
‘This Isn’t World War THREE’ Tobias Ellwood Analyses US-UK Strikes On Houthi Targets In Yemen


The Royal Air Force has launched targeted strikes against military facilities used by Houthi rebels in Yemen, with Rishi Sunak saying the UK will “always stand up for freedom of navigation and the free flow of trade”.

It marks the first time strikes have been launched against the group since it started targeting international shipping in the Red Sea late last year, and it vowed there would be retaliation.

TalkTV’s Kevin O’Sullivan and Alex Phillips are joined by former chair of the Defence Select Committee and Conservative MP Tobias Ellwood to analyse the situation.

Tobias says “this isn’t about World War 3”, adding that Britain “has a duty” to “uphold international law”.

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world , ‘This Isn’t World War THREE’ Tobias Ellwood Analyses US-UK Strikes On Houthi Targets In Yemen , #Isnt #World #War #Tobias #Ellwood #Analyses #USUK #Strikes #Houthi #Targets #Yemen
, debate,free speech,freedom of expression,live,live news,news,politics,talk radio,talk radio live,talk radio tv,talk tv,talk tv live,talkTV,talkradio,talkradio tv,talkradiotv,talktv live,uk,iran,yemen,houthi rebels,grant shapps,rishi sunak,joe biden,special forces,international shipping,Red Sea attacks,Houthi attacks,Middle East conflict,america,us,u.s.,raf,army,royal air force

46 pemikiran pada “‘This Isn’t World War THREE’ Tobias Ellwood Analyses US-UK Strikes On Houthi Targets In Yemen”

  1. self defence when the uk and us are thousands of miles away 😂
    yemen closed it's own Red Sea in protest for Israel blocking food and water from entering Palestine which it doesn't own yet that was not a breach of international law.

  2. WW3 has already started media lies to you, government lies to you .2nd world war wasn't declared until 1945 .just because its not been declared its still war .

  3. Don't worry Jezza has said we shouldn't attack terrorists we should embrace their culture and bow down to them…..

  4. There is a cause and effect that the US and UK government willingly overlook. No one was talking about the Houthis a month ago. They came into the picture when they saw the West backing an unrestrained genocide by Israel. The landmark case brought by South Africa has rattled Israel and if found in favour of South Africa will mean the US and it’s allies were complicit in a modern day genocide. The escalation with Yemen is an attempt by the hawks in the US to divert attention from the genocide and add a layer of obfuscation. It is a desperate move by a declining power. The US and it’s poodles have to stop seeing everything in isolation, 7 October is a case in point, and instead join the dots which the global majority seem far more capable of doing. How sad to see the self declared civilised world become the uncivilised world.

  5. People want to obsess over the Israeli/Palestinian citizens caught up in bombing, the UK and the US have been helping the Saudis bomb Yemen for years, Yemeni children have been starving to death for years! I'm not saying there is much choice as these islamic terrorist groups must be stopped or at least reigned in but where are the mass global protests for Yemeni citizens? Because what they really want is to dominate western countries even more than they do, its all about power.

  6. Let's hope that someone has told Iran and Russia that Tobias Ellwood knows that neither those countries nor their allies intend to escalate the middle east or Ukrainian conflict…in other words, Ellwood, who is not even on the front bench, has not the first clue what Russia, Iran et al have in store for the West, and it seems unlikely that Iran has funded and armed the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas to attack Israel and Western interests without wishing to provoke a wider conflict. Once the authorities start trotting out the "it'll all be over Christmas" eyewash, you know the sugar really is about to hit the fan.

  7. Yeah as long as britain and America dont go without "stuff". Full supermarket shelves of imported fruit and veges. Electrical goods… Plenty of toys and clothes. Fridges stuffed to the brim. Thats when britain gets involved

  8. It shown now the USA and UK is slowly ESCALATING the war , It may Lead to World War 3 for Sure , said many Analysts , Period .

  9. It shown now the USA and UK is slowly ESCALATING the war , It may Lead to World War 3 for Sure , said many Analysts , Period .

  10. This is No 3 Starmer Sunak and US started this , They will move to Thier holiday homes in Israel which they are fighting for ,Nothing to do with SHIPPING,

  11. WW3 will be a nuclear war and who wants a war with no winner's.
    The nuclear deterant has stopped a war Russia for over 80 years.

  12. All this chaos occurred because of the genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinian people and the Zionists are fully supported by the United States government and its allies

  13. This is not ww3 he is mad iran has sleepers in the uk who could target our critical infrastructure listen to the f.b.i and others we dont know who is here cause they mostly come with no papers

  14. Warmonger Tobias Ellwood and Left-Wing GB News and Talk TV Presenters and Guests have caused WW3 same with western globalists.


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