
The world’s worst financial thief



Wealth inequality might be the world of finance’s most dangerous lie. The thing is, wealth and income inequality are real things. However, the reason it exists isn’t what you think. What you’re normally told is nothing but a financial illusion.

I’m sure you’ve heard the narrative by now; that you should be blaming billionaires and the richest people on the planet for wealth inequality. And a lot of the time, you’re hearing this from politicians, including possibly the leaders of your own nation.

The truth is, the people doing much of the finger-pointing (your leaders) are the ones who are actually to blame. And it all comes down to their money printing, which leads to massive inflation, as to why inequality keeps happening. And in reality, it’s all due to an asset gap, not so much an income gap.

Please leave your thoughts below.

0:00 – A great financial illusion
0:55 – Wealth inequality isn’t the problem you think
1:29 – Inflation: an economic thief
3:51 – How inflation benefits the rich
5:51 – Masterworks insert
7:00 – Who is really creating wealth inequality
10:07 – Some final thoughts

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Sorelle and Leon.
Founders, Abundantia

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*We may earn a commission if you buy any products or services via the links in this video’s description. This video is not investment, financial, or legal advice. It may be incorrect, outdated, inaccurate, or reflect personal opinions. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

This video is sponsored by Masterworks.

#WealthInequality #Inflation #MoneyPrinting

world , The world’s worst financial thief , #worlds #worst #financial #thief
, wealth inequality,wealth inequality lie,inflation,rich poor gap,income inequality,wealth inequality in the world,wealth inequality in america,wealth inequality explained,economics of money,money printing,money printing inflation,inflation 2022,joe biden,inflation in america,inflation in usa,inflation explained,economics explained wealth inequality,wealth transfer,economics,finance,financial,money,calculating inflation,2022 economy,inflation history,cash

27 pemikiran pada “The world’s worst financial thief”

  1. Only a fool believes what a politician says and who's to blame but it's their game and they're the ones making the rules that they don't have to follow.

  2. In Finland due to inflation, the interest rates went up and real estate prices went down. That contradicts with what the video says. Any explanations?

  3. well, we all know the problem or at least most of us but what's the solution for the "game", I mean… What can we do?

  4. MD Higgins is a legend and he has nothing to do with politics! The position of President in Ireland is no more than a charm on a mantle piece. Great video but deeper research evidently needed!


  6. Great video thank you!
    I'm from italy. The EU is now working on a green pass for houses (the so called green houses)…so apparently we won't be able to sell or rent houses if they aren't emissions free (sounds like a rip off). Could you please give some advices on that? Thank you so musch

  7. Thank you ! Due to you and PBS Frontline I’m beginning to understand financial matters. Now if I only had money to invest !

  8. Trump is a billionaire itself. Is he truly here to help middle class or playing a trick? Been figuring out for years and still doubt. Hate the game, not the player…

  9. Making money have value fixes all of it. That is a huge part of the big plot to make cash worth toilet paper. Next they will move to what has value and that's fake ass online currency that the rich already horde!' And yes Inflation is rigged and total bullshit. Be careful of the "magicians" that try to make Inflation sound ok. You see what the bills already engraved on them, you see what these Magicians worship like all-seeing eyes and owls.

  10. a bit ironic having Trudeaus picture up there as that is entirely false..that guy has scammed Canadians more than any other Prime Minister in history tha ti can recall..hes had 2-3 scandals. upped the price of literally eveyrthing in Canada form gas, groceries, housing . eveyrhting and literally creats taxes out of nowhere for no reason and literally creates a tx for a tax and tries to tell the people its to save them money this guy is beyond stupid and no-one buys his sheit..he created a tax and peopel complained or it got around that this tax was draining them financially so he created a tax to tax that tax….like what? this is the guy these idiots voted in to run this country and Doug Ford is even worse…this guy is not for Canada and is not against the rich hes for making himself one of the rich and making himself richer..Sorry Babe but youre way off on this one..hes greedy like every other politician..he put a 1 percent tax on foreighn buyers rich peopel and what is one percent of 1000000? like 10000 ? that snothing to them…make it 10-20 percent then these peopel wouldnt buy up eveyrhting and jack the prices up on eveyrhting like rent and such because thats what they do….its pretty common sesne on what needs ot be done ehre they just refuse to do it..and they refuse to becasue it doesnt benefit them and takes their profits away..thats my thought on it otherwise theres no reason this stuff of obviousness doesnt get done..

  11. putting value in possessions is the most futlie thing to do..whos to say that painting doesnt get lit on fire tomorrow? there goes you 20k down the drain..Cash is King but then agian im not yet rich and Sorelle the doll here is but i wouldnt spend all my money on possesssion i find them pretty woirthless tbh..what one person values doesnt necessarily mean the nex tone does but eveyrone values cash ten dollar to me is ten to you.. but agian im nto rich..Sorelle likes art so she lieks to invest in it..but thinking about it so much id think is dumb..but damn shes hot. i like her wiht longer hair better but shes still smokin.

  12. so if a famous billionare freinds you on Fb wanting to sell crypto how do you know if it's actually them?

  13. Ah my dear, it is you who awakened me to the power of assets! I knew my I was getting richer because of owning real estate, but your videos encouraged me to take advantage of another shining opportunity. So glad that I did!

  14. Inflation? Seriously? Inflation is just the symptom that your children have been ripped off before they were even born. The thieves were the ones who spent that money and had more of it printed up so they could steal it and spend it. Look to Congress who passesd trillion dollar "COVID relief" scam bills that went directly into to the pockets of teachers unions and other leftist thieves who were lined up to participate in the grift.

  15. I am not sure when it happens, but there is a due date to this behavior. It’s not stable. The bubble has been deflated and reflated again time after time after time after time after time….. not doing anything during this recession will on grow the movement like Russia only grew the movement against a United Europe! I see this too much happening. And in the west people aren’t that stupid than in some developing countries.

    Don’t hate the player don’t hate the game….yeah I don’t know about this one. People at the bottom of the pyramid don’t see it this way and they don’t have to. Eventually they are with more. Mindlessly gaining and gaining in a game knowing others suffer is immoral, so is this wealth. Else I would like to add “ the rules of the game are only viable until the games breaks”. Taking it without shame or consequences because they are promised a part of the stuff is maybe a war thing, but again the system isn’t viable. You don’t have to be that smart to see the “end state” of a mathematically, economically and systematically, broken game. Now I am not implying anything….just saying the logic doesn’t add up.

    The governments changing the rules with an offset by means of taxing assets or wealth, limiting assets and limiting wealth based economic input, would be the most logical measures. where the last one will never happen, probably. And with economic input I mean based on what do you add to the “table” in the economy, like reaal added value. The first one is already tried a few times, but always declined, avoided (Panama papers, cayman island or Austria) or threatened to leave the country. Governments just need to grow spine and than just say ok leave but also leave your assets or something. They don’t feel it, they feel entitled, changed the rules or Avoided them in a morally gray area and keep changed the focus or even use their wealth as a power mechanism. In your analogy influencing the lessee equipped player by “bending” the rules. Still not be able to blame the players?!? They are the ones avoiding/dodging the rules. And the second one is sometimes done is a wat by limiting the asset use by adding preconditions for owing or managing the asset. Example having 20 houses as assets being empty or renting it to people. Sometimes houses are required to be lived in or only being able to have a max amount. Those empty New York luxury apartments, the China ghost cities and the empty burj kahlifa aren’t really adding anything for Society other than filling pockets for inevstors. It’s a spectrum. I don’t mind your having a second home or a third, but after 10 it becomes absurd and crooked. Dames holds for business power (the few wealthy monkeys 🐵 on the rock), political power (communism vs democracy with multiparty system), economical power (monopolies (the game dynamics are a good example)). Like you said if the top 10% lost half their wealth they wouldn’t even feel it yet are bending the rules again. Referring to the rules while they acquired it bending the rules already since day 1. This is just a moral question and issue. And depending on the economy state and the rich elites behavior if people will accept this or agree with. I see it as an arena like the colosseum. Where the rich play the game in the arena and take care of the entertainment with their businesses for fun. All the people clap or are celebrating their heroes. Until the equality goes sideways to a breaking point, where all the rules are broken. Money only rules the world when there is only more stability and equality to a certain skewed % of inequality.


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