
The World’s First Cyber Weapon Attack on a Nuclear Plant


Stuxnet was a sophisticated cyber attack on an Iranian nuclear plant that may have changed the nature of warfare forever.

This episode of Cyberwar first aired on VICE TV in 2016.

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world , The World’s First Cyber Weapon Attack on a Nuclear Plant , #Worlds #Cyber #Weapon #Attack #Nuclear #Plant
, stuxnet,cyberwar,syver weapon,cyberwarfare,computer worm,The first known cyberweapon,code,machinery,war,nuclear plant,Israeli intelligence,Iranian nuclear program,computer systems,zero days,windows,sabotage operation,United States,israel,Operation Olympic Games,Obama,Bush,centrifuge,White House,Israeli Defense Forces,VICE News,VICE News Tonight,VICE on HBO,news,vice video,VICE on SHOWTIME,vice news 2023,uranium,isotopes,PLC,USB stick,internal network

46 pemikiran pada “The World’s First Cyber Weapon Attack on a Nuclear Plant”

  1. Glad that Vice reported on Stuxnet. I read books about it so many years ago. It’s amazing infosec history!

  2. So why would Chen and Symantec broadcast they found Stuxnet, determining it was a weapon and being used against Irans nuclear weapons program? Great they had the skill and fortitude to detect and decode, but why rat out the ‘rat’ being used against a larger rat?

  3. The Octopus Murders on Netflix certainly makes it seem like the Promis software scandal was the first cyber attack but, of course, no one wants the public to know about that one.

  4. Anyone notice how Vice has been cannibalizing their own stories and regurgitating them as "new" videos? I've seen several separate videos on this exact topic three other times. How the mighty have fallen.

  5. Why isn't America and Nato using cyber attack on Russian radars or anything that is killing Ukrainians? America could actually do it. I am sure America has powerful weapons in space orbiting earth that IF they use they can put Russia into ice age.

  6. The crazy thing is to think Iran will slow down their program by diplomatic negotiations. They will say yes and be ready to get all that money relieved by sanctions but it’s already been proves they did not stop enriching Uranium.

  7. China doesn’t understand that America invented the internet and cyberwar! They aught to F around and find out real quick!

  8. Does this makes anyone think what Isr@el has on the us@ ? I’m 99% sure that the states got played and now does t know how to get out with minimal damage

  9. What wrong has IRAN done to USA ??
    I have till date not understood this sworn enemy thing btw them??

    I don't think personally Iran has waged a war against USA 😢😢

  10. JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER—— America is in violation of the Symington Amendment by giving aid to Israel when they haven't signed the Nuclear NPT, and promote terrorism on Iran when they seek to develop their own energy program.


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