
These U.S. States Will Be Sacrificed if World War 3 Starts


🌍 The geopolitical relationships between world powers are at their lowest in decades. With the Russia-Ukraine conflict dragging Western countries into proxy warfare, experts are questioning: Could a nuclear war be imminent? 🌐🕵️‍♂️ Since the 1960s, the U.S. has had a grim plan to use certain states as “nuclear sponges.” Discover the history, strategies, and the chilling possibility of a nuclear conflict. 🚀☢️ #NuclearWar #Geopolitics #ColdWar #RussiaUkraineConflict #WorldPowers #NuclearStrategy #USMilitary #GlobalConflict #History #NuclearWeapons #NATO #Russia #China #NuclearDeterrence

world , These U.S. States Will Be Sacrificed if World War 3 Starts , #U.S #States #Sacrificed #World #War #Starts
, us,military,us military,us navy,us airforce,united states,united states military,marine corp,navy,army,us army,air force

24 pemikiran pada “These U.S. States Will Be Sacrificed if World War 3 Starts”

  1. There will only be scavangers left like crows and buzzards drinking radioactive water and eating contaminated plants.

  2. Biden got us into this mess. it was not on any radar for the 4 years before him even with Russian forces in occupied territory in Ukraine from 2014.

  3. Anyone who thinks that civilization survives a nuclear holocaust is sadly mistaken. The consequences and tainting of the water supplies and destroying the food supplies along with the outright elimination of populations and supply chains are dire. Add to that the loss of expertise, survival skills and abilities and those who survive will be fewer still. There are no winners.

  4. You keep using the Washington state capitol as the US capitol. try googling Washing D.C. in addition to Washington capitol.

  5. It’s not that our government doesn’t care per se. what would you have them do? Build us bunkers we would never make it to in time lol. If a country truly let the nukes fly, that’s it. 30-45 minutes is all you have. The entire US on the highway trying to get to the bunkers….Not happening people.

  6. In my younger days I travelled much and saw plenty of. Circa 1950,60,70 . The most historical countries are Great Britain 🇬🇧 & Italy 🇮🇹 must be protected and preserved from WW3 . The two military bases countries for attacking Europe . Unbelievable ?? . Andrej Kondisenko Cairns Australia 🇦🇺

  7. I remember hearing years ago that a lot of American roads were built straight so they could take off/land planes if war came.

  8. Man I think your warhead numbers are way off, as well as your target priority list… This video is totally off base

  9. 1st Armored Division and 1st Infantry Division were stationed in Europe until the mid 2000s until the draw down in Germany. Interstate system was built long before they moved back to the states…

  10. The big mistake of the people of the West is that they don't take into account several struggles that are taking place at the same time and are pushing
    Forget the war between Ukraine and Russia, this is not a war at all, this is an open confrontation whose entire purpose is to involve the USA in the conflict and this is what the USA did – it gave an opportunity to China to form a coalition with Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Bangladesh and Russia. With Russia providing technology, China providing labor and manufacturing, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and Bangladesh providing the cheap manpower as they aim to unite the Muslim world against the West.
    They make use of Russian technology and cheap Chinese manufacturing, when they defeat Europe, which mistakenly relies on Turkey to "save" it, they will turn to China and Russia and destroy them. This is how the struggle between the Sunni world and the Shiite world will remain, in which the Shiites will win over the Sunni world
    Only then will they turn forever the depleted USA that abandoned its army and turned it into an army of transgenders…
    Then the Shia world, which is waiting for the ninth imam = the Shia Messiah, will celebrate the victory in a world that was destroyed without technology and without any introduction that in their opinion led to chaos
    Those who do not see the religious struggle do not see anything!

  11. They missed the 8th state where they had many ICBM's located. Arizona where they had many Titan II's.
    You could see the cement covers from the local mountain tops in the area.
    Near Oracle alone there were 22.

  12. Read Azovmena 2 prophecy by pastor Phillip Barnett. He received a download from the Lord. In 2007 he explained the Ukr-Russia war coming soon. He gave each US city that Russia nukes. The war in Europe is given in detail. The US attacks Russia as well and it is given in detail as well. Lets all pray that this does not happen. Pray Psalm 91 and Ephesians 6:10-20. Repent for salvation by our Lord.

  13. Putin won't stop at just the silos, but will go after the bigger cities. BUT, given the ineptitude of the Russian army to conquer the Ukraine, I somewhat doubt the military competence of the Russian military machine. The U.S. has the best, most advanced military in the world. One 'boomer' could lay waste thge majority of Putin's sand box, and we have how many? In short, Putin would be a fool to push the button.


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