
These Countries Can DESTROY The World! #geography #maps #nuclear #weapons


These are all the countries that possess nuclear weapons!

Video Transcript:
These are all the countries possessing nuclear weapons. The USA is the only one in all of America and it did the most nuclear tests in the world. However, the country with the highest number of weapons claims to be Russia. Which is one of three European nations possessing this type of mass destruction. The other two are the United Kingdom and France. Each has approximately 20-30x times fewer warheads than Russia. In Asia among the countries that declare to have nuclear weapons are China, North Korea, India, and Pakistan. Meanwhile, Israel has only indicated not directly declared to possess nuclear weapons.

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world , These Countries Can DESTROY The World! #geography #maps #nuclear #weapons , #Countries #DESTROY #World #geography #maps #nuclear #weapons
, USA,europe,america,south america,north america,world,the us,united states,russia,china,the usa,maps,map,geo,geography,australia,asia,africa,facts,geography facts,world maps,the usa map,globe,world map,world facts,interesting facts,facts about geography,nuclear,war,weapons,guns,destroy,warheads,france,the uk

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