
Top 10 Dark End Of The World Predictions For 2024


Top 10 Dark End Of The World Predictions For 2024
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🌍💥 As we approach 2024, whispers of apocalyptic predictions are growing louder. In “Top 10 Dark End Of The World Predictions For 2024,” we delve into the most ominous prophecies and theories suggesting that our time may be running out. From ancient forecasts to modern-day analyses, these predictions are both intriguing and terrifying. Are they mere superstitions, or is there truth to these dark foretellings? Join us as we explore the potential futures that await us. Subscribe now for more thought-provoking content!

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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:17- Catastrophic climate change
1:18- Nuclear war
2:23- Ecological catastrophe
3:14- Major asteroid impact
4:52- Supervolcano
5:49- Extraterrestrial Invasion
6:40- AI Takeover
7:54- Black Holes
8:47- Divine Intervention
9:49- Giant solar flares

Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh-

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Hosted By:
Emily Murray:

Edited By:
Trevor Persaud:

For Business Inquiries Contact: [email protected]

world , Top 10 Dark End Of The World Predictions For 2024 , #Top #Dark #World #Predictions
, 2024 predictions,nostradamus predictions,nostradamus,predictions,2024,baba vanga,future,prophet,predictions 2024,nostradamus predictions 2024,prediction,mystery,ancient history,end of the world,2024 election,prophecy,mysterious,end times prophecy,bible prophecy,nostradamus 2024,dark history,unexplained,prophecies,apocalypse 2024,baba vanga 2024,simpsons predictions,doomsday,armageddon,mostamazingtop10,nostradamus 2024 predictions,baba vanga 2024 predictions,10s

38 pemikiran pada “Top 10 Dark End Of The World Predictions For 2024”

  1. Saying humans cause 30,000 extinctions every year seems like a stretch.
    There aren't an infinite number of species on this world.

  2. “I present to you, Top 10 scariest end of the world predictions!”
    “Most Amazing Top 10, this is the seventh time this week you’ve showed us ‘Top 10 scariest end of the world predictions’”

  3. If an alien invasion takes place, then just have Will Smith take care of it like he did in the movie Independence Day and the same goes for AI because I believe he did a movie in which he defeats robots that are trying to take over the world

  4. If an asteroid is headed towards earth and NASA can't send a missile up there to deflect it, then just send Bruce Willis up there and he can blow it up like he did in the movie Armageddon

  5. The world is never going to end and theres no judgement day these crazy religious zelets have been saying that for thousands of years for there own suck benefits they take advantage of weak minded people for there own benefits

  6. At this point this kind of content that gives people problems for these people own sick benefit should be demonetized people already have there own problems the last thing we need is for a loveed to believe this crazy crap and make things worse

  7. I would like to see a video what prediction came true this year to this year from Barbara yoga on nostradam for the end of 2023

  8. These aren't predictions for 2024. They are possibilities that con happen in the lifetime of the earth.

  9. Subscribed and even hit the like button. And I just saw another video that said we are headed to an ice age. An Asteroid Impact could wipe everything out. Super Eruptions is another possibility. Don't think aliens from outer space would do it. None of us down here knows for sure the future. Solar flares could be a danger. Good show Emily.

  10. Poor Vanga..predicting everything, at least she thought she knew, whoever was giving her predictions was not from good source. God bless her soul.

  11. Thank you for the update, MostAmazingTop10..!! The scariest one for me was from a 4chan post. Back in 2016 an anon claimed he slept for 70 years in a dream, and saw the end of the world. 🤣 He said there will be aliens stealing human skins to mimic the victims, in order to lure their family members and so on. Scary stuff. In 2023, a similar alien-like monster appeared in Peru and now the creature is known as 'the face peeler'. 😱

    Google "Does anyone remember the post about the guy who lived for 70 years in a dream" with quotes for more information on the 2016 prophecy.

  12. I would love to watch these videos but I cant get past the extreme pronunciation at the end of literally every sentence.

  13. @1:12 😅😂😅 it doesn't exist! You believe everything anyone tells you!! 😅😅😅😅
    Yes climate change..
    4 times a year, thats qhy they call them "seasons"

  14. I remember when this channel was full of things to make people laugh or sit in wonder at the best that nature or mankind has produced over the years and sometimes a bit of horror . Nowadays it's just like Chills , Slapped Ham , Nukes or other similar channels . Please bring back Dumbest Tweets , Strangest Autocompletes and similar series . There's enough doom and gloom already .

  15. Sat and watched this for 11 minutes. Lol 😅 Better than a stand-up comedian.
    What an absolute load of bs.
    But at least 20% of the world's population will believe in some of this s**t ,🇬🇧

  16. None of these predictions wont happen and stop blaming fossil fuels. Blame the people who damage or ruin art or events thst blame climate change🙊

  17. Nostradamus never predicted an alien takeover of the planet. He did not even know what extraterrestrial beings were.
    No, the government has NOT confirmed the existence of ETs. They have released footage of UFOs. Those UFOs are simply unidentified and do NOT confirm the existence of ETs or the presence of such technology on Earth.
    Perhaps a bit of research, a touch of intelligence, and more than a modicum of physics education would help to quell your erroneous and, quite frankly, absurd claims.

  18. The wef says breathing is the greatest threat for the climate… guess this is the reason they want to off most of us

  19. BABA VANGA She is a blind bullshitter. they know the future or can predict events of your life. Baba Vanga is no exception. Literally the biggest scam artist I've seen. She managed to lie to the entire fucking Soviet Union and get away with it. All she does is say some vague af bullshit that cannot be interpreted in anyway until an event that remotely relates or sounds similar to whatever she spurted years ago.

    Just a big case confirmation bias from everyone who believed in her. And that includes nearly all of the ex USSR countries. Some say she predicted disasters like 9/11 and even the Corona virus but no one has the sources to back it up.


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