
The world where strange things happen but are kept hidden from women😨 #movie #series


The world where strange things happen but are kept hidden from women😨 #movie #series

world , The world where strange things happen but are kept hidden from women😨 #movie #series , #world #strange #happen #hidden #women #movie #series
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27 pemikiran pada “The world where strange things happen but are kept hidden from women😨 #movie #series”

  1. Lady really embarked on a rescue mission with just her pocket and the fine dress? 🤔
    Not exactly the Lara Croft of the situation.

  2. I feel like im the only one with this opinion , but I found going back to SNL corny as hell. He was made famous thru real comedy fans that supported him now he goes back to the normies and wine moms to get support from the same type of people that canceled him.

  3. What kind of movie idea is this bro, what studio makes this types of movies 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  4. Dude lemme guess, this movie is about how men keep some crazy secrets from women to hold them down in life so that they can't reach there full potential and in the end of the movie they conclude how women never needed men to survive even though that's complete bollocks, women would literally still be stuck in the stone age right now if it wasn't for men,
    Feminist are literally ruining this country and absolutely everything in it's back bone and design.
    I heard a woman say the other day that the lioness goes and hunts for the food while the male lion stays back to protect the cubs.
    1st off (they are not humans 😂)
    2nd off (that's literally the human male equivalent to saying go make me A sandwich 😂).

  5. Hollywood, empowering women by portraying women as dumb. Let's walk in the desert with no provision, with at least a mile in a general direction behind a mountain? Okay, sounds like a great idea.

  6. This movie was pretty entertaining until the final third or quarter of the movie when it basically admits that this movie is just trying to say "Canadian lobster man bad." Such cringe. Florence Pugh is a gem in basically everything she's in, though.

  7. For those of you who didn’t see the movie, she’s basically living in perfect land in the middle of the dessert. She thought things were weird and was looking for answers. A crashing airplane is def weird


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