moon will crumble and turn into rings around our planet

  6. Alright, welcome to the apocalypse brigade. We got:
    Jupiter EX
    Majora's Moon
    The Schwarzwelt
    Goldenstar 007
    Goldenplanet 007
    The Freezer in my Kitchen
    Lloyd With Meteor Breaker Set As His S-Break
    and Solgaleo Used Explosion! It's Super Effective

  7. 1- Jupiter is not gonna turn into a star
    2- moon is not gonna fall to earth due to the gravity of earth
    3- the most closest Blackhole is 1300+ light years away
    4- idk
    5- there is no new stars entering the solar system
    6- idk if it will enter in the solar system which is tye planet PSO J318 (the most lonely planet)
    7- it will happen when sun becomes a white dwarf
    8- the asteroid has a 3% hitting the earth so it may happen is a few million years
    9- maybe a supernova will hit
    10- it will happen in 8 million years

  8. 1- Jupiter is not gonna turn into a star
    2- moon is not gonna fall to earth due to the gravity of earth
    3- the most closest Blackhole is 1300+ light years away

  9. The Earth stops for 1 second. It doesn't matter how many seconds it could be 0.01 seconds. And we all. Would be dead.

  10. Jupiter turning into the Stars physically impossible because what takes to be a star you have to be around 30 times more Jupiter so Jupiter turning into the star is no

  11. Me taking the biggest step away when seeing this video bc the only one true way the world is ending is in Revelations in the Bible – Jesus is King


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