
“There’s Potential For A World War” Former NATO Commander On Potential Of Totalitarian Regimes


Britain is reportedly considering air strikes on Houthi rebels after the US said its navy sank three boats that had been targeting a container ship in the Red Sea.

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said the Government would not hesitate to take “direct action” to prevent further attacks amid reports the UK and US are preparing a joint statement to issue a final warning to the Yemeni group.

It comes after the US military said four boats from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen fired at the Maersk Hangzhou and got within metres of the vessel as US helicopters fired back.

Several of the armed boat crews were killed, the US Central Command (Centcom) said. No-one was injured on the ship.

TalkTV’s Jeremy Kyle and Rosie Wright are joined by former NATO commander Dr Chris Parry to discuss the story.

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world , “There’s Potential For A World War” Former NATO Commander On Potential Of Totalitarian Regimes , #Potential #World #War #NATO #Commander #Potential #Totalitarian #Regimes
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38 pemikiran pada ““There’s Potential For A World War” Former NATO Commander On Potential Of Totalitarian Regimes”

  1. The world needs Vicegerency of The Submission. Only Vicegerency of The Submission can bring justice to the earth, as the earth is filled with tyranny and oppression. Vicegerency of The Submission would end terrorism, nationalism, racism, democracy, secularism, and all other parts of The Satanism. And The Recitation says that you cannot believe in The God, until you disbelieve in The Satanism.

    But bringing back Vicegerency of The Submission is the job of all Believers and Submitters. And it is our duty to establish System of The Submission, System of The Truth and System of The God. It is as simple as that. And when you bring back this System, you will also have to bring back the Roman Gold Coins and the Persian Silver Coins as currency. And only metals checkmate Gog and Magog. Gog and Magog, also known as The West, will be checkmated, and weakened, and onto their final stage, which is their destruction in Jerusalem.

    But you cannot wait for some arab descendent from prophet Muhammad's lineage called The Guided, whose name and fathers name matches the prophet and his father, because those reports are fabricated by the Abbasid Monarchs and are a post Ummayyad phenomenon. The Guided is not an Ishmaelite arab descendent of prophet Muhammad. Instead, The Guided is anotger name of The Messiah, Jesus son of virgin Mary, an Israelite.

    The West is Gog&Magog because firstly according to The Torah in the book of Genesis, they are from the children of Japheth Noah, meaning their colour has to be white. Secondly, they were released from the Iron-Copper dam in the 7th century. Thirdly, they were the Khazars, the Vikings, the Crusaders, the Colonialists, the Imperialists, the modern Zionists. Forthly, it is them who returned the Israelite Jews back to the Old City of Jerusalem (Jewish Quarter), so The West has to be Gog&Magog. And it is time for the destruction of the arabs to take place. It is very sad and unfortunate, but the Ishmaelite Arabs have to be slaughtered.

  2. The world needs Vicegerency of The Submission. Only Vicegerency of The Submission can bring justice to the earth, as the earth is filled with tyranny and oppression. Vicegerency of The Submission would end terrorism, nationalism, racism, democracy, secularism, and all other parts of The Satanism. And The Recitation says that you cannot believe in The God, until you disbelieve in The Satanism.

    But bringing back Vicegerency of The Submission is the job of all Believers and Submitters. And it is our duty to establish System of The Submission, System of The Truth and System of The God. It is as simple as that. And when you bring back this System, you will also have to bring back the Roman Gold Coins and the Persian Silver Coins as currency. And only metals checkmate Gog and Magog. Gog and Magog, also known as The West, will be checkmated, and weakened, and onto their final stage, which is their destruction in Jerusalem.

    But you cannot wait for some arab descendent from prophet Muhammad's lineage called The Guided, whose name and fathers name matches the prophet and his father, because those reports are fabricated by the Abbasid Monarchs and are a post Ummayyad phenomenon. The Guided is not an Ishmaelite arab descendent of prophet Muhammad. Instead, The Guided is anotger name of The Messiah, Jesus son of virgin Mary, an Israelite.

    The West is Gog&Magog because firstly according to The Torah in the book of Genesis, they are from the children of Japheth Noah, meaning their colour has to be white. Secondly, they were released from the Iron-Copper dam in the 7th century. Thirdly, they were the Khazars, the Vikings, the Crusaders, the Colonialists, the Imperialists, the modern Zionists. Forthly, it is them who returned the Israelite Jews back to the Old City of Jerusalem (Jewish Quarter), so The West has to be Gog&Magog. And it is time for the destruction of the arabs to take place. It is very sad and unfortunate, but the Ishmaelite Arabs have to be slaughtered.

  3. None of this would happen if the Western governments turned blind eyes to war crimes of Israil in Palestine , killing of innocent people basically Genocide infront of everyone's eyes. This is just to say our democracy suits us as long as we gain from it. World has lost its balance .

  4. Total rubbish! The so-called free world are the biggest warmongers! You are being challenged by those are tired of being bullied by western hegemony. The free world proudly support the genocide in Gaza and they think everybody will sit with folded arms?

  5. Free World ? 😂 UK & American Leftists propped up by Globalists are making the " Free World'' a thing of the Past

  6. Did this man say Russia has internal problens. Lol 😂😂😂. It is the westwrn psychopaths who are warmongering

  7. Western and UK should not defend Israel . You start it because you don't want peace you create a conflict.
    Always against international law how about Israel? Shame on you western and UK government.
    You keep silent when it comes to Palestinian people

  8. 😂 The free world is the warmonger NATO states who repeatedly invaded many countries for centuries including former Nazis states, former empires, former colonial empires…. 😂😂😂 What your free world you mention😂?

  9. Israel is blackmailing the world using the US as their defender to allow & protect Israel right to carry out genocide in Gaza Israel is a master at USURY! The US Government are useful idiots, the dumbest sheep and stupidest Goys on the planet.

  10. Houtis declared so.many time .they dont and wont attach and ordinary vessel but the ones foes to israel or israel related ships ..

  11. Truly a free world that supports Isreali occupation, illegal, proxy wars, forced regime change and veto's ceasefire. What a freed world.

  12. But don't worry..
    Zelensky is utilising Down's Syndrome soldiers in Ukraine's epic struggle now..

  13. We are already in a "World War" because of this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic unleashed from Wuhan, China since 2020

  14. Its "about" private affairs being made public…sadly. It escalates when the "free world" doesnt look after its own. When free people cant afford bread. Or housing.

  15. A man was driving his car along a lonely road when suddenly one of his wheel fell off, he retrieved the wheel but lost the lugs
    A doctor passing by advised him to get a wrecker to take the car to the mechanic to get a check up
    The police passing by stopped to remind him the area was unsafe
    A politician passing by told him had he voted for the right party he would not have been in that position as he would have had better roads
    A man of unsound mind was walking along the road and noticed the man standing beside his car so he ask him "whats your problem sir " the man replied " I have lost the lugs for my wheel" The man of unsound mind told him every problem is a maths problem you have three wheels on the car each with four lugs take one lug from each wheel and attach it to the wheel with no lug.
    The man followed rhe advise and drove home safely.
    The major cause of the problems in this world is MANS INJUSTICE TO MAN.

  16. Parry 😂😂😂😂 wasn’t it the “free world” who has destabilised that whole region for the last 100 years ?? It wasn’t China, and who has China invaded ???


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