
The World’s Worst Run National Football Team


Despite having the world’s largest population, the fifth largest economy, and having been early adopters of football in the 1870s, India’s national football team are currently ranked 117th in the FIFA World Rankings and have never competed at a FIFA World Cup.

That’s partly because of the popularity of cricket and hockey in India, but it’s also the result of one of the most corrupt and incompetent football federations in the world.

So in this video, HITC Sevens takes a look at the infamous All India Football Federation, the ailing Indian national team, and why India continue to be such chronic underachievers in football.

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, HITC Sevens,Football,Soccer,India,National Team,International,Worst,Run,Team,FIFA,World Cup,Documentary,Footballers,Youth,Indian Super League,Corruption,Finance,FIFA World Cup,Premier League,Indian

31 pemikiran pada “The World’s Worst Run National Football Team”

  1. They should be better but it isn't the peoples' sport. I think countries where football is enormously popular but lack of funding and corruption leads to underperformance is worse e.g. my own country the Republic of Ireland. India has two of those problems already but there's no expectation that their country could ever be even remotely as competitive as their international cricket team.

  2. As an Indian one of the main reason's i'd say is that most kids either opt for , mostly have no other choice to than go for Engineering or Medicine as their career path early on ( from the age of 16). This is the case for most of India's middleclass or upperclass population who are able to afford keeping their children in the sports industry.

  3. Two countries with almost 3 billion people but they cannot find 25 players each for a team plus subs,such a disgrace.

  4. As long as a short organization is controlled by the failed politicians, nothing can get better. Kudos for doing so much research on Indian football.

  5. f̷̩̜͚̤͇͔̿̋̓̐͜͝͝e̷̞͍̲̜̔̃́͝e̷̠̭͎̽̂̾̕d̷̛͈͓͉̮̦͔̼͈̳͔͙͊͌̌̊̔̏̊͂̔̚̚t̸̢̛̤̰̯͕͊̀̈́̈͛́̈̒̓͝͝h̴͖̠̱̝̣̼̩͕̥̭̜͊̍͗̋͛̾͋̌̍̒̓̍͝ę̴̛̯̮̰͖̝͎̼͎͙̼̻̻̺̈́͒̈́͐͂̔͒͘͠â̵̬̰͍̾̉ĺ̸̞͌̐͐̉̑̐̓͒̎̊̈͘͝g̸̛̩̥͌͋̌̊̑̌̈̓͝õ̴̡̯̥͔͓̙̪͓̫͓̞̞̣̜͓̅̀̑̉̒̋̇̄̐̋͝r̸̨̤̤̔̆̍͌̾̈́͆́̚͜į̶̨͓̗͚͚̳͉͕͚̝̪̳͍̲͌̈̊͗͛̎͌̌͒̏̒͋͘͝t̶̨̘͕̂̽̀̉͐̈́̎͌̌̿́̆̿h̴̡̥̺̤̳̘̳̜͈̝̤̱̾̐̽m̷͉͊̾̊̽̅́͋͋̍̂̋́̚̕͘

  6. The situation of football in India is a perfect, textbook example of the chronic meagerness, the utter lack of imagination and laziness of elites in developing or poor countries (the prime underlying cause behind endemic corruption, stagnation, etc.). There's more than enough space in India for the country to be a multi-sport one, in the same way the USA has massive, dedicated audiences for four different sports leagues. All it would take is a group of people with enough vision, but more importantly, the desire to create something lasting out of love for the game and a true desire to actually make things better. But it's easier for the big names behind Indian football to just leech off of whatever funds they can make and be done with it. Same thing happens in every sphere of every developing country at their upper levels of power.

  7. Local clubs barely generate any money. No incentive for people take up the sport at a professional level.

  8. What's even the goal for Indian football? Just make it to the world cup and be the first team to be knocked out? It's not happening ever, not in our lifetime.

  9. The most surprising thing about this entire video on Indian football, is that it took just over 30 minutes before the first woman was sexually assaulted.

  10. For a brief second in the intro my brain conflated 74 years ago to the year 1983 and for a moment i was physically sick. Then i realized you meant 1983 was only 41 years ago and i was still physically sick

  11. Truth is Football = No Wife. So We choose Profession that gives Wife. This is the Real Truth which we have to figure it out ourselves.

  12. Having worked in India, during the 2010 World Cup no less (no, not in football), I am not so surprised about the total mess Indian football is, the scandals and corruption or the hiring of the local Blavatsky to help in predictions.

    What's more surprising is how very bad that slogan "I can see more than you can see" is… And that shirt! Could that modern John Dee not have come with anything more creative?

  13. Our time will come soon. We indian football fans will never give up and keep demanding changes until we play the world cup.

  14. I’m sorry but India sucksss at sport

    With their population, they should be atleast average… but it’s not even close

  15. Thanks for making a video
    A country which doesn't even have a proper 2 tier with no Relagation and Promotion.
    AIFF is the biggest culprit.
    It's fuckin lie that football is not popular in India
    After Cricket, Football used to be the most popular sports in India but due to mismanagement of AIFF and emergence of Pro Kabbadi league. Kabbadi has surpassed it (For those of you don't know, it's a traditional Indian contact sports)

    As a kid in India we used to play only two sports, Cricket and Football but due corruption and mismanagement it's slowly fading away.
    Hockey is less popular than Football in India but still we managed to win 5 Olympics Gold medals.

  16. As a promising young footballer who was forced out, the reason so many footballers fail in india is simple.
    Opportunities for football are scarce. There's a lack of playgrounds, and parents strongly discourage anything other than academics. Not to mention, there's little money to be made as a footballer at any level


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