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world , The WORLD’S HARDEST Exam? , #WORLDS #HARDEST #Exam
, College,College admissons,student,high school,AP classes,Harvard,Ivy League,common app,Study,study tips

33 pemikiran pada “The WORLD’S HARDEST Exam?”

  1. Unpopular opinion: JEE and IIT are reasons for India's poverty and unemployment.

    Unlike the American education system which forces students to pursue innovation, entrepreneurship, and research.
    India's IIT and JEE force students to be rotten brains.

    If I'm wrong, ask yourself a question in the past 30 years how many Fortune 500 businesses have come out of Harvard and Stanford alone compared to all so-called "prestigious IITs"?

  2. Then why is china's infrastructure falling apart? Makes you wonder if their testing is just another facade.

  3. The Gaokao exam in China basically determines the rest of your life. If you get a good mark which is about 600(It’s out of 750), you can secure a spot in the best universities. There are 6 subject areas on the GaoKao, this includes Chinese, Foreign language(In most cases, it’s English) Math, Science or arts(history, geography, or politics) depending on what you choose. GaoKao is pretty much the only determining factor of college entrance

  4. The information isn’t taught in American high school, but it is in India. Also NEET exam in India is considered harder, as the competition for it and the cut off increases each year

  5. In jee we are just given 3 hours and we are not allowed to use calculator that makes it even more difficult !

  6. That's why it's funny when Americans complain, how unfair the SAT is, because they think mostly people with good tutor can score high scores, when it's not even compulsory, and when most colleges look for overall ECAs, or athleticism, which indians could only wish for.

  7. I ain’t even in high school, what should I do to have a shot at getting into a prestigious college? I am averaging a 4.0 GPA while also participating in 3 sports and being the president of my school

  8. Mahad let me correct you gaokao may be tougher by the competition..but by the difficulty of paper jee>>>>gaokao(jee is the toughest PCM based test in the world)…and yeah i have given both jee and the gaokao

  9. I always said the difficulty of an exam doesn't tell you how good of an education you have. Also how hard an exam is depends on the teacher preparing you.

  10. As someone who lived in India for six years, yes the exam is insanely difficult. Matter of fact, students in my own neighbourhood were studying at least 16 hours a day for it. I knew people who were solving many practice tests a day and studying heavily, but still could not make it. If you get good marks on this exam, you are ensured to earn both social praise and a high salary after college.


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