
This Is The Saddest Country In The World


The mental state of the world report has been released for this year and here are the saddest countries and the happiest countries on earth: The most miserable country in the world is Uzbekistan, and in second place is the United Kingdom. Brits rated their mood & outlook, drive and motivation, and social self among the worst in the world. In 4th is Brazil, in 6th is Australia, then Egypt, and in 8t h place is Ireland. The 14th saddest country is Ukraine. But on the happy side of things: The Dominican Republic is the happiest country in the world with Sri Lanka in 2nd place. Italy is in 11th place, Israel at 18, Mexico at 22, and the United States is the 29th happiest country in the world. Americans rated their mind-body connection among the lowest in the world but rated their cognition among the highest in the world. This study also found that the younger someone is when they get access to their first iPhone, the worse off their mental states are. In fact, the study went on to find that in the Anglosphere where kids get their phones around age 11 – They are significantly less happy than their peers in developing countries who don’t get it until 15 or 16.

Produced by: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco
Edited by: Ben Wheeler
Art Department: William Crespo
Writing/Research: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco
#usa #uk #mentalhealth

world , This Is The Saddest Country In The World , #Saddest #Country #World
, Mental Health,United Kingdom,United States,Ireland,Australia,Brazil,Mexico,Israel,iphones,iphone mental health,smartphone,mental health of kids,iphone usage

21 pemikiran pada “This Is The Saddest Country In The World”

  1. Wait Ukraine , a country actively dealing with an invasion by a nuclear power is happier than the UK…the hell is going on in the UK.

  2. Issue is with these countries is everyone overplays it or wants to think their life is harder than someone slaving away for scraps in china while they scroll on their 1,200$ phone eating 20$ of Starbucks and talking about how Capitalism is a failure

  3. Maybe those with money and power. Shouldn’t have money and power if they are using it to make peoples lives miserable

  4. What a great study, omitting half of the world makes for interesting results to say the least. Curious choice not having Finland at all in the survey either, considering it's been ranked the happiest country every year since 2020 in another, more widely conducted study.


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