
They Turned Valheim Into An Open World RPG


They build a full adventure map in Valheim turning it into a real open world RPG
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50 pemikiran pada “They Turned Valheim Into An Open World RPG”

  1. To all the people still trying to defend the pathetic speed this game is updated at this is the final nail in the coffin. They had enough money to hire a team of devs to really make this game everything they promosed but clearly took the money and squandered it.

  2. BTW, Valheim assets has been modeled in Blender, maybe anyone who likes modeling 3D could create more assets for this mod

  3. Valheim is such a good game, but i'm pretty sure they stopped development for it. All their updates and patches makes it seem like only 1 person is working on the game. I'm sure once all the devs start running out of money we'll see some pretty desperate expansions.

  4. The corporate money grabbers have taken over the video game industry with intent of fleecing us of as much money as possible for minimal work, a majority of companies aren't passionate about the games they make just want them done ASAP to meet deadlines and release as quick as possible, look at the CoD Campaign for example, they've not done massive amounts to change their engine, just reskin and because of that, hacks are extremely commonplace, because the hacks for the last game work for the new one!, when you're booting hackers on release day you have an issue!
    This is why I always play game son PC, because of the modding community (Ark mod enjoyer here!), they absolutely refresh the game, revive old games that haven't been updated in a LONG time and can quite often do things bigger, better and just as professional a job as any jobbing dev, THIS is where the future is in keeping older games alive, not rehashing and releasing a "new game" and charging $100 for it, I think the community is at it's end with how some companies have been acting and with mods like this, we NEED mods like this, to completely reinvigorate it and give us a whole new adventure to embark on!
    Fantastic job by both Devs, this looks amazing, you guys are how we move forward.

  5. Love how it takes a community of modders to make a game actually fun. Tf the devs doing bro twiddling their thumbs JFC.

  6. It’s honestly mind boggling to me that we’re at the point in video games that modders are making full on early 2000s rpg experiences inside of a relatively small indie game. Just amazing.

  7. I think Valheim would truly benefit from pvp servers. I know it’s not the game for it but people like me would enjoy it a lot cuz ark is trash

  8. awe if they got it to 200+ people in a server as a start that would be something id play with friends

  9. The fake hype in this video😂… Back in my day we had what was called battlenet. We modded all kinds of stuff Warcraft Half-Life starcraft. Me and my friends created The 1st DOTA in 2001. Now it's a MOBA under several different names and then they actually came out with our name on the same MOBA.😂 No credit. No money. All the shame.😢 Just remember once you post it it's free for everyone and you no longer have rights

  10. I haven’t played this game in ages. Aren’t these builds impossible? I’m assuming stress isn’t a thing for this right? Even basic builds just fell over before.

  11. The movie easter egg is I think the one with the petrified kraken tentacles, that is from a scene from Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest, where a Kraken tore a whole ship

  12. This goes to show, once again, how much resources a community has. Imagine if games were built by communities, instead of companies striving for profit. The potential has been demonstrated time and time again in many games through modding communities. I can't help but see this as the likely future of gaming, where creative individuals and communities that truly care about the game develop it, not to make profit per se, but to deliver something that people really care about.

    The profit comes afterwards, but not through promises and hype, but through real work on the game.

  13. weird that no one found Conan Exiles.
    Best open world survival to ever be created.
    Until Age of war update. now it's dogshit dont even play it.

  14. Players misunderstand mainstream video games industry so bad. They think that working at gaming company is something that is out of this world, like a dream job etc. It's still just a job, ok? Nobody working at a company going to sacrifice free time, life, family etc just for players to get a better product. you do what you've been payed to do and nothing more. You go to work, you do the job you get payed – that's it. You have a deadline and you do your best to do it in time, publishers has deadlines, limited recourses from investors, developing studio has deadlines. if you did not meet the deadline – oh well it is what it is, you release the game anyway (most of the times), nobody will work for free to fix it. It's not a passion hobby that you do it until it's perfect. If you disagree with this think about your own job (doesn't matter what you do), if you work for somebody else – you're not doing perfect, your best, your 100 percent. You're doing just ok, just enough to get payed. Because nobody going to pay you more if you push yourself to the limit. If you're self employed then yes, and working alone or with a small team. you of course have to do your 100 because if its not perfect you will not sell the product that well, but when you grow, your team grow you will eventually hire less motivated people.

  15. im so excited to play it myself and friends. im upgrading my cpu tomorrow. my pc cant handle above 9,000 world instances, like around 40-50fps on my small town. thank you 9b, dhakhar and others for this.

  16. This video just killed respect for ALL game companies.. Diablo 4 100USD?? what the shit …. this is just insane work!!

  17. I've been building without mods or commands since i started in valheim
    Have around 1000 hours in the game, and my cities dont lag. I dont see where he finds lag :/

  18. Modders do it because they love the game, in most cases developers just dishes out shit for money they love the money part and it shows

  19. kinda feels as magical as old world of warcraft like blend of northrend and classic with a heavy dose of viking

  20. Yeah I play with 2 friends and we are getting frequent long desynchs, it can get pretty obnoxious, and out internet is really good so it's not that. The game's amazing though.

  21. Valheim feels/is laggy in multiplayer depending on the players systems and internet connection. It has a very good limit of build items close to a player. The problem with Valheim multiplayer is that the server tries to offload tasks in a way that only works on extreme low latency for all players. Meaning high latency of one player can impact the performance for all players.


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