
The world’s reaction to Israel’s ICJ case for war on Gaza | The Listening Post


The ICJ hearings have drawn scorn as well as shock from Israel’s media punditry. In the West, however, the case has emboldened journalists to ask tougher questions of the Israeli narrative.

Lead contributors:
Oren Ziv – Reporter, +972 Magazine
Mouin Rabbani – Co-editor, Jadaliyya
Selma Carmey – Human rights lawyer
Gideon Levy – Columnist, Haaretz
Daniel Levy – President, US/Middle East Project; Former Israeli political adviser

On our radar:
Australia’s public broadcaster- ABC – fired a radio host after she shared a report on Gaza’s humanitarian crisis to her social media. Meenakshi Ravi reports on a leak showing a pro-Israel pressure group may have been involved.

Feature: Top marks for Finland
Finland’s educational drive around media literacy offers a model for educators, broadcasters and countries around the world.

Feature contributors:
Leo Pekkala – Deputy director, National Audiovisual Institute
Mari Vesanummi – Media education producer, YLE
Valtteri Kela – Finnish language teacher, Helsinki French Finnish School
Valentina Uitto – History teacher, Helsinki French Finnish School

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world , The world’s reaction to Israel’s ICJ case for war on Gaza | The Listening Post , #worlds #reaction #Israels #ICJ #case #war #Gaza #Listening #Post
, Al Jazeera,Al Jazeera English,al Jazeera,al jazeera English,al jazeera live,al jazeera video,aljazeera English,aljazeera latest,aljazeera live,aljazeera live news,apartheid,gaza,gaza war,genocide,geopolitics,icj,israel,israeli,latest news,news headlines,palestine,palestinian,politics,un,united nations,war,war on gaza

23 pemikiran pada “The world’s reaction to Israel’s ICJ case for war on Gaza | The Listening Post”

  1. Nobody is above the law.
    This man is a maniac. He want to go to war with the world. Who he thinks he is he dont rule the world.
    Those who spoke in this way in history was totally defeated. We can see history repeating itself. They haven't felt the wrath of Almighty God yet to come.

  2. MY MOST FAVORITE PROGRAMME! By the way, the Finnish state media YLE itself is a Disinformation outlet. It convinces the public that the poor Israel is under attack by the terrorist Hamas from the south and Hezbollah from the north. It uses the phrase, “terrorist organisation Hamas”, even though Hamas did not come out of Palestine+Israeli territory to kill other country’s citizen.

  3. Nothing will Stop Us because we have the Support of the United States of America!!!
    So we can do what we want!!!

  4. Netanyahu must stand trial, Israel must stand trial and the West and all who or complicit should be held to account. Slim change in thin corrupt day and age..

  5. A once persecuted nation without a country of its own is now the aggressor and looking to starve an entire people. How does that make any sense. The citizens of Gaza are at the mercy of both, terrorist in their midst and their persecutors. Yet the world stands by, allowing this extermination to continue unabated. It looks like being the so-called chosen, gives them license to murder women and children. I say chosen to stand trial for their war crimes. If there is a God and he allows this, then I want to part of his plan. A murderous God. How holly. You can keep him and his chosen. I hope justice is swift and merciless when it comes to their punishment. The nations of the free world should see to it. Or humanity will never enjoy peace anywhere on the planet.

  6. In every social setting, a hierarchic order is established whereby a supreme commander takes responsibility for the "unknown". It is the fear of a potential threat that motivates a community to aggressively attack others, without fully understanding their values and motivations. I have seen the dire consequences of evil forces, and I don’t wish for anyone to whiteness such horrors. Commanders in chief on either side, please amass the courage to withstand the need to stay in power at all costs, it is detrimental. Live long and in coexistence.

  7. catar,nicaragua ,coreia do norte ,cuba ,turquia, irã,russia,venezuela siria = falso positivo ( Estados Parias ), Câncer Of The Earth

  8. I don't see the difference between he and Hitler. Turn Gaza into a giant ghetto and indiscriminate killing young , old, woman and children. Justify genocide by portraiting Palestinians as sub human. US is on the wrong side of history and it needs to fix it!

  9. Netanyahu should remember the Nuremberg Courts, which paved a way for the Israel's case against Germ,any. How ironic! Blinken betrayed the US face to the world. Great for Finland with iots education on social media literacy! What a fresh breeze of sanity!

  10. Son arrogance devrait être stoppée par l'ONU. Mais cet organisme est chapeauté par les USA et ne sert à rien !!!

  11. The Aussie reporter got canned for the disgusting remarks she made, Your just spouting what your terrorist supporters want, and South Africa needs to grow up

  12. One Holocaust does not justifies another Holocaust !!
    What Israel is doing in Gaza is an outright genocide


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