
The World with Yalda Hakim: Special programme on the Moscow concert attack


Sky’s Yalda Hakim presents a special programme after an attack at a concert hall in Russia.

On Friday night, gunmen opened fire on crowds at a concert hall in Krasnogorsk in the Moscow region, killing at least 133 and injuring more than 100.

Islamic State has said it was behind the attack, but the FSB says suspects had Ukrainian contacts and were attempting to flee over the border

#Russia #moscow #putin

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, moscow terror attack,moscow concert hall shooting,moscow concert shooting,shooting moscow concert,moscow theatre shooting,footage of moscow shooting,moscow shooting news,video of moscow shooting,moscow shooting,moscow shooting isis,moscow shooting today,isis moscow shootings,moscow,Sky,News,Sky News,Yalda Hakim,Putin,Ukraine,Terror,Special programme,Today,in,full

26 pemikiran pada “The World with Yalda Hakim: Special programme on the Moscow concert attack”

  1. Putin is lying to covered his atrocities in Ukrain. Accused Ukrain for did it. Absolutely absurd by murder Putin. This is Putin's agression to Ukrain Results. Putin should be removed from Russia rulings. Putin should be ashamed.

  2. It's odd how quickly the Russians found information on the location of the attackers and their plans, especially to implicate the Ukraine. Convenient????

  3. Putins mercenaries have been fighting in the Middle Rast I’m not surprised they have retaliated! I can really see a Jewish President working with Islam! How convenient for Putin?

  4. Sick how Western mass media focuses on Putin & the ISIS K Attack in Moscow while remaining silent on Russia's deadly Kinsal missiles and glide bombs now used by Russia to bomb Ukraine's major cities, terrorizing & killing civilians & destroying energy infrastructure. Western Mass Media continues to expose its pro-Russia position with its reporting focus. My heart breaks for the West's ongoing undermining & betrayal of the democratic Ukrainian State fighting for its very right to existence. As citizens we must hold our media and governments to account for supporting Russia, no matter how covertly they do this.

  5. I find it incredible that Dominic Waghorn can openly say that he believes Russia allowed this attack to happen in pursuit of its own propaganda against Ukraine. (which may be true, I don't know)
    But, if anyone even suggests anything remotely similar about Israel towards the October 7th attacks, then they are accused of being antisemitic and are vehemently rebuked. In fact wasn't that the reason Labour had no candidate in the Rochdale by election?

    We're allowed to have that debate when it's about Russia, but wo betide anyone that asks the same question about Israel. (I don't think Israel did allow the massacre to happen but I still think as a democracy people can ask that question without being afraid of being labelled an antisemite).

  6. Must have been hundreds of. Blue lights going and many. many security forces… How the hell did these attackers manage to get away from the building ….. ????????? Putin is such an untrustworthy. person and a liar .

  7. The West has exhibited a remarkable degree of tolerance towards Russia across numerous facets, enabling Russia to assert audacious statements suggesting the allowance for their president to dismantle entire nations with impunity—an intolerable stance that must cease immediately, as the West is not the sole possessor of nuclear weaponry, and thus cannot afford to overlook or underestimate the potential ramifications of such brazen threats to global stability and security.

  8. Is it worth talking to Russian politicians anymore?, it appears all the rational people of the Russian government have long gone out of the 🪟. Only the crazy hypocrites remain

  9. Why is this Russian woman Natalia saying there was no warning when there was an international public warning? I read/heard it myself! I doubt that Sky News will use her again.

  10. 22:43 how this Kira Rudik knows what SBU Budanov trained by CIA and MI6 could have or not done???? and again, "everybody knows about russian propaganda" narratives already abhoring. look at their myrotworets site and judge yourself what ukronazi regime is doing as we speak

  11. Isn’t it time the whole of the west who support Ukraine started an information war trying to inform Russians just how Pootin has lied and let the public done, time and time again, let them know the US told Pootin what was being planned.

  12. Strange Pootin didn’t know or take measures against attack, after the US made it it public, but lots of information about how they managed to drive over 6 hours to a town still 100 km from Ukraine border and knew about a window to cross, so many lies as usual, scared coward Pootin failed again.!!!!!

  13. US was always saying they were also crushing ISIS but ISIS did not attack US. oh, wait! US created and funded ISIS!!
    so US paid to ISIS for the statement to let the propaganda frensy unleashed.


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