
This took me 100,000 BATTLES in World of Tanks!


I never got the Raider medal in over 100,000 battles of World of Tanks! Today that changes, or does it?!?

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50 pemikiran pada “This took me 100,000 BATTLES in World of Tanks!”

  1. BRILLIANT!!!!! The was very entertaining. Raider Medal on Ensk encounter. Legendary!!! I've got one in my Tier 9 T-30 and I think I got 3 Raider Medals in 5 games years ago.

  2. I earnt mine in a Tog on Himmelsdorf. Everyone went to the hill and this was when you could talk to the enemy team i sat there making tog jokes in chat.

  3. Assuming an average of 5 minutes per battle, this man has spent nearly a year of his live in WOT matches. Dedication.

  4. Luckily i got mine in a panther like 600 battles in i didnt even know it was a metal or rare till i got it and instill didnt know how rare it was till just now seeing that u just now got it thats wild

  5. I have achieved the raider medal 3 times. Twice in the Luchs and once in the Crusader SP. In both the Luchs achievements it was a tier VI battle and I was not going to be able to pen many of the enemy so I spotted for my team and was never detected. As the battle progressed, the enemy pushed on our cap. I went up a flank and sneaked into the enemy camp while my team mates defended our base. The arty battle was an end game gamit. I ran to keep from being spotted by the enemy and found myself near their cap and none of their team around so I capped out the win for our team.

  6. I wasn't proud of what I did. But I got a raider medal on a Char Futur 4 in Live Oaks with Quickybaby as my commander. The intention was just to force the enemy to return to base. Read the "no cap. Kill all" too late. It happened today 12/12/2023.

  7. Congrats QB. I’m not sure how, but I have got 6 of these in just under 26k battles on PS4/5 despite never actively trying to get one

  8. I got my first and only raiders medal in a tog 2 on fjords. Went right through the town and up the undefended middle and right to the cap. It was one of those games were your team sweeps the enemy team. Last enemy standing was a scout that ran and hid the rest of the match.

  9. I have 4 Raider medals. I believe two of them were in SPGs, probably fast French ones, and IIRC the other two are in the Wolverine on Sand River. 🤣

  10. I have little over a 100,000 games and have 13 Raider ribbons [M0THER_(T-O-G)]. Two of those was in my T95, three in my Skorp G and one in my Foch 155. Difficult to get and have to watch the mini map to wiggle through. But you would think a player of Quickybaby caliber would have had a few by now… 🤔

  11. One of my only raider medals was Encounter on Sand River in the tier VII french tank destroyer. Was trying to full send all games before the Foch 155 was removed from the tech tree, so was quite a few years ago.

  12. idk how and when I have gotten my Raider medal, but it is on Chi-To (tier VI Japanese med) and well STB-1 was my first X tier. It sure has been a while.

  13. Oh yeah, I got one many years ago. I remember the whole game vividly, it was on Ruinberg in some TD.
    I just sneaked through bushes while everyone still alive were fighting in the city and capped it out. I didn't even know this medal existed.

  14. Last year, I got a Raider medal on a TOG !!! I figured I was slow enough that I'd just point toward the enemy cap, and fight whatever battle happens when I get up to one. Never saw anyone. Rolled into their cap – still nothing. Base capture, win game, Raider medal!!

  15. Funny part is that my father was able to do it with SPG few years ago and didnt even know about it XDXD

  16. I got a Raider in WoT Blitz and only once. It was very early in the game and in my WoT career, I was in a tier 3 German tank and just drove into the cap and stayed there. It wasn't an intentional cheese, I had no idea what I was doing, just wanted to win 😀😀

  17. i got my only Raider medal back waaay in the early days of the game, with the old old engine and physics, with only 3 nation tech trees
    i was in m7 priest, on old sand river map
    with today's game mechanics, that would not have happend

  18. Hi! QB I was going through my achievement today and I saw I have 6 of those. But I did not even remember I had them, so it must have happens when I start playing this game 10-11 years ago. /Bjervus

  19. Congrats! Glad to see you get this achievement, I think one of mine was just as surprising, I'm not a great player, but have been fortunate enough to pick up a couple of these! As I can remember my last teammate lost to two heavies near our base on the other side of the map and they couldn't make it back in time to get me!

  20. I got it in my Jagdpz E-100 on Malinovka encounter or assault (cant remember which mode it was) way back in the old days. Was funny because most of the entire enemy team lemming-ed to the west side and i had nothing to do except cap and snipe from there

  21. I have only one, in the AMX 13 F3 arty. But the most memorable one is one I helped another player get, I was playing the same arty on Mines, it came down to me and another player on the greens and a T-34 on the reds. the other player had sat on the platform in the north and was sniping (or more likely doing nothing). When the last of our team died I moved down to the center hill as i had no idea where the remaining red player was. And lo and behold he came up the center, we faced off and began a peek a boo standoff and as I begged the other green to help, he simply drove all the way around the east side and capped. The T-34 couldn't advance to kill me and couldn't go back as i'd shoot him from behind, as the AMX arty was an excellent shot gun arty. So my team mate simply capped out, with an Invader.


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