
This PvP Bug Could Get WORSE Next Patch! ⚔️New World


There is currently a significant bug with New World PvP weapon scaling that doesn’t properly apply intended damage reduction for ranged weapons like Bow, Musket and Blunderbuss. These weapons are meant to deal more damage in PvE and less in PvE, bug the scaling is bugged for a variety of effects, especially with elemental gems/int gems or weapons like Boltcaster.
Check out @thacousin

00:00 – New PvP bug
01:10 – Bug demonstrations from ThaCousin
02:34 – Further scaling issues
04:34 – Why this would be worse next patch
05:02 – What’s the difference for Boltcaster

Sources: New World Database:

#NewWorld #Bug #Boltcaster

DISCORD (New World):

Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

world , This PvP Bug Could Get WORSE Next Patch! ⚔️New World , #PvP #Bug #WORSE #Patch #World
, new world,new world mmo,pvp,bug,boltcaster,scaling,bow,int,gem,ice gauntlet

34 pemikiran pada “This PvP Bug Could Get WORSE Next Patch! ⚔️New World”

  1. Bolt caster still be strong if it’s fixed or not cause who going be running lighting resistance? Sure people run elemental resistance but that won’t be enough cause the bow has multiple sources of damage it can do.

  2. New World – where patch notes tell you what changes devs intended to make, rather than what changes actually got made.

  3. Of course, you should always nerf the bow/musket. Maybe remove all ranged weapons altogether and people will finally stop crying and asking for a nerf. And magicians in a heavy harrow are normal, there are no problems here. Which just incinerate you, and you hit them with 1k from the same boltcaster. There are always bugs in ranged weapons and light armor and nowhere else. I'm sick of all this already.

  4. Meanwhile people are still openly swinging great axes faster than a rapier flurry using an exploit thats been in the game since launch. No bans, still hasn't been fixed, still see the same people doing it in OPR.

  5. This will be fixed in the may update, or perhaps with the next expansion and will treat it as content.

    Seriously though, this game doesn't deserves its hardcore fan base. It should have died a long time ago. Anyone else be this bad at their job will soon have to find another.

  6. It sounds like they need a better way to tune an entire weapon's damage in PVP instead of just specific abilities/damage types for that weapon. Without fixing the root of this issue, it will exacerbate issues even more in the future.

  7. In that case better fix staff and abys then..abys doing so much damage to us light armor melee players..but I do agree I did a test on bolt and idk why but it does 1k extra damage for some reason and when I use a normal bow with an artifact that also give 20% it just isn’t performing like bolt does

  8. Prior to boltcaster getting released everyone was running finisher for +15% or liftaker for disintigrate stacks.. so logically we shouldn't test that and come to conclusions based on setups no one was running. So boltcaster barely eeks out a damage win against a flat physical bow with no damage bonus from an OH artifact and is somehow a problem in the game? 2nd boltcaster hate video with nonsense "test" data. I agree that things should scale appropriately and would have respected the video if you left that as the point but its obviously another anti-bow video where half baked testing justifies your position. Cant wait to hear the complaints in game in game as i get melted by BB/FS

  9. Every bow user in pvp is using boltcaster pretty much. I'm sure there's some players that do it to just have an aetifact equipped by its pretty rampant

  10. Theory doesn’t really make any sense because fire staff is fire damage and you’re saying it’s working for those wepappks too?

  11. As always one again the way the code the game is spaghetti. I just don't understand every game as is bugs but New world should won the 2023 Oscar. At least we are playing a game that is pioneer in something boys

  12. Calm your tits and let bow users enjoy this for awhile. There're a lot more things to fix and implement. Like running underwater which is way harder than swimming in real life, thus swimming should be implemented.

  13. As far as I know, pvp balancing only applies to staged pvp content (arena/opr/war). Dragonflame has only tested in duels and open world. When I compared inside and outside the arena/opr the damage was different.

  14. the game is ran by incompetent devs i dont even say this as an insult just a mere truthful statement. I think they are definetly trying really hard but its just simply not enough

  15. The bow is terrible in pvp, the pvp damage reduction is a shit way to fix the issue with ranged pvp. With a bow you have to do damage at distance meaning you don’t get to spam skill fighting someone next to you. It takes way more precision at range and misses a lot of shots due to the nature of ranged attacks. In close combat bow bets mauled if you’re using light armor which is another terrible mechanic. So if the bolt caster is actually doing more damage lol , archery is doomed when it gets fixed.

  16. So I'm almost bis on my Boltcaster build and can confidently say.. yeah this thing is busted right now. It does unreal damage. Hits on average for like 4k minimum and I've have some hits on players do close to 7k.

    But as for BB and FS, those are imo actually broken and need to be nerfed (outside of the bug correction) because the meta as of now is primarily blanket elemental resistance, not thrust, strike and fire. Thrust has been getting more usage but then Boltcaster and the weapon gem changes sort of put it in the back seat again, making elemental even more necessary. The BB FS combo is (no pun intended) plaguing PVP. Because you just don't have space on current bis builds to fit in things like vigor and strict element resistances. I personally run at least one ruby in my jewelry now because i can see how broken fire is right now.

    Also, like a mentioned before, strike resistance just isn't being picked right now. People are not running jasper at all, making these strike weapons even stronger. The meta seems to be full on elemental gems with maybe some onyx and moonstone/emerald fit in, depending on your build. Armor bis right now is super polarizing. As a bow main, and someone who only really runs light, we're just getting shredded right now, because we can't possibly resist what we need to resist as a bow (thrust/ranged/elemental) and have any bit of chance against our literal bane of existence, FS+BB combo. And add to that that those builds can get away with running heavy armor with no apparent tradeoff and it just becomes hell for a bow player. Like i actually get triggered trying to do my job of hunting opposing bows and healers, just to hear "MISHBALLAH" as a FS smacks into me for a quarter of my health, slamming me with BB and then if i manage to dodge away, getting cooked by the 10 ft wide hit box of a FS. 😂 Oh and don't mention the fact that they ALL run some form of disease on top of the burn dot.

    Honestly, as "broken" as Boltcaster is now, you at least need to still have some skill to use it, because you still have to HIT your shots without getting wrecked yourself. If anything, FS BB needs a nerf. They're too strong.

  17. Ahoy, this has been going on forever. To fix this AGS will just add in more artifacts no doubt because that's what the game needs 🤡

  18. interesting. i did feel the bow a bit stronger than i remember. i hope they don't over-nerf it now. because that's the thing with AGS, they will nerf it and introduce another mechanic that nerfs it even further instead of just doing the 1 thing and seeing it play out lol


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