
This Was Germany’s Greatest Mistake in World War II


Embark on a historical journey with us as we uncover the untold stories behind “Germany’s Greatest Mistake in World War II.” This compelling video explores the brutal winter that served as a turning point, ultimately shattering the German Army. Winter on the Eastern Front wasn’t just a season; it was a relentless adversary that exposed critical vulnerabilities in military strategy. From the Battle of Stalingrad to Moscow, we meticulously examine the pivotal moments that altered the course of history. Beyond the surface, our narrative delves into the human stories that bring history to life. Hear the voices of soldiers who faced the biting cold, gain insight into strategic errors, and understand the profound impact of this climactic battle on World War II.

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‘The Long Dark’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

‘Phase Shift’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

‘Goliath’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

‘Titan’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

world , This Was Germany’s Greatest Mistake in World War II , #Germanys #Greatest #Mistake #World #War
, mark,felton,productions,tech,Eastern,front,seas,ww,ww2,wwll,world war II,wehrmacht,ss,ss troops,red,army,tanks,Ukraine,Russia,Russia and Ukraine,history,TV,news,education,interesting,battle of Kursk,second,world,wwii,historical,division,Germany,Soviet,union,stalin,hitler,infantry,panzer,1943,1944,1945,operation,barbarossa,blau,Moscow,Wiking,military,Nazi,ww2 tank battle,Wehrmacht,Waffen SS,VPN,Bitcoin,Stalingrad,Eastern Front,Berlin,Viral,History,The Last Tiger,School,Education

42 pemikiran pada “This Was Germany’s Greatest Mistake in World War II”

  1. Putin's two older brother's died during the siege of Leningrad, his Mother survived but had mostly lost her mind

  2. The Germans would easily have won, have it not been for the lend lease act and American support to the communist. Ironic since this is how the Cold War started.

  3. @13:45 – Your temperatures are way off. I am pretty sure that you are leaving off that they should be negative. Fun fact – 40 C & – 40 F are the same temp. That is where the scales cross.

  4. Germany planned to occupy a whole European part of the USSR before winter, the plans predicted victory in 6 weeks, however, the Soviets offered much stronger resistance than expected during Operation Barbarossa, Germans made slower progress on the southern sector of the front, which is why they had to send reinforcements to capture Ukraine, it took a lot of time and resources so they had to attack Moscow in the winter, they were pushed back several hundred kilometers and during 1942 the balance of power changed significantly so they didn't have the capacity to attack Moscow in the summer of that year, they had to choose one direction of attack and they attacked Caucasus wutcg had a strategic logic because of the oil they lacked, however, the battle at Stalingrad lasted for months, it started in the summer but again strong Soviet resistance stopped the German advance, after that there was a winter counter-offensive of the Soviets who managed to surround and destroy the 6th army of Fon Paulus, it had strategic implications on the course of the war and is considered the main turning point of the ww2

  5. You are illustrating a half-truth in your documentary. The Germans found themselves in this situation, not because of poor planning, but because of Hitler's ill-fated decision to halt the advance on Moscow in August of that year.
    The German generals had always argued that Moscow was the main objective of Operation Barbarossa, but Hitler believed it was German Living Space (Lebensraum). Ignoring the advice of his generals, Hitler split the center army group and sent part of it north towards Leningrad, and the largest part south to encircle the Soviets near Kiev. This operation took all Summer, and it was not until early October that the Germans had returned to their original positions and were ready to advance towards Moscow. This is where your story picks-up.
    Had Hitler listened to his generals, and allowed the center army group to continue towards Moscow, the Germans would have captured the city no later than September. There would not have been such a decisive counter-attack by the Russians in December.
    At the time of the redeployment of the center army group in August, the Soviets had only 90K troops between the Germans and Moscow. There was nothing in the way of the Germans to stop them! Keep in mind, the divisions that were launched against the Germans in December, arrived from Siberia by foot. Stalin authorized their redeployment from Siberia when his spies notified him that Japan had no interest in attacking Russia, as they were focused on Pearl Harbor.

  6. There was probably only one good order stalin committed which was prior to the war in the early 30s and that was the modernisation of soviet factories and maybe having one eye on what could happen moving them over the Ural mountains…thank god Hitler didn't listen to those around him and he made mistakes that over took them later,but not having a heavy bomber& no winter uniforms for the Russian campaign so strange and not making the oil and coal fields number 1+2 priority and then diverting to Stalingrad with an penpusher in charge….just think the horrors they went through and you can see the different mental illnesses Hitler and stalin had hitlers especially during the war but stalin liked bthe the waiting game to get revenge…

  7. Nicely done video. Very informative and nicely colorized as well. A thumbs up to the military history in this video thanks for sharing. Keep the awesome videos coming. Respectfully herr Dave blackburn

  8. The winter stopped they’re great momentum and allowed the Soviets to regroup it was that horrific winter that began the demise of the 3rd reich not the red army or the other allies that came into Europe when the Germans were in full retreat it was the winter that broke them down

  9. Germanys greatest mistake was not consolidating the countries they occupied in 1940 converting the factories to manufacture the equipment that was needed and treating the occupied countries populations better that might have increased their forces by at least a million. Under the circumstances of 1941 when they invaded as soon as they failed to occupy Moscow they had lost.

  10. The German war machine was called “Pervetin” without the drug nothing worked!
    Did the Allies have something comparable? I don't think so?

  11. There are several points in the war that can be pointed to as the big mistake. However, it can also be considered that there was no one big mistake, but a series of mistakes that cascaded into ultimate defeat. Now what was the starting point? Where was the first mistake? No heavy bombers? Not developing jet engines sooner? Not waiting until the Navies plan z was complete? Going with plan Z at all and just sticking to u-boats and small er craft? Not developing a heavy tank earlier? Not going south to the oil fields and block the Volga instead of going for Moscow? Where does the first mistake happen?

  12. Listening to Hitler, who thought he was a great tactical genius. Along with that, the invasion of the Soviet Union, a logistical impossibility to sustain for any length of time past the first year. This manifested at Stalingrad.

  13. Where is it documented that winter clothing wasn't deemed necessary? Wasn't it more of a priority issue of ammunition and food supply over clothing delivered over vast distances and transportation bottlenecks?

  14. Don't agree with your analysis. Russian military competence improved, Germany's got worse as its military had to grow to meet the increasing scale and challenge. German logistics were very poor, so never was able to supply the materials needed in the quantities demanded. A localised triumph isn't victory. Germany never held the initiative in any real sense after 1941.

  15. Did you know that 30 degrees Celsius is like 85 degree fahrenheit. I think you screwed up on your unit conversion

  16. Se os Generais da Alemanha podem-se conduzir a guerra sem interferência de um lunático Hitler , a russia , bem como outros territórios ocupados não teriam a mínima chance no campo de batalha… As táticas,juntamente com a capacidade do Exército, Força aérea e Marinha ,que a Alemanha possuía nos anos 30 e início de 40 do Séc xx.. Principalmente do Exército e Força aérea,eram bem superiores á maioria dos aliados.. Se estudarmos as campanhas da Polonia ,da França,( Holanda , Belgica),onde os Generais tiveram maior liberdade de planeamento e acção, é bem evidente a superioridade Alemã,onde até 1942 esteve imparável,e só com erros estrategicos cometidos devido á cegueira fanatica e irracional do seu lider ,A.H , a Alemanha perde território a Leste e inicia a derrocada total do seu exército…

  17. The Germans should have set up a Maginot like line for Russia instead of invading and invaded the Middle East and North Africa with full might of Wehrmacht.

  18. Hitler, like most dictators, was fixated on the numbers of shiny things: Tanks, artillery pieces, planes, when he should have given equal attention to TRUCKS. Also, the fact that they didn't try to coordinate, or at least get some cooperation in the form of bluffs from their ally Japan is almost criminally stupid.

  19. The biggest mistake was bailing out Mussolini over and over. The med drained precious fuel, men, and matetial that were sorely needed on the eastern front. Rommel was not the man for a "support force" in Africa. Paulus was not the man for Army Group South. Both would have been perfect for each other's roles.

  20. Not only was the German invasion of Russian a mistake, but the Japanese attack on Pear Harbour, Brought Russian and America into the War, from that point Germany and a future Europe was doomed, to what we have today.

  21. They made a large mistake in trying to go for Moscow in 41. However their bigger mistake was not continuing to the Caucuses until 1942 when their oil situation became dire. Without fuel, the German Army was no better than the Poles who they had smashed through in 1939. The only reason they held out as long as they did was that Germany had some fuel and they had massive numbers compared to the Poles.

  22. The sacrifice of the 6th was indeed a seminal and tragic event. Frozen hell and they endured it for weeks upon weeks. Incredible to think they were left in that without even the hope of rescue or decent equipment. Minus 40. Incredible resilience until the very end.

  23. The biggest mistake the Nazis made was to persecute the Jews. God said I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All else is secondary.

  24. I think Hitler splitting the 6th army sending half to the caccasus. I never understood this. Why not just send the entire army group to Stalingrad or the oil fields. Take one then the other. How stupid could he be? I believe 100% stalingrad would have fell had he kept the army group together.

  25. They’re greatest mistake are 1 person agenda, greed of power and murdering people and also same to the communist

  26. With hindsight, we see everything more clearly. The cold must have been like sharp bayonets piercing the inadequate German uniforms. Of course it was a mistake; it was lunacy.

  27. "Why would our soldiers need winter clothes? It's only Russian winter…" That level of idiocy is truly impressive.


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