
This is How YOU Play ‘Patton The Tank’ in World of Tanks!


World of Tanks, WoT, 1.23.0 patch

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world , This is How YOU Play ‘Patton The Tank’ in World of Tanks! , #Play #Patton #Tank #World #Tanks
, WG,wg,wargaming,worldoftanks,World of Tanks,Wot,wot,super unicum,skill4ltu,twitch,streamer,3rd marker,friendly,tanks,tank game

26 pemikiran pada “This is How YOU Play ‘Patton The Tank’ in World of Tanks!”

  1. In the first video with this tank you said it was horrible, and your rating on the website is the same. You weren't impressed with him at all. You said it was gross.
    Now how did you change your opinion like this 180 degrees?
    "Did wargaming pay you to say good things about the tank?" :)))

  2. Hey, does anybody know why i cant see the skins on other thanks? Example: i see it on my patton but i dont see it when my platton people play or randoms in game, anyone any soultion please? Thank you

  3. Title really should be, "THIS is how you play Patton". Writing "This is how YOU play Patton" suggests you're going to show how the viewer plays it.

  4. Am a slightly below average player who plays about 5-6 hrs a week if lucky. That said, for some reason I found the Patton Tank 'easy' to play. By easy, I mean it seemed to respond better to the controls that other tanks, gun handling is great and able to bounce more shots than some hvys. Will be sad when WOT nerfs it in a couple of months, maybe if they leave the soft stats alone it may survive it.

  5. Skillz:"there is no such thing as CC RNG" also skills, fist shot of the first game fires a shot that goes between the wheel and the track BELOW The tank, a HEAT shell mind you, that for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US would have been a zero dmg shot, and it somehow pens, despite missing all armor. Go watch the replay again. HOW WAS THAT A PENETRATION?!?!?!?!

  6. there is no reason to play this tank apart if you wanna put a mark on excellence on every tank you own, it's not a premium and all the other american medium tier 9 are better

  7. I gave a shot with my Grille and the shot do not pen one of these pattons. I got crazy to check how. Entered Battle hits and saw that that piece of shit called Grille throw my shot miles away from the point I aimed. But, I continued checking other shots and when I checked a T110E5 I saw something I never had sawn: and red eagle was in the middle down part of upper hull frontal plate. Check it, did you saw it anytime?


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